Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Milwaukee Family Ceremonies

Brief descriptions, in chronological order, of known Milwaukee Family induction ceremonies under Frank Balistrieri's leadership.

Dates are approximate and usually indicate when news of the induction was first reported to LE, not necessarily when the ceremony itself took place.


c. February / March 1963

Location: Residence of Joseph Balistrieri (7807 Santa Monica Blvd; Fox Point, WI)

- Frank Balistrieri (44y) (Boss) (Died 1993) [Son to Joseph]
- Others
P. Balistrieri (L) and S. DeSalvo (R)
Members Inducted:
- Peter Balistrieri (43y) (Died 1997)
- Steve DeSalvo (44y) (Died 1990)

Joseph Balistrieri (1894-1971) was Frank Balistrieri's father and a longtime Milwaukee member.

c. April 1963

Location: Basement of Alioto's Restaurant (Highway 100; Milwaukee)

- Frank Balistrieri (44y) (Boss) (Died 1993)
- Others
L to R: A. Albana; H. D'Angelo; B. DiSalvo; D. Principe
 Members Inducted:
- Albert 'Cadillac Al' Albana (62y) (Died 1977)
- Harry D'Angelo (54y) (Died 1991)
- Benedetto 'Benny' DiSalvo (46y) (Died 2009)
- Dominic 'Pops' Principe (50y) (Died 1970)

Alioto's Restaurant was owned by John Alioto, Former Milwaukee Boss and Frank Balistrieri's father-in-law.


Possible Ceremony (Summer 1963)

- Frank Balistrieri (45y) (Boss) (Died 1993)
- Others?

Members Possibly Inducted:
- Angelo Alioto (39y) (Died 2011)

In August 1964 an FBI CI (likely Maniaci) stated that Alioto was 'definitely not' a member. The previous year it was reported that Alioto had been 'taken in' after the death of his brother Joseph, but this same report misidentifies others as made. He is also absent from Federal membership charts compiled in 1985 and 1993.


Possible Ceremony (c. Summer 1970?)

- Frank Balistrieri (52y) (Boss) (Died 1993)
- Others

Members Inducted:
- Walter 'Blackie' Brocca (55y) (Died 1995)
- Joseph Enea (38y) (Died 1976) [Sponsored by G. Spera]
- James 'Jimmy' Jennaro (39y) (Died 2003)
- Rudolph Porchetta (55y) (Died 2009)

In the first half of 1968 an FBI member source named the above four as proposed associates who were expected to be inducted shortly.

On December 3, 1968 FBI CI reported: "[CI] advised that the present rumor concerning the 'making' of four new LCN members is that the initiation will take place at 'The Pub', 724 North Water Street on the opening night of the club. It is noted 'The Pub' is being built by Frank Balistrieri, Milwaukee LCN Boss. The four proposed LCN members who will be 'made' at this time are Walter Brocca, [Redacted; Joseph Enea, James Jennaro, Rudolph Porchetta]."

On January 30, 1969 FBI CI reported: "[CI] advised that according to LCN member [Redacted], Frank Balistrieri expects to open his new nightclub at 722 North Water Street on 2/15/1969 and is planning a party for 2/14/1969, at which time all the husbands and wives of the Milwaukee LCN members will be invited. [CI] strongly suspects that in conjunction with this party the LCN members will retire to another room and at that time an initiation will be held for Walter Brocca, [Redacted; Joseph Enea, James Jennaro and Rudolph Porchetta] and they will be taken in as members of the Milwaukee LCN Family. [CI] advised that an effort to make the party look like it was legitimate would include an appearance by two Vice Squad Sergeants from the Milwaukee Police Department."

On February 12, 1969 FBI CI reported: "[CI] advised that The Pub, 722 North Water Street, which was expected to open 2/14/1969 probably would not do so because of problems with the building inspectors. Further, [CI] advised that in view of this, it would appear the initiation of Brocca, [Jennaro, Porchetta] and [Enea] into the Milwaukee LCN Family would be delayed."

On August 12, 1970 FBI CI reported: "...Re any current members of the LCN, [CI] provided the following names: [Redacted]; Joe Enea; Walter Brocca, aka Walter Blackie; [Redacted]; [Redacted] (ph)...[CI] further advised that the membership for the LCN is now closed, but Frank Balistrieri has a number of 'young Italians' that frequent his presence. [CI] advised the owner of [Redacted] is not a member of the LCN, but is seeking membership."

In February 1987 an FBI informant referred to 'a number of older LCN members, i.e. Benny DiSalvo and Walter Brocca' frequenting a restaurant on Brady Street.

None of the group is included in the Federal membership charts from 1985 / 1993.


c. Early-to-Mid 1970s
Members Inducted:
- Salvatore 'Sam' Cefalu (60y) (Died 1983)

Cefalu, identified by informant(s) in the 1960s as a Family associate involved in gambling, was listed as an LCN member in a January 1976 FBI report.

If the above ceremony involving Brocca and the others was carried out, Cefalu might have been an additional inductee.


c. May 1984
John (L) and Joseph Balistrieri (R)

Members Inducted:
- John Balistrieri (35y) (Died 2024)
- Joseph 'Joey Bal' Balistrieri (43y) (Died 2010)

This ceremony was reported to have been held between the Balistrieri family's April 1984 attempted extortion conviction and late May 1984, when Frank Balistrieri was sentenced.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Joseph Marinelli (Rockford)

Joseph 'Gramps' Marinelli was a member of the Rockford Family.

