Sunday, May 13, 2018

DeMeo Crew Murders

Revised list of known victims related to Gambino Family's DeMeo crew.

1. Paul Rothenberg (42y) (July 29, 1973)
  • Motive: Suspected cooperator.
  • Method: Shot twice in back of head with handgun.
  • Location: 1025 Northern Blvd (Flower Hill, Long Island)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (Shooter; 32y). Ordered by Anthony Gaggi (47y). Authorized by Gambino leadership.

2. Joseph Umile (41y) (December 4, 1973)
  • Motive: Money dispute.
  • Method: Shot once in chest and four times in head.
  • Location: Dumped from automobile in vicinity of Whitty Lane and E 56th St (East Flatbush, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (Shooter; 33y), possibly others. Murder likely authorized by Gambino leadership.
  • Note: This victim was linked to the DeMeo crew by CW Frederick DiNome, who advised the FBI in February 1983 that DeMeo shot and killed (FNU) Himilli (ph) over a money dispute approximately ten years prior.

3. Andrei Katz (22y) (June 13, 1975)
  • Motive: Cooperator.
  • Method: Stabbed multiple times in chest and back. Body dismembered.
  • Location: Pantry Pride at Beach 90th St (Rockaway, Queens)
  • Participants: Harvey/Chris Rosenberg (24y), Roy DeMeo (34y), Henry Borelli (27y), Anthony Senter (20y), Joseph Testa (20y). Judith Questal used as lure.
  • Note: Victim's relative, possibly brother-in-law, reportedly committed suicide in New Jersey years later under what may have been suspicious circumstances. CW DiNome later claimed death was legitimate suicide with no crew involvement.

4. Joseph 'Joe Bikini' Brocchini (Lucchese Soldier; 43y) (May 19, 1976)
  • Motive: Punched DeMeo.
  • Method: Shot five times in head.
  • Location: Parliament Auto Sales at 69-11 Roosevelt Ave (Woodside, Queens)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (35y), Henry Borelli (27y), Chris Rosenberg (25y), Anthony Senter (21y), Joseph Testa (21y). Authorized by Anthony Gaggi (50y).
  • Note: Murder unsanctioned by Gambino leadership and staged to look like armed robbery gone wrong. Brocchini shot by DeMeo and Borelli. Employees restrained by Rosenberg, Senter and Testa.

5. Vincent 'Vinny Mook' Governara (34y) (June 12, 1976)
  • Motive: Broke Gaggi’s nose during altercation years prior.
  • Method: Shot multiple times with handguns.
  • Location: 20th Ave and 85th St (Bensonhurst, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Anthony Gaggi (50y), Roy DeMeo (35y), Dominick Montiglio (28y).
  • Note: Shooters were DeMeo/Gaggi.

6. George Byrum (42y) (July 13, 1976)
  • Motive: Provided tip leading to robbery of Gaggi's Florida residence.
  • Method: Shot in face with .380 handgun. Stabbed in back eleven times. Partially decapitated.
  • Location: Ocean Shore Motel (Dade County, Florida)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (35y), Anthony Gaggi (50y), Anthony Plate (Gambino Soldier; 63y).
  • Note: Victim shot/stabbed by DeMeo. Plate acted as lookout.

7. Unidentified Victim #1 (1976)
  • Method: Likely shot to death.
  • Location: Buried at future site of Mobil Gas Station (Bensonhurst, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (35y), others.
  • Note: Mentioned to CW Montiglio by DeMeo. Site excavated but no remains found.

8. Unidentified Victim #2 (1976)
  • Method: Likely shot to death.
  • Location: Buried at future site of Mobil Gas Station (Bensonhurst, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (35y), others.
  • Note: Mentioned to CW Montiglio by DeMeo. Site excavated but no remains found.

9. Charles 'Ruby' Stein (Genovese Associate; 61y) (May 5, 1977)
  • Motive: Killed to erase debts and to take over his loansharking business.
  • Method: Shot to death with automatic pistol. Body dismembered.
  • Location: 596 Club at Tenth Ave and 43rd St (Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan)
  • Participants: Edward 'Danny' Grillo (43y), James Coonan (30y), William Beattie (30y), Thomas Hess (39y), Richard Ryan, Nicholas Kagabines (46y).
  • Note: Grillo acted as shooter. After death each participant fired shot into body. Body dismembered by Coonan and Ryan. Remains transported by Kagabines to Wards Island where dumped in East River. Ten days later torso washed ashore in Jamaica, Queens. DeMeo not informed of murder until after the fact.

