Friday, February 8, 2019

Gambino Family Ceremonies (1970s)

Brief descriptions, in chronological order, of known Gambino Family induction ceremonies from the 1970s.

Dates are approximate and usually indicate when news of the induction was first reported to LE, not necessarily when the ceremony itself took place. It's possible some names listed separately were made together and news of their membership got out at different times.


c. Late January / Early February 1976
- Books open. Each Family initially allowed ten members.

On February 12, 1976 CI reported: "Gambino's have not made new membership as of 2/9/76 due to large number of candidates but initiation imminent."

First wave included:


- Frank DeCicco (40y) (Murdered 1986) [Sponsored by J. Failla]
- Nine Additional Inductees


c. Early May 1976


- Joseph 'Joe Butch' Corrao (40y) (Died 2001) [Sponsored by D. Castore]


May 14, 1976

- "[CI] advised the ban on introducing newly made members to members of other Families has been lifted." CI reports Carlo Gambino 'recently made ten'.


c. Early June 1976


- Joseph 'The Cat' LaForte (59y) (Died 2016) [Sponsored by A. Dellacroce]


June 8, 1976

- "[CI] advised the LCN membership books continue to be open. He mentioned the original plan was to make only ten new members per Family. However, the larger Families complained this number is too few and favored the smaller Families."


July 1, 1976

- "[CI] advised there were no 'geeps' (ie foreign born Italians) made in the recent induction of members into the NY LCN Families."


September 14, 1976
- "When new members are 'made' or intra-Family transfers are effected, either the Boss or Underboss must personally oversee such an occasion and make the formal introduction to the respective captains."


- Louis 'Louie Fats' Astuto (46y) (Died 1994) [Sponsored by J. Failla]
- John Gambino (36y) (Died 2017)
- Salvatore Spatola (44y) [Sponsored by J. Gambino]

Astuto likely candidate for first wave. As an associate he was already close to Family leadership and occasionally chauffeured Boss Carlo Gambino.

CW Gravano stated John Gambino may have been another of the first recruits inducted in early 1976. His recall with dates wasn't perfect however, and he admitted he wasn't certain that Gambino was made before he (Gravano) was.


c. Late 1976

Location: Basement of Gagliardi Residence (Bensonhurst, Brooklyn)

- Paul Castellano (61y) (Boss) [Murdered 1985]
- Aniello Dellacroce (62y) (Underboss) [Died 1985]
- Joseph N. Gallo (64y) (Consigliere) [Died 1995]

- Salvatore Aurello (62y) (Captain) [Died 1998]
- Others

Members Inducted:
- Charles Aurello (33y) (Died 2018) [Sponsored by S. Aurello]
- Salvatore 'Sammy Bull' Gravano (31y) (Flipped 1991) [Sponsored by S. Aurello]
- Several Additional Inductees

Gravano: "I was called to Todo [Aurello]'s club. We went to somebody's house, a fellow named Frank the Wap [Gagliardi], we were upstairs, there was a few other fellows there. One by one they called us down to the basement. When it was my turn to go down to the basement there was the Boss, the Underboss, the Consigliere, a few Capos, a few made members, and I took the oath at that point to become a made member."


c. Late 1976 / Early 1977


- Gene Gotti (30y)


March 3, 1977

- "[CI] advised each of the five NY LCN Families have been given authorization to initiate ten new members, and each of the NY Families have already prepared a list of those individuals to be 'made' in the immediate future."


April 1977

L to R: Agro, Corozzo, DiMaria

- Thomas 'Tommy A.' Agro (45y) (Died 1987) [Sponsored by J. Armone]
- Nicholas Corozzo (37y) [Sponsored by A. Ruggiano]
- Leonard DiMaria (36y) [Sponsored by A. Dellacroce]
- Frank 'Frankie the Hat' DiStefano (40y) [Sponsored by J. Armone]

When the books opened Nicholas Corozzo's sponsor, Anthony 'Fat Andy' Ruggiano, initially refused to put up any of his crew. It was later decided that only his favored associate Corozzo would be proposed. Around this time Ruggiano, a Soldier under Carmine Fatico, had volunteered Corozzo and fellow Ruggiano crew member Leonard DiMaria to 'do work' for Fatico and others.

After Gene Gotti's induction Ruggiano brought an unspecified complaint to Underboss Aniello Dellacroce. Full details aren't given but the implication is Ruggiano was offended that Gotti had been made before his own candidate. Soon after Dellacroce informed Ruggiano that Corozzo was set to be inducted and, furthermore, Dellacroce himself would sponsor Leonard DiMaria as a 'gift' to Ruggiano.