Born January 14, 1918 in Rockford, Illinois to Ambrosio (54y) and Rose Paci (40y). Family from Ferentino comune of Frosinone, Lazio.

By Fall 1930 the Marinellis were living at 812 Ferguson St. Ambrose worked in a machine shop.

By April 1940 resided at 2626 Knight Ave.

Later that year Marinelli listed his address approximately fifteen miles north at 814 Broad St in Beloit, Wisconsin, located right at the border with Illinois. Operated the Olympia Bakery at 924 Pleasant.

From April 1943 to November 1945 served in US Army.
Following his discharge from the army he was back in Rockford, first at 632 Cunningham St then, by early 1950, on Island Ave. Gave occupation as salesman for a collection company.

Marinelli was inducted into the Rockford Family, headed by Tony Musso, around the mid-1950s.

Joseph Zammuto was named Boss following Musso's death in 1958.

On June 22, 1963 arrested by Rockford PD.

On November 25, 1964 FBI CI, a Soldier in the Milwaukee Family, was contacted regarding activities in Rockford: "...Prior to interview of [CI] by [SAs], recent reports on Frank Buscemi and Joseph Zammuto furnished by Chicago were reviewed and names were selected therefrom for the purpose of stimulating [CI]'s recollections regarding the LCN Family in Rockford...Joseph 'Gramps' Marinelli - [CI] said Marinelli was a member of LCN, Rockford and was made while Tony Musso was Boss - perhaps ten years ago. He is a man in his 50s, and he runs around the country a lot and has been a siding salesman." Around that time Marinelli was designated the subject of an FBI anti-racketeering investigation.

The Rockford Family was believed to number around twenty members.

Aside from Marinelli, confirmed members were all Sicilian, primarily from Agrigento and Palermo provinces.

Known members circa January 1966 included:
  1. Boss: Joseph Zammuto (1896-1990) [Aragona, Agrigento]
  2. Underboss: Frank Buscemi (1911-1987) [Aragona]
  3. Consigliere: Joseph 'Diamond Joe' Zito (1906-1981) [San Giuseppe Jato, Palermo]
  4. Captain: Lorenzo Buttice (1892-1967) [Aragona]
  5. Anthony Basile (1908-1977) [San Giuseppe Jato]
  6. Filippo Caltagerone (1895-1971) [Aragona]
  7. Philip Cannella (1914-1971) [Villafranca Sicula, Agrigento]
  8. Al Cicero (1906-1994) [Sambuca di Sicilia, Agrigento]
  9. Frank Correnti (1911-1985) [Linguaglossa, Catania]
  10. Philip 'The Tailor' Emordeno (1911-1981) [San Giuseppe Jato]
  11. Sebastian 'Knobby' Gulotta (1930-2000) [Sambuca di Sicilia]
  12. Joseph Maggio (1936-1980) [Sambuca di Sicilia]
  13. Joseph 'Gramps' Marinelli (1918-1980) [Frosinone, Lazio]
  14. Salvatore 'Sam' Oliveri (1895-1969) [Corleone, Palermo]
  15. Philip Priola (1907-1987) [Ficarazzi, Palermo]
  16. Charles Vince (1907-1994) [Camporeale, Palermo]
On August 31, 1967 included in the FBI's list of 17 identified Rockford Family members. 6 deceased members also identified. (Jasper Calo, included in the list of living members, is believed to have transferred to a Family in Sicily by this time.)

On December 17, 1968 FBI CI (Milwaukee Member) reported: "[TE] advised he had received information from friends in Rockford, Illinois that the members of the Rockford LCN Family had received subpoenas to testify before a Federal Grand Jury at Freeport, Illinois. Receipt of these subpoenas has the Rockford LCN Family 'shook up'. TE expects to visit Rockford over weekend. Any information developed by TE will be forwarded."

On December 20, 1968 among nine who appeared before the FGJ. Those called to testify in addition to Marinelli were Boss Joseph Zammuto, Underboss Frank Buscemi, Captain Charles Vince and Soldiers Philip Cannella, Al Cicero, Frank Correnti, Joseph Maggio and Philip Priola.

On February 27, 1969 FBI CI (Milwaukee Member) reported:
On 2/23/1969, [CI] was visited by Nick Gentile, a former Milwaukee hoodlum, not an LCN member, who is now working for Foreman Brothers selling siding in the Beloit, Wisconsin area. Gentile told him that he received a telephone call in [Beloit] on 2/21/1969 from a Joe Roberts. Roberts is employed also in the siding business and was working in the Beloit area for the Jarvis Enterprises, Inc., whose offices are located in Rockford, Illinois. Roberts told him during the phone call he would give Gentile five days to get out of Beloit. According to Gentile, Roberts 'shot off his mouth' that Gentile may have Frank Balistrieri in Milwaukee, but he had more powerful friends in Rockford.

On 2/24/69 [CI] called Roberts and asked him what the story was in connection with his telephone call to Nick Gentile. [CI] said that he knew Roberts from the past, and Roberts told him he would drop the whole matter.

