Friday, February 3, 2023

Misc Photos (Chicago)

Miscellaneous Chicago Photos:

Possible Chicago Member William 'Butch' Petrocelli, murdered by asphyxiation in 1981.

Harry 'The Hook' Aleman, close associate of Petrocelli and a suspect in several Family murders.

Capodecina Fiore 'Fifi' Buccieri, head of Family's Cicero crew, arrested in 1944 re counterfeit gasoline coupons.

Undated Chicago PD Mugshot of Buccieri.

Buccieri's US Passport Photo (Oct. 1964)

Carmine Franzese (Colombo)

1970 Carmine 'Turi' Franzese was a Soldier in the Colombo Family. A loanshark and close associate of Bonanno leader Joseph Massino, ...