May 15, 1977

- CI reports 'the books in the Gambino Family are again opened'.


May 20, 1977
- "CI advised despite popular belief that only full-blooded Italians are admitted to LCN membership, many members have mothers who may be only part Italian. He noted, however, if a proposed member's father is not Italian, he would be barred from membership, since an Italian name is an absolute requirement."


c. Mid-June 1977
- Robert 'Bobby Cabert' Bisaccia (42y) (Died 2008) [Sponsored by F. Corsi]


June 24, 1977
- Gregory DePalma (45y) (Died 2009) [Sponsored by A. Gaggi]
- Several Additional Inductees


c. Pre-July 1977
- Roy DeMeo (36y) (Murdered 1983) [Sponsored by A. Gaggi]


c. Early October 1977
- Unsub [Sponsored by J. Armone]


October 1977


- Thomas Bilotti (37y) (Murdered 1985)


c. Late October 1977
- John Gotti (37y) (Died 2002) [Sponsored by C. Fatico?]
- Peter Mosca (44y)
- Seven Additional Inductees

Reported 11/4/77. CI claimed Gotti's sponsor was Anthony Ruggiano, not Fatico.


c. 1977

L to R: DiBernardo, Ruggiero

- Robert 'D.B.' DiBernardo (40y) (Murdered 1986) [Sponsored by E. Zappi]
- Angelo Ruggiero (37y) (Died 1989)


April 6, 1978

- "[CI] advised that there has been a delay in new LCN members being made in the NYC area because of the ill health of Joe N. Gallo and 'Vinnie Beans' Foceri, the Consiglieri's of the Gambino and Lucchese Families of LCN."


c. 1978
- Armand 'Buddy' Dellacroce (23y) (Died 1988)
- Anthony Vitta (40y) (Died 2018) [Sponsored by J. Armone]

Information re Dellacroce's membership was unknowingly passed on to an FBI source (possibly UCA Donnie Brasco) by Bonanno Soldier Anthony Mirra. Dellacroce was again identified as a made member by a Gambino source in early 1980.


Pre-1980 (L to R): Corrao, LiConti, Richichi

c. Mid-to-Late 1970s (Confirmed Inducted Pre-1980)
- Joseph Bilotti (45y) (Died 2016)
- John Carneglia (35y) [Sponsored by A. Ruggiero]
- Augustus 'Augie' Corrao (44y) (Died 2010)
- John 'Jackie Nose' D'Amico (45y) [Sponsored by O. Garofalo]
- Joseph 'Pal Joey' Farinella (48y) (Died 2001)
- Salvatore Franco (40y)
- John 'Jack' Giordano (35y) (Died 2009)
- Joseph Giordano (30y) (Died 2013)
- Michael 'Mikey Gal' Guerrieri (50y) (Died 2014) [Sponsored by A. Guerrieri]
- Joseph 'Buddy' LaForte Jr. (37y)
- Charles 'Buster Russo' LiConti (60y) (Died 1995) [Sponsored by E. Zappi]
- Joseph 'Joe Dogs' Lombardi (38y) [Sponsored by J. Failla]
- Salvatore Mangialino (40y) (Died 2019)
- Daniel Marino (38y)
- Liborio 'Louie' Milito (35y) (Murdered 1988) [Sponsored by S. Aurello]
- Michael 'Mickey' Paradiso (40y) [Sponsored by O. Garofalo]
- Anthony 'Porky' Porcelli (50y) (Died 2009) [Sponsored by J. Zingaro]
- Natale 'Big Chris' Richichi (60y) (Died 2001) [Sponsored by E. Zappi]
- Joey Russo (Died c. 1986)
- Joseph C. Russo (48y) (Died 1998) [Sponsored by J. Riccobono]
- Thomas 'Tommy Sparrow' Spinelli (65y) (Murdered 1989)
- Unsub [Related to Guerrieri brothers]
- Many others


Edit1: Added Salvatore Franco, known to Gravano as a made member prior to 1980. Credit to Pogo for providing this info.

Edit2: Added John D'Amico, Joseph Farinella, John and Joseph Giordano.

Edit3: Added CI report excerpts.

Edit4: Added Daniel Marino and Anthony Porcelli.

Edit5: Added Robert Bisaccia.

Edit6: Moved Robert Bisaccia to mid-June 1977.

Edit7: Added Joey and Joseph Russo.

Small Update

1. Bonanno Family Ceremonies (1970s) : Moved Robert 'Bobby Bad Heart' Perrette to circa Spring 1978.