On 2/25/1969, [CI] received a telephone call from Knobby Gulotta, LCN member of the Rockford, Illinois Family. Gulotta said he understood Joe Roberts was in trouble in Beloit, WI and he either wanted to come to Milwaukee or wanted [CI] to come to Rockford to straighten the matter out. [CI] told him he did not think he should come to Rockford unless he was given authority to do so. On 2/26/1969, [CI] received a call from Charley Vince, LCN member of the Rockford Family, who told [CI] it would be permissible for him to come to Rockford. [CI] then made arrangements to meet both Vince and Gulotta in Rockford on 3/2/1969. [CI] said he recalled Joe Roberts was in the past a close friend of Joseph 'Gramps' Marinelli of the Rockford LCN Family, and if [CI] was correct, had in the past worked with Marinelli. [CI] did not know if Roberts was presently working for or closely associated with Marinelli.

On March 13, 1969 FBI CI reported:
[CI] said he went to Rockford, Illinois over the weekend of 3/1-2/1969 for the purpose of straightening out the incident involving Joe Roberts and Nick Gentile, which possibly involved the Rockford LCN Family. On 3/2/69, [CI] met with Frank Buscemi, Underboss of the Rockford LCN Family, and Charley Vince, Rockford LCN Member.

...Buscemi made the statement that as of the present time the entire Rockford LCN Family is experiencing a great deal of trouble. The entire membership has been forced to testify before a Federal Grand Jury, and they feel they will all have to go to Chicago to continue their testimony before the Grand Jury. He said the Federal and local authorities have been exerting tremendous pressure on many of the operations connected with the Rockford Family to the point where they are not able to make any move without being under the scrutiny of the authorities. In view of this added pressure, Buscemi said he wants no incidents to take place and was extremely upset at the possibility there was some possible 'muscle action' being exerted by Joe Roberts in connection with Nick Gentile. Buscemi said he wanted this matter to be straightened out completely, and later on that same day he was arranging with [CI] to meet personally with Roberts so this problem could be solved.

Before leaving, Buscemi told him if Joe Marinelli should come to Milwaukee, [CI] was to give him nothing, show him no respect, and make no effort to have any contact with him. Buscemi gave no reason for his instructions re Marinelli, but [CI] was of the opinion any individual who is treated in this manner is in bad straits with the LCN Family, and in many instances, many individuals who received this type of treatment are possibly set up for a 'hit'. [CI] commented the possibility existed Marinelli may have been suspected of talking to the Grand Jury about LCN matters.

...[CI] said he received the impression through the above meeting that everyone in the Rockford LCN Family is upset at the recent action by the Federal Grand Jury in that the pressure exerted by the Federal and local authorities has brought their gambling and other illegal activities to a standstill in Rockford.

On July 15, 1976 among nine indicted by the US Attorney's Office in Illinois on mail and wire fraud related charges.

In January 1976 FBI reported: "The Rockford Family of the LCN continues as a separate entity with closer ties to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Springfield, Illinois than Chicago. The Chicago Family has virtually no influence in Rockford. Joseph Zammuto continues as Boss with Frank J. Buscemi as Underboss. This Family is relatively inactive having a membership of about fourteen persons. They exert little, if any, influence on the political, judicial or economic affairs in Rockford. There is some involvement with gambling activities in the area, however, this Family has elected to remain passive and uninvolved, being content to avoid publicity and exposure." (This was repeated verbatim in a report the following year.)

Marinelli died June 5, 1980.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Bartolo Ferrigno (Colombo)

Bartolo Ferrigno was a suspected member of the Colombo Family.

His older brother Stefano aka Steve (1900-1930) was murdered alongside Gambino Boss Manfredi Mineo during the Castellammarese War.

Bartolo was born November 1, 1903 in Palermo, Sicily to Gaetano and Santa Schiro.

Around 1914 he immigrated to the United States.

On January 11, 1927 arrested by the NYPD's 6th Squad in Manhattan on an extortion charge. The case was dismissed two weeks later.

On October 12, 1929 married Maria Piazza (22y) in Brooklyn. Witnesses were Antonino Zito and Rose Cosenza. The bride, whose father Antonio (1881-1968) was also from Palermo, resided at 1778 63rd St in Bensonhurst.

On May 13, 1930 arrested by the NYPD's 82nd Precinct in Brooklyn on charges of felonious assault and criminal possession of a weapon (revolver). On June 1, 1930 discharged by 9th Court Judge Walsh.

On November 5, 1930 Ferrigno's brother Steve, along with Gambino Boss Manfredi Mineo, was shot to death in The Bronx as part of the Castellammare War. The hit team were members of the rebel faction aligned against Genovese Boss (and the Boss of Bosses) Giuseppe Masseria. (Bartolo was likely already a made member, although it's not known for certain if he started out with the Colombo Family. He may have transferred [from the Gambinos?] at some point after his brother's murder.)

By 1935 Bartolo resided his wife and her family at 1778 63rd St. He worked for the Imperial Meat Market at 182 1st Ave in Manhattan's East Village.

On September 23, 1938 arrested in Manhattan on an extortion charge. County Court Judge Brancato dismissed the case two years later.

By April 1940 the Ferrignos had moved a few doors down to 1756 63rd St. Bartolo listed his occupation as chauffeur.

As of February 1942 he claimed employment with 'Piazzo' at the family's previous address of 1778 63rd.