10. Michael 'Mickey' Spillane (43y) (May 13, 1977)
  • Motive: Killed as favor to James Coonan.
  • Method: Shot five times in arm, stomach, chest and face with handguns.
  • Location: Outside Spillane apartment building at 47-50 59th St (Woodside, Queens)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (36y), Danny Grillo (43y), Henry Borelli (28y), Chris Rosenberg (26y), Joseph Testa (22y), Anthony Senter (22y).
  • Note: DeMeo and Grillo acted as shooters. Others positioned as backup.

11. Jerome Hofaker (23y) (June 1977)
  • Motive: Involved in altercation with Dennis Testa.
  • Method: Shot to death.
  • Location: Canarsie, Brooklyn
  • Participants: Anthony Senter (22y), Joseph Testa (22y).

12. Johnathan Quinn (34y) (July 20, 1977)
  • Motive: Testified before grand jury.
  • Method: Shot once in back of head with .32 caliber handgun.
  • Location: Apartment behind Gemini Lounge at 4021 Flatlands Ave (Flatlands, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (36y), Henry Borelli (29y), Peter LaFroscia (28y), Chris Rosenberg (26y), Joseph Testa (22y), Anthony Senter (22y).
  • Note: Body dumped in Dongan Hills, Staten Island.

13. Cherie Golden (19y) (July 20, 1977)
  • Motive: Had knowledge of Quinn operation.
  • Method: Shot three times in head with .38 caliber handgun.
  • Location: Outside Gemini Lounge at 4021 Flatlands Ave (Flatlands, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Anthony Senter (22y), Joseph Testa (22y), Roy DeMeo (36y), Peter LaFroscia (28y), Henry Borelli (29y), Chris Rosenberg (26y).
  • Note: Victim, shot by Senter, left in Quinn automobile abandoned in Gerritsen Beach, Brooklyn.

14. Daniel Conti (28y) (Found October 29, 1977)
  • Motive: Seen as weak link and potential cooperator re botched hijacking.
  • Method: Shot in neck and eye.
  • Location: Found in trunk of automobile at Rochester Ave and President St in Lincoln Terrace Park, Brooklyn
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (37y), Peter LaFroscia (28y), others.
  • Note: Body discovered by car thieves in process of stripping vehicle.

15. John Costello (20y) (Found November 14, 1977)
  • Motive: Seen as weak link and potential cooperator re botched hijacking.
  • Method: Shot multiple times in head.
  • Location: Found in trunk of automobile at 1045 Atlantic Ave in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (37y), Peter LaFroscia (28y), others.

16. Michael Mandelino (Lucchese Associate; 37y) (March 19, 1978)
  • Motive: Suspected of setting up Peter LaFroscia for robbery.
  • Method: Shot multiple times in head.
  • Location: Found in trunk of automobile at Hinsdale Ave and DeWitt Ave (East New York, Brooklyn).
  • Note: Victims, described by LE as low level associates of Lucchese Family's Vario crew, wrapped in plastic and bound with wire and/or venetian cords.

17. Nino Martini/Martino (Lucchese Associate; 38y) (March 19, 1978)
  • Motive: Present with Mandelino.
  • Method: Shot multiple times in head.
  • Location: Found in trunk of automobile at Hinsdale Ave and DeWitt Ave (East New York, Brooklyn).
  • Note: Victims, described by LE as low level associates of Lucchese Family's Vario crew, wrapped in plastic and bound with wire and/or venetian cords.

18. Patrick Prisinzano (Bonanno Associate; 31y) (March 23, 1978)
  • Motive: Stole jewelry from DeMeo acquaintance, refused to return it.
  • Method: Beaten and shot to death. Throat slit.
  • Location: Found in backseat of automobile at Boynton Place and Ave X (Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (37y), others.
  • Note: Murder unsanctioned. Victim son of Bonanno Capodecina Angelo 'Moe' Prisinzano.

19. Michael DiCarlo (Lucchese Associate) (May 16, 1978)
  • Motive: Molested nephew of Lucchese associate.
  • Method: Blunt force trauma to head after being shot, stabbed, beaten and sodomized. Body dismembered.
  • Location: After-hours club (Flatlands, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Anthony Senter (23y), Roy DeMeo (37y), Henry Borelli (29y), Edward Grillo (44y), Joseph Guglielmo (51y), Chris Rosenberg (27y), Joseph Testa (23y).

20. Kevin Gueli (20y) (June 9, 1978)
  • Motive: Attempted to scam Chris Rosenberg in cocaine deal.
  • Method: Shot multiple times in head.
  • Location: Found inside his automobile behind Kings Plaza Diner (Mill Basin, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Chris Rosenberg (27y), possibly others.

