Sunday, August 4, 2019

DeCavalcante Family (1965) [Photo/Text]

Chart depicting the DeCavalcante Family circa Summer 1965:



- Frank Majuri and Joseph LaSelva were made Co-Underbosses by DeCavalcante. Information from CW Anthony Rotondo indicates that LaSelva was shifted to Consigliere by the mid-1970s.

- The Family was operating with no Captains in the time leading up to former Boss Nick Delmore's death. All of those listed above were named by DeCavalcante shortly after he took over in February 1964. The one exception is Paolo Farina; he had only recently been given control of the crew formerly headed by Joseph Sferra.

- Frank Cocchiaro's crew was later split between Rudolph Farone and Vincent 'Jimmy' Rotondo. Both were inducted in 1976 under Cocchiaro's sponsorship.

- Of the Captains listed, Paolo Farina held the position the longest and is reported to have voluntarily stepped down around 1991. (CW Vincent Palermo, part of the Family's Acting Administration, instead claimed that Farina was an official Captain all the way up to the Fall 1999 indictments.)

- Membership limited to those able to be confirmed in LE reports or through CW info. Several additional names turn up in various sources as suspected members. Some of those named in early FBI documents were later determined to be references to members of other LCN Families (i.e. Anthony 'Nino' Busciglio, Michael Mandaglio, David 'Dave Cavelli' Iacovetti).

Small Update

1. Bonanno Family Ceremonies (1970s) : Moved Robert 'Bobby Bad Heart' Perrette to circa Spring 1978.