On September 21, 1944 arrested, along with Vito Scaminaci (26y), by the NYPD for illegal possession of approximately 350,000 food ration stamps. The pair were transferred into Federal custody and charged with violating the Second War Powers Act. Case subsequently dismissed. (Vito Joseph Scaminaci [1917-1979] was a butcher from East Village. Parents Alfred and Calogera Cucchiara were from Marsala, Trapani and Sciacca, Agrigento respectively.)

Ferrigno's final arrest came on February 20, 1951, when he was indicted by the US Attorney's Office in Manhattan on a heroin charge. Case believed dismissed.

FBN Mafia Book
Around 1960 the Federal Bureau of Narcotics compiled a Mafia Book profiling approximately 800 subjects, including Ferrigno. His entry noted: "A trusted member of the Mafia for many years. Former partner in illicit enterprises with East Harlem narcotic violators Benny Coniglio & Salvatore Caneba."

On November 8, 1962 naturalized in District Court Brooklyn.

In early February 1963 designated the subject of an FBI anti-racketeering investigation.

On May 20, 1963 the FBI's New York Office reported: "During the period 7/17/1962 - 9/7/1962, PCI Joseph Valachi was interrogated by Federal Bureau of Narcotics agents prior to interview by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents. During the above period, Valachi allegedly told [the FBN that] Bartolo Ferrigno was a member of the Joseph Profaci Family. [FBI CI Gregory Scarpa] advised on 3/6/1963, Ferrigno was not a member of this Family as he did not know him. It is noted [CI Scarpa] states that although he does not know all members of the Family by name, he would recognize a photograph of anyone within that Family. PCI Valachi was recontacted on 4/6/1963, concerning Ferrigno and he stated that although the photograph appears familiar, he can't recall naming this individual as a 'button' in La Cosa Nostra. Inasmuch as there is no basis for placing Ferrigno in LCN, no further investigation is being conducted." (Valachi was part of the hit team that carried out the murder of Ferrigno's brother in 1930. Regarding CI Scarpa's claimed familiarity with everyone in the Colombo Family, there were multiple individuals he later identified whose membership had previously been unknown to him, i.e. Robert Barbieri, Nicolo Failla and Frank Musacchio.)

G. Scarpulla
FBN Mafia Book

In August 1963 FBI reported: "Ferrigno owner of Imperial Meat Market, 182 1st Ave...entered US as stowaway 4/1/1942, narcotics dealer and associate of Jack Scarpulla and 1st Ave, 12th St, group of Mafia." (Giacomo 'Jack' Scarpulla [1900-1971] was a Gambino Soldier and later Acting Captain who, like Ferrigno, hailed from Palermo and worked as a butcher in Brooklyn. His brother-in-law David 'Papa Dave' Amodeo was a Gambino Captain in the Bronx. Additional in-laws included the Scalise family.)

Aside from his inclusion on a photo chart utilized during the Valachi hearings later that year, Ferrigno appears to have remained off the radar for the next decade.

On May 14, 1974 CW Joseph Thomas Zito, formerly affiliated with the Bufalino Family, was interviewed by the FBI at the office of the EDNY's Organized Crime Strike Force in Brooklyn: "...His uncle, Bartolo Ferrigno, aka Vartolo, is a member of the Colombo Family. Bartolo Ferrigno is 65 to 75 years old, about 5'11", slender build, and his wife is deceased. He has no children. Bartolo Ferrigno, in his retirement from the Colombo Family, receives a salary from that Family of $150 a week. Zito said that he discussed salary of made guys with [Redacted] at one time and [Redacted] complained the $150 a week Ferrigno got was not enough. Ferrigno resides in Brooklyn. At one time, he had a no-show job in a butcher shop at 1st Ave and 69th Street, NYC, when he was on parole. [Redacted] and Ferrigno used to go to a sandwich shop in the area where they could get special Italian sandwiches. Bartolo's brother, Steve Ferrigno, was the Underboss to [Redacted] aka [Redacted]. Steve Ferrigno was killed in 1930 in the Pelham Parkway area of the Bronx, possibly by Joseph Valachi." (Details provided by Zito on Ferrigno's blood family were incorrect; his wife was still living at the time and the couple had a son.)

On July 19, 1974 agents visited the Ferrigno residence seeking an interview: "His apartment was located on the second floor left hand side. A woman identifying herself as [Redacted] the landlady, said Ferrigno and his wife were on vacation."

On January 6, 1975 Ferrigno was located and questioned: "Ferrigno was advised allegations had been made that he was a 'connected guy'. He denied being connected and said he had been arrested in the past but that was all a mistake. He said he had never been convicted. He said that his brother Steve had been killed in the Bronx in the thirties but that was 40 years in the past. Ferrigno stated that he is retired having formerly been a butcher at 11th St and 1st Ave, Manhattan. He was born in Palermo, Sicily, having come to this country when he was 11 years old. He grew up in Brooklyn. He has been married 45 years and has lived on the same block all that time. His sister-in-law, Mrs. Piazza, owns the apartment house he now lives in. Ferrigno said he has a son [who] lives in Staten Island and is a broker on Wall Street...Ferrigno says that he is bothered by rheumatism and has difficulty sleeping but otherwise he is in good health."

This interview is the last time Ferrigno shows up in currently available documents. He died in October 1985.

Friday, September 20, 2024


The Anthony Mangione entry has been updated with additional notes on Mangione's phone contacts as well as the identification of Joseph Gentile, of Vancouver, as a former Los Angeles Family member.

