After the defection of former Gambino Capodecina Michael DiLeonardo, he was shown a government created photo chart depicting the Gambino Family administration and crew leaders around the time of his indictment in Summer 2002. DiLeonardo was asked to comment on those depicted and also to note any inaccuracies.
Following is a formatted text version of the government's chart. Ages for the majority of those listed have been added, along with pertinent quotes from DiLeonardo:
1. Boss: Peter Gotti (63y)
2. Underboss: Arnold Squitieri (66y)
3. Consigliere: Joseph Corozzo (61y)
1. Ignazio Alogna (69y) - "Iggy Alogna, he's a captain in Florida." (Note: Sources other than DiLeonardo state Alogna succeeded Anthony 'Tony Red' Morelli as the Florida captain.)
2. Joseph Arcuri (89y) - "He was a captain for over 40 years."
3. Thomas Cacciopoli (53y) - "He's a captain appointed by Pete John, Jr. [sic?]. He's from Queens."
4. John Cavallo (52y) - "Jackie Cavallo, little Jackie, also from Queens, very close with the Gottis." (Note: In a separate file DiLeonardo gives Cavallo's date of promotion as mid-2001.)
5. Domenico Cefalu (57y) - "He's a captain with us, newly made captain. Part of the Italian faction from Italy that came over here and we straightened him out. He's originally born in Italy and came here, and he got associated with our Family. You can't be a member of both Families in Italy and here, so he's with us."
6. Anthony Ciccone (68y) - "Sonny has been a captain for over 20 years, handles the Waterfront for us, Local 1814."
7. Nicholas Corozzo (62y) - "Little Nick [from] Canarsie, Brooklyn, stayed in Queens a lot. Very strong guy."
8. John D'Amico (69y) - "Jackie D'Amico, Jackie Nose [was] my captain, that's who I got straightened out under." (Note: Although not specified in this document, John Rizzo (50y) was serving as D'Amico's acting captain at this time.)
9. George DeCicco (73y) - "I know him just about my whole life. I was married to his niece."
10. Michael DiLeonardo (47y) (Note: Demoted/Shelved 10.2002)
11. Frank DiStefano - "Frankie the Hat. He took over when Jackie Giordano was in jail, he took over his crew."
12. Joseph Gambino (72y) - "Joe Gambino from the Bronx. He's been a member since the 40s. Joey, good old timer. Related to Carl Gambino, they're cousins." (Note: Most sources put Joseph Gambino as a Soldier in the Gambino-Sciandra crew. Also note that DiLeonardo's estimated circa 1940s induction date is highly unlikely due to age [born 1930] and also to a conflict with Gambino's believed date of immigration to the US.)
13. Thomas Gambino (73y) - "Tommy Gambino is the son of Carlo Gambino, captain. Gentleman."
14. John Gotti Jr. (38y)
15. Richard Gotti (60y) - "He's also a captain. That would be Pete and John's brother and Junior's uncle. He was on the construction panel."
16. Aniello Mancuso (72y) - "This is an individual named Wahoo Mancuso, he's a captain from the Bronx." (Note: Although not specified in this document, another source claimed Salvatore 'Tore' LoCascio served as Mancuso's acting captain.)
17. Joseph Marino (78y) - "This is Joe Oxie, Joe Marino. He's very friendly with Joe Arcuri, became a captain in the early '90s." (Note: Although not stated by DiLeonardo in this document, other sources claim Marino succeeded Mario Traina who died in 1994.)
18. Louis Ricco (73y) - "He's a captain from the Bronx also and would handle some of the Connecticut stuff that we had, Connecticut rackets. Louie was put in charge of any proceeds coming out of there, shylocking and bookmaking, things of that nature, it would be handled by Louie. If we had members or associates up there they would have to go to Louie or Tony Migali [Megale], later on. Tony was from Connecticut and Louie was handling all that while Tony was in jail."
19. Salvatore Scala (59y) - "Sally Scallie [sic], which he was a captain for Pete [Gotti]. He was Pete's acting captain for a while, then became captain when Pete went out."
20. Louis Vallario (61y) - "Louie I know just about my whole life also. He got straightened out under John and Sammy's regime and became a captain later on when Sammy got promoted."
Queried re inaccuracies, DiLeonardo noted the absence of the following captains and/or acting captains and made the following pertinent comments:
1. Daniel Marino (62y) - "Danny was made captain under John. John made him a captain probably in the late '80s. He was with Jimmy Brown originally."
2. Anthony Megale (59y) - "Tony was a captain, like I said, from Connecticut, later on became acting underboss."
3. John Giordano (61y) - "Very close with John, Sr., is also a captain, but was in prison for several years through the '90s."
4. Anthony Morelli (61y) - "[Morelli] was a captain for us in Florida. He went to prison. Also he handled the gas industry for us at one time." (Note: Although not discussed by DiLeonardo in this document, other sources state Morelli was replaced as captain by Ignazio Alogna.)
5. Carmine Sciandra (50y) - "Acting captain for Tommy Gambino, and he was helping out with the garment district rackets."
--. New Jersey - "We had captains out there, we had soldiers out in Jersey." (Note: This statement is the only mention, by either the government or DiLeonardo, re possible NJ crew leaders. No names are given.)
In addition to those listed above, Dominick Pizzonia and Ronald Trucchio are likely candidates for inclusion as well. DiLeonardo personally knew both as captains while on the street in 2002, but apparently overlooked their absence when going over the chart.
DiLeonardo also provided an estimate for the Gambino Family membership circa June 2002, claiming approximately two-hundred fifty made members. He also shared the belief that the Gambino membership 'can max out' at approximately two-hundred sixty members.
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