Friday, April 6, 2018

Colombo Membership (2000)

The Colombo Family was barred from making new members through most of the 1990s as a result of the internal Orena-Persico conflict. The last known ceremonies of the decade were in early 1991. In the years leading up to 2000, nine members were murdered and therefore not officially replaceable even if the books had been open. Another half dozen defected. Around early 2000 the ban was lifted and inductions resumed.

Following is a list of known membership just prior to the books re-opening in early 2000:

- Abbatemarco, Anthony
- Aloi, Benedetto (IP; FMC Devens)
- Aloi, Sebastiano Jr.
- Amato, Joseph
- Amato, Pasquale (IPL)
- Audino, Joseph

- Barbieri, Robert
- Baudanza, Joseph
- Bevacqua, Paul
- Bretti, Dominick (IP; NYS)

- Cacace, Joel
- Cagno, Aurelio (IPL)
- Cambria, Salvatore
- Cammarata, Salvatore
- Campanella, Joseph
- Campione, Frank
- Campisi, Peter
- Capichano, Richard
- Carna, Joseph
- Cascio, Vincent
- Castellazzo, Benjamin
- Clemenza, Gerard
- Clemenza, James Jr.
- Colombo, Anthony
- Colombo, Joseph Jr.

- D'Agati, Jerome
- D'Ambrosio, Alphonse
- D'Amico, Paul
- Dello, Leonard
- DeLucia, Dennis
- DeMartino, Vincent
- DeRoss, John
- Donofrio, Robert (IP; Released 7.00)

- Falvo, Robert
- Farese, Thomas (IP)
- Febbraro, Vincent
- Franzese, John (IP)
- Fusco, Richard (IP)
- Fusco, Salvatore
- Fusco, Salvatore Jr.

- Gambale, Joseph
- Gioeli, Thomas
- Gorgone, Joseph
- Gugliaro, Gary
- Gugliaro, Vincent

- Iannaci, Joseph
- Induisi, Anthony

- Langella, Gennaro (IPL)
- LaPonzina, Ernest
- Legrano, Joseph (IP)
- Leto, Angelo
- Leto, Frank
- LoCicero, Benjamin
- LoCicero, Frank
- Lombardino, Salvatore (IP)
- Lombardo, Ralph

- Malpeso, Louis (IPL)
- Maltese, Anthony
- Melia, Frank
- Micciolo, Lawrence (IP; Released 2.00)
- Miceli, Charles
- Miceli, Vincenzo
- Monteleone, Joseph (IPL)
- Montemarano, Dominick (IP)

- Orena, John
- Orena, Vic (IPL)
- Orena, Victor M. (IP; Released 3.00)

- Panarella, Charles
- Pate, Robert
- Persico, Alphonse (IP)
- Persico, Carmine (IPL)
- Persico, Daniel [Note: Scarpa reported his induction 3/26/91]
- Persico, Theodore (IP)
- Persico, Theodore Jr. (IP; NYS)
- Petrizzo, Thomas (IP)
- Piccirillo, Ralph
- Politi, Frank
- Profaci, Salvatore J.

- Ricciardo, Vincent
- Rizzo, Nick
- Rosatti, John
- Russo, Andrew (IP)
- Russo, Anthony (IPL)
- Russo, Joseph (IPL)
- Russo, William

- SanGiorgio, Joseph (IP; Released 8.00)
- Scarpa, Gregory Jr. (IP)
- Scarpati, Anthony (IPL)
- Scianna, Anthony
- Sciortino, Frank (IP)
- Scopo, Ralph Jr.
- Serrantonio, Alfonso (IP; Released 1.00)
- Sessa, Michael (IPL)
- Spitalere, James
- Staluppi, John

- Tomasello, Joseph (IP)
- Tormenia, Frank

- Yacovelli, Joseph

- Zambardi, Robert (IP)
- Zorzi, Richard [Possibly Deceased]

Total: 100

+ Cooperators

- Cagno, Rocco
- Franzese, Michael
- Miciotta, Salvatore
- Pate, John
- Quattrache, Alan
- Sessa, Carmine


EDIT1: Added Salvatore Cambria. Credit to Pogo for noting his absence from the list. He was indicted as a Soldier in 1996, and in a 2002 indictment is again referred to as a made member.

EDIT2: Added Peter Campisi. Removed John Scimone (Died 1996).

EDIT3: Added Salvatore Cammarata. Removed Dominic Esposito.

Small Update

1. Bonanno Family Ceremonies (1970s) : Moved Robert 'Bobby Bad Heart' Perrette to circa Spring 1978.