Monday, September 16, 2024


2. Updated Post: Gambino Family Ceremonies (1970s) - Added Salvatore Spatola (inducted in 1976).

Alfred Embarrato Crew (Mid-1987)

A. Embarrato
On August 17, 1987 an FBI source identified multiple Bonanno Captains and provided a breakdown of their respective crews.

The initial report is redacted in its entirety, but a follow up airtel presumably references the CI's information when naming Alfred 'Al Walker' Embarrato as a Captain and listing seven Soldiers in his crew.

L to R: Episcopia, Mauro, Mistretta, Sabella
Govt Photos / Press

Those named were:

1. [Redacted] [Report notes: "Currently resides in [redacted]."]

2. Russell Mauro [Report notes: "Ex-Bonanno Capo involved in loansharking, gambling, narcotics. Narcotics user, frequents the Backyard Restaurant, Dry Harbor Road, Queens, New York of which he is part owner."]
(Both Frank Lino and Salvatore Vitale named Mauro as a member of their crews at some point in the mid-to-late 1980s. Mauro was inducted into the Family around Spring 1978 and acted as one of the shooters in Galante's murder the following year. He was himself shot to death in 1991.)

3. [Redacted]

4. James 'Jimmy Legs' Episcopia [Report notes: "Presently serving 5 year sentence, US Medical Center for Federal Prisoners, Springfield, Missouri. Incarceration date 1/6/87, conditional release date 1990. Maximum expiration date 1992. Charge: Conspiracy to Distribute Methaqualone."]
(Episcopia, the crew's former Captain, was inducted as part of the Bonanno Family's first wave of early 1976. He died in 1997.)

5. Frank 'Cheesecake' Mistretta [Report noted: "Retired, Inactive. Approached by federal Agents for Cooperation. Uncooperative."]
(Born in Castellammare del Golfo, Mistretta was likely inducted after his release from Greenhaven Prison around the early-to-mid 1950s. A robbery conviction in 1956 put him back behind bars until 1970. He died in 2009.)

6. Michael Sabella [Report noted: "Named in EDNY Civil RICO case. Health Problems. Owner of Casa Bella Restaurant in Little Italy."]
(Sabella was made a Captain around the mid-1950s and then demoted for his behavior during the mid-late 1960s Bonanno conflict. Reinstated as a Captain by the summer of 1977, he lost the spot again after Galante's murder and subsequent Family restructuring. He died in 1988.)

7. [Redacted]

Within a couple of years this crew appears to have been broken up and split among the other Captains. Embarrato and Mauro were assigned to James 'Big Lou' Tartaglione and Salvatore Vitale respectively.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Joseph Miranda (DeCavalcante)

Joseph Miranda was the Underboss of the DeCavalcante Family and briefly served as the Family's Acting Boss in the mid-2000s.

Born December 7, 1923 in Lodi, New Jersey to Joseph (47y), a pool room operator, and Paola Speciale. Family from Partinico comune of Palermo, Sicily.

By April 1930 the Mirandas had moved to Manhattan's Upper East Side, residing in a tenement building at 1486 2nd Ave.

In August 1932 the elder Joseph Miranda died in what the New York Daily News called a fire 'of suspicious origin' that broke out in an apartment building two blocks south at 330 East 76th St. (Across the street was 311 E 76th, an address linked to the Arcuris and Giacobbes of the Gambinos and DeCavalcantes respectively, also site of the Victory Star Social Club frequented by members from both Families. In later years Gambino Captain Joseph Arcuri served as liaison between the two.)

By April 1940 the Mirandas were living a few doors down at 342 E 76th.

Joseph attended Public School 30 located on 88th St. FBI later reported: "[Miranda] was characterized by the teachers as being indifferent to studies, irregular in attendance, and frequently disorderly in class. The teachers said that he desired to gain the reputation as a 'tough guy'. Although he was estimated to be of high average intelligence, he had to repeat four grades in school [and he] failed to complete 8th grade." Subsequently attended Murray Hill Vocational High School for two months and Metropolitan High School for three weeks.

His first arrest came on September 13, 1940, when he was picked up by the NYPD's 19th Squad in Manhattan on charges of felonious assault and attempted extortion (coercion) charges. Around July 31, 1942 convicted and given an indefinite term at the NYC Reformatory. Paroled May 25, 1943.

On February 11, 1944 arrested by the 23rd Precinct in Manhattan on burglary and grand larceny (auto) charges. Around March 17/20 convicted on a final charge of grand larceny, given a suspended sentence, then returned to the Reformatory for parole violation. Paroled April 17 of the following year.

Another arrest by the 19th Squad on April 11, 1946 was dismissed the same day.

Miranda was then working as a presser with Judy Sportswear at 558 8th Ave in Midtown.

On June 29, 1946 married Marie Panzica (23y) in Manhattan. Bride's father believed from Lercara Friddi in Palermo.

By Fall 1947 they resided at 400 E 78th St on the Upper East Side.

On October 17 Joseph was arrested at his residence by Agents with the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and charged with possessing 247 grains (1/2 to 3/4 ounce) of heroin. Released on bail three days later.

Around January 15, 1948 convicted on possession and sentenced to ninety days imprisonment at FCI Danbury, Connecticut. Released April 17.

By 1949 listed occupation as presser with R & B Manufacturing Company at 246 West 26th St in Chelsea.

By April 1950 worked as bartender at an unspecified bar and grill.

On July 6, 1950 Miranda and Henry Svec (26y) were picked up by the 18th Squad on grand larceny charges for looting subway coin boxes. Around February 7, 1951 pleaded guilty on final charge petit larceny and given an indefinite term at Rikers Island Penitentiary. (The prior year Svec was hit in the neck by a 'sniper's bullet' while walking along E 72nd.)

An October 1950 arrest for grand larceny (from truck) was dismissed the following month.

On February 8, 1951 received at Rikers Island Penitentiary to serve the indefinite sentence for petit larceny.

Miranda was associated with the DeCavalcante Family by 1957.

L. LaRasso
Source: FBN Mafia Book

From June to October of that year, eleven phone calls were placed between his Manhattan apartment and the Linden, New Jersey residence of Family Underboss (Captain?) Louis LaRasso. (The latter was apprehended at the Apalachin meeting that November.)

Miranda was affiliated with the Family's Manhattan - Queens faction, which included Anthony Carubia, Pietro Galletta, Joseph Lolordo, father and son Lorenzo and Joseph Giacobbe as well as Lorenzo's younger brother Emanuel, a suspected member who later returned to Sicily. (Aside from Miranda, all listed were from Ribera in Agrigento.)

On December 21, 1962 arrested by the NYPD's 5th Squad in Manhattan on a burglary charge. On July 19, 1963 given suspended sentence.

By then the Mirandas had moved about fifty miles north of the city to Marlboro, New York, residing first on North and then Ridge Roads.

J. LaMela (7/63)
He listed his occupation as a driver for LaMela Sanitation Service, a local company operated by DeCavalcante Soldier John LaMela and whose officers included Ulster County District Attorney Joseph Torraca. (Miranda's son Anthony later worked for the company as well. LaMela's own sons, Felice and Nick, were DeCavalcante Associates inducted some time after the books opened in 1976.)

On February 7, 1964 Miranda and LaMela were among those who attended the funeral of DeCavalcante Boss Nicholas Delmore in Elizabeth, New Jersey.

S. DeCavalcante (1960s)
It was through FBI bugging of Delmore's successor, Simone 'Sam' DeCavalcante, that Joseph Miranda's association with the Family became known.

On February 17, 1965 DeCavalcante was visited in Kenilworth by his cousin, Associate Robert 'Bobby Basile' Occhipinti. The discussion was recorded and included references to a situation in Newburgh, New York:
Sam: Before I forget - who would you suggest to send down there?

Bob: Send down where, Sam? Newburgh?

Sam: Newburgh. Somebody needs to be shown a lesson, .....

Bob: We were discussing this last night.

Sam: With who?

Bob: With
[DeCav Captain] Frank (Cocchiaro).

Sam: It's the guy that - his name is Gus (Ph.)

Bob: Is he with
[Genovese Soldier] Frank Casino (Francesco Cucola) this guy?

Sam: No, he's an outsider.

Bob: Well, why can't John La Mala (Ph.) (LaMela) handle it himself?

Sam: John is known over there. He hasn't got no boys to send.

Bob: Well, how about those tough sons he's got?

Sam: They know the guy!

Bob: All right. Then we'll send two guys up there.

Sam: You may need three. This guy's a big guy.

Bob: All right. I'll send four.

Sam: Send three guys. You only need one guy to look the situation over. Then meet with Joe (LNU) tonight at the club to make the appointment.

Bob: Well, see now. You don't give me enough time. 'Cause I can't reach these kids now. These kids work at night.

Sam: Well, tell Frank - then get these kids.

Bob: All right.

Sam: And you have to see Joe anyhow - Miranda (Ph.)

Bob: That's taken care of - next?


R. Farone (L) and U. Gallo (R)
Five days later Occhipinti was recorded giving an update on the situation:
Bob: I was with Rudy (LNU) [Farone] and Vaddo (ph) [Umberto Gallo] yesterday. They went down as per instructions. They met Larry (LNU) [Schiro?]. We went to see Joe Miranda. They don't know nothing. (Reference probably to Newburgh matter mentioned in reairtel.)

Sam: Joe Miranda doesn't know nothing?

Bob: No. So finally about 3/4 of an hour later, Joe Miranda says, 'Ah it must be about that guy up there that put a hole in the radiator.' He said, 'Well, they don't know if the guy did it or not. But somebody's gotta be taught a lesson up there...' So these kids are starting to feel like they're real cetruls (lit. cucumber - i.e. fools) So Rudy says, 'Well, look, meet me up there. Take us in and take us out. Whatever you want done, we'll do it. Take us in and take us out and forget the whole thing.' (Joe said) 'Why can't you go up on your own?' The kid says, 'Who the hell knows anything up there? Are you crazy?' But, Sam what's the matter with these guys?

Sam: Where's Larry at?

Bob: Larry was there. So Larry told the boys, 'All right, forget about it. When it's ready I'll let you know.' So the kids are raising a little bit of an objection. They said, 'Bob, if anything has to be done, we're here. But it's like this other thing...'

Sam: Call Joe Miranda and Larry. I want to see them. This stuff has got to stop!

Bob: Call Larry -- not Joe Miranda. Where are you gonna get with Joe Miranda? Other than that...


Three days later a member of the NYPD's Bureau of Criminal Investigation advised the FBI's New York Office: "[Joseph] Miranda is known to him as an employee of John La Mela and a small-time burglar."

On May 3, 1965 a wedding reception for the daughter of DeCav Underboss Frank Majuri was held in Newark. Attendees included John LaMela and Joseph Miranda, brothers Accursio and Lorenzo Marsala, both suspected members, and DeCav Associate Larry 'Shorty' Schiro.

On September 12, 1965 Sam DeCavalcante and 'many of his associates', including Miranda, were observed at another wedding reception in Newark.

On September 28, 1965 Milton, New York's Justice of the Peace Patrick Mataraza was interviewed by the FBI: "[He advised] he has known Joseph Miranda as a fellow townsman for several years and it is his understanding that Miranda is currently employed as a bartender in New York City, exact location unknown."

On July 30, 1966 Miranda was booked for resisting officers after being stopped by the local constables in Milton for a vehicle violation (poor tires) and becoming abusive.

In late November 1966 the FBI noted two phone calls were placed from Miranda's residence to Sam DeCavalcante's company in Kenilworth.

On August 23, 1968 included in the FBI's list of suspected / proposed DeCavalcante Family members.

On October 4, 1968 FBI CI reported: "[CI] advised that Joseph Miranda is currently separated from his wife and visits the Marlboro, NY area infrequently...[He] is currently unemployed and spends most of his time in NYC trying to get free drinks and traveling to the racetrack. [CI] explained that the subject is a heavy drinker and becomes loud and abusive when drinking. [CI] mentioned the subject's wife works at one of the local apple processing plants in the Marlboro area and supports herself. [CI] added Miranda contributes little, if anything, to the support of his wife and child. [CI] stated that in the past Miranda has listed his employment as La Mela Sanitation Company, when in fact he has not been so employed."

On June 12, 1969 FBI CI reported: "[CI] advised [Miranda] very seldom visits the Marlboro area. He continues to reside at an unknown address in NYC, where he spends most of his time at the racetrack. [CI] has no information that the subject is currently involved in any type of illegal activity."

The same day the FBI's New York Office reported: "[CI] has advised in the past that he is acquainted with [Miranda] who is a known 'fence' operating in Manhattan around 78th or 79th Streets. [CI] was recontacted on 1/20/69, and he advised that he has had no recent information indicating that Miranda is currently involved in any type of illegal activity."

J. Miranda (c. 1969)
On October 31, 1969 arrested on the Upper East Side while in the process of burglarizing Donnelly's Bar & Grill at 1644 3rd Ave. After unsuccessfully attempting to bribe the officer with $200, he was remanded to The Tombs pending arraignment on charges of burglary, possessing burglar tools and attempted bribery. On March 13/19, 1970 pleaded guilty to final charge of criminal trespass and given a conditional discharge by Criminal Court Judge Dennis Edwards Jr.

On April 22, 1970 the New York Daily News highlighted Miranda's case in an article covering the overloaded courts and their handling of criminal prosecutions. The article concluded: "It is difficult to foster a belief in swift and sure justice in a system which gives us [Miranda's sentence]."

By 1972 resided at 2835 Webb Ave in Kingsbridge Heights, The Bronx. Listed occupation as laborer with Saldo Construction Company in Newark.

On September 12, 1975 FBI NYO reported: "According to [c. 5/75] memo which was compiled by the NYSP, an individual by the name of Joseph Miranda [is] a member of the DeCavalcante Family of LCN."

On October 23, 1975 FBI CI reported: "[CI] advised Joseph A. Miranda had lived, off and on, in the Marlboro, New York area for the past 25 years [but] has not lived in the [area] for the past several years. He is separated from his wife...According to the source, Joseph Miranda has an unsavory reputation and is believed to have an arrest record with the Yonkers, NYPD and the NYCPD. His son has been arrested on several occasions locally...Joseph Miranda is believed to be residing in the Bronx."

If not already a made member prior to 1958, Miranda is a likely candidate for induction soon after the books re-opened in early 1976.

On February 8, 1977 FBI NYO advised the FBI's Newark Field Office: "[CI] advised [Resorts International, Inc.] is backed by LCN figures, headed by Joe Miranda. Source stated that this enterprise started out a few years ago leasing snow mobiles to resorts. As business increased they branched out into various other areas, and now enjoy a thriving business. Source recently heard that these people invested large sums of money in support of Casino Gambling in NJ, and they own a lot of real estate in the Atlantic City vicinity. Source has no further information re this matter."

One month later FBI NK responded: "...Newark has amassed a considerable background on [Resorts International]. The information contained in airtel is not consistent with Newark investigation in terms of 'backers' and the statement that this company started out leasing snow mobiles. The above is brought to New York's attention so that the source may be evaluated in the proper light."

In February 1983 identified as DeCavalcante Soldier during US Senate Hearings on Organized Crime in America. Entry stated: "Joseph Miranda is a 'Soldier' in the 'DeCavalcante Crime Family'. He is involved in New York gambling and 'loansharking' operations." (These charts contain several inaccuracies.)

L. Schiro
Court Exhibit / The Real Sopranos Documentary

By that time Miranda is believed to have been a member of the crew headed by Larry 'Shorty' Schiro.

Born July 1920 in Brooklyn, Schiro grew up in The Bronx and East Harlem and later joined the crowd frequenting the Victory Star Social Club across from Miranda's old Upper East Side address. Known crew members operated primarily in that borough's Upper East Side and Little Italy sections and across the bridge in nearby Astoria, Queens.

Made members of Schiro's crew included Philip Abramo, Virgil Alessi, John D'Amato and Joseph Miranda.

Possible crew members included Pietro Galletta and one or more of the LaMelas.

F. LaMela
Court Exhibit / The Real Sopranos Documentary

On September 21, 1989 DeCavalcante Associate Joseph Garofano was shot to death in Brooklyn. John LaMela's son Felice, aka Phil the Undertaker, transported the body for burial on Newburgh property owned by the LaMela family. A couple of days later Miranda was dispatched to ensure there were no problems at the site. (Garofano's body was never found. In November 2001 CW Anthony Rotondo was told by DeCav Soldier James Gallo that the FBI had conducted a dig at the property and 'were this far away' from locating one or more bodies.)

On June 16, 1997 the wake for DeCavalcante Underboss Jake Amari was held at Corsentino Funeral Home in Elizabeth. The occasion, surveilled by members of the Union County Prosecutor's Office, was heavily attended by Family membership and many associates. Also present was Joseph Arcuri, Gambino Captain and liaison between the Families. Video taken during the event captured Joseph Miranda and Felice LaMela exiting the funeral home around the same time.

In the wake of Amari's death a ruling panel was formed consisting of Captain Vincent 'Vinny Ocean' Palermo, Captain Charles Majuri and Soldier Girolamo 'Jimmy' Palermo.

J. Giacobbe
Court Exhibit / Press

Vincent Palermo retained Soldier Anthony Capo and a couple of associates, but the rest of his men were placed with the Schiro - Giacobbe crew. CW Capo later testified: "[Palermo crew] given to Joe Giacobbe [who] became an acting captain...[Giacobbe] took over Larry Schiro's crew. Larry Schiro was a little older and they retired, without actually telling [Schiro], but they made Joe Giacobbe acting."

Made members of the Schiro - Giacobbe crew included Carmelo 'Melio' Cocchiaro, Nick LaMela (Phil the Undertaker's brother), Ralph LNU, Anthony 'Marshmallow' Mannarino, Joseph Miranda and Joseph 'Tin Ear' Sclafani. (Ralph LNU is believed to be either Ralph Micale [1922-2003] or Ralph Reda [1933-2009]. Micale and Reda both had links to DeCavalcante members and, like the Ralph LNU named as a Palermo crew member, they both were Florida residents.)

P. Abramo (L) and F. D'Amato (R)
Court Exhibit / The Real Sopranos Documentary

Around June 1999 DeCav Captain Philip Abramo met with Captain Anthony Rotondo and possibly Acting Admin Vincent Palermo. Topics of discussion included Abramo's loansharking business. Rotondo later testified: "[Abramo said] he had a business with Louis [Consalvo] and Gregory [Rago] and that he also had loaned money out to Frank D'Amato, and Frank D'Amato was in turn pushing money through Louis Cocchiaro and Joe Miranda, who were both Soldiers in the Family." (Consalvo and Rago were Soldiers and Frank D'Amato an Associate soon to be inducted. 'Louis Cocchiaro' is believed re Rosario 'Russ' Cocchiaro, nephew of Carmelo and son to deceased Former Captain Frank Cocchiaro.)

Miranda was then residing in Fort Lee, New Jersey and operating a bar on First Ave in Manhattan.

On December 2, 1999 a large scale Federal indictment charged multiple DeCavalcante members with racketeering, including Acting Admin member Vincent Palermo, Captain Anthony Rotondo, Acting Captain Joseph Giacobbe and Soldier Anthony Capo.

Capo soon defected, becoming the first made member of the DeCavalcante Family to become a cooperating witness, followed by Vincent Palermo in March 2000.

The defections brought forth a second racketeering indictment that October, charging imprisoned Boss John Riggi, Consigliere Stefano Vitabile and several others, including remaining panel members Girolamo Palermo and Charles Majuri.

It was sometime after his October indictment that Boss John Riggi promoted Joseph Miranda to Underboss.

Miranda's loansharking partner, the recently inducted Frank D'Amato, was named Captain of the former Schiro - Giacobbe crew.

J. Riggi (L) and A. Rotondo (R)
Court Exhibits

Captain Anthony Rotondo, incarcerated with Riggi at the Metropolitan Detention Center in New York, was informed of the changes in mid-April 2001 during a brief discussion inside the facility's chapel: "Well, it was my understanding that John Riggi, while being incarcerated, had made Joe Miranda the Underboss after the panel was arrested, I believe, and Joe Miranda, being an old-time Soldier and a friend of Johnny Riggi's, was made Underboss and Frankie [D'Amato] had been straightened out by that time, according to John. Frankie then took control of the Manhattan crew which was once headed by Joe Giacobbe."

On January 19, 2005 New York magazine published an article outlining the current status of the local Families. It was noted that Miranda had 'recently' been appointed the DeCavalcante Family's Acting Boss.

F. Guarraci (1990s)
Court Exhibit / The Real Sopranos Documentary

An article published in New Jersey's The Record on June 19, 2006 reported that Miranda had since relinquished the position to Francesco 'Cheech' Guarraci.

Miranda died December 24, 2014 in New Jersey.

Milwaukee Family Ceremonies

Brief descriptions, in chronological order, of known Milwaukee Family induction ceremonies under Frank Balistrieri's leadership. Dates a...