21. Joseph Scorney (28y) (September 28, 1978)
  • Motive: Multiple, including refusal to join DeMeo auto-theft operation.
  • Method: Shot and possibly bludgeoned to death.
  • Location: DiNome auto shop at Glenwood Rd and E 42nd St (East Flatbush, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Vito Arena (36y), Richard DiNome (24y), Ronald Turekian (29y), Frederick DiNome (37y).
  • Note: Victim shot by Arena and possibly bludgeoned by Richard DiNome. Turekian present outside shop as lookout. Frederick DiNome assisted in disposal. Arena later claimed Joseph Lee also present as lookout without knowledge of other participants.

22. Edward 'Danny' Grillo (Gambino Associate; 44y) (November 14, 1978)
  • Motive: Fell into heavy debt; seen as weak and potential cooperator.
  • Method: Likely shot to death. Body dismembered.
  • Location: Apartment behind Gemini Lounge at 4021 Flatlands Ave (Flatlands, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (38y), Chris Rosenberg (28y), Anthony Senter (23y), Joseph Testa (23y).

23. Gary Gardine (25y) (November 30, 1978)
  • Motive: Attempted to scam Chris Rosenberg in marijuana deal.
  • Method: Shot to death.
  • Location: Body found in trunk of burning automobile (Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Likely Rosenberg (27y), others.

24. Unidentified Victim #3 (Early 1979)
  • Motive: Reportedly described to Arena as favor for 'someone in Manhattan'.
  • Location: Apartment behind Gemini Lounge at 4021 Flatlands Ave (Flatlands, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (38y), others.
  • Note: Allegedly witnessed by CW Arena.

25. Unidentified Victim #4 (Early 1979)
  • Motive: Reportedly described to Arena as favor for 'someone in Manhattan'.
  • Location: Apartment behind Gemini Lounge at 4021 Flatlands Ave (Flatlands, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (38y), others.
  • Note: Allegedly witnessed by CW Arena.

26. Unidentified Victim #5 (February 2, 1979)
  • Motive: Insulted DeMeo.
  • Method: Shot to death.
  • Location: Outside Gemini Lounge at 4021 Flatlands Ave (Flatlands, Brooklyn)
  • Participant: Roy DeMeo (38y).
  • Note: Witnessed by CW Montiglio.

27. Peter Waring (30y) (February 7, 1979)
  • Motive: Suspected informant.
  • Method: Likely shot to death. Body dismembered.
  • Location: Apartment behind Gemini Lounge at 4021 Flatlands Ave (Flatlands, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (38y), Henry Borelli (30y), Paul Dordal (34y), possibly others.
  • Note: Victim arrested previous month with Dordal on cocaine and weapons possession charges.

28. Scott Carfaro (Early 1979)
  • Motive: Acquitted of rape. Victim’s family members contracted DeMeo crew.
  • Participants: Likely Roy DeMeo (38y), others.

29. Ferdinand 'Fred' Todaro (60y) (February 19, 1979)
  • Motive: Contract murder. Killed so nephew could take over business property.
  • Method: Shot and stabbed to death. Body dismembered.
  • Location: Apartment behind Gemini Lounge at 4021 Flatlands Ave (Flatlands, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (38y), Chris Rosenberg (28y), Frederick DiNome (38y), Paul Dordal (34y), Anthony Senter (23y), Joseph Testa (23y). Solicited by Douglas Rega (29y).
  • Note: Victim taken to location by DiNome. Shot by DeMeo and stabbed by Rosenberg.

30. Charles Padnick (50y) (March 17, 1979)
  • Motive: Murdered in cocaine rip-off.
  • Method: Likely shot to death. Body dismembered.
  • Location: Likely apartment behind Gemini Lounge at 4021 Flatlands Ave (Flatlands, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Chris Rosenberg (28y), Roy DeMeo (38y), Henry Borelli (30y), Anthony Senter (23y), Joseph Testa (24y), possibly others.
  • Note: Rosenberg received superficial gunshot wound to head during incident.

31. William Serrano (32y) (March 17, 1979)
  • Motive: Murdered in cocaine rip-off.
  • Method: Likely shot to death. Body dismembered.
  • Location: Likely apartment behind Gemini Lounge at 4021 Flatlands Ave (Flatlands, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Chris Rosenberg (28y), Roy DeMeo (38y), Henry Borelli (30y), Anthony Senter (23y), Joseph Testa (24y), possibly others.

32. Unidentified Male Associate of Serrano (March 17, 1979)
  • Motive: Murdered in cocaine rip-off.
  • Method: Likely shot to death. Body dismembered.
  • Location: Likely apartment behind Gemini Lounge at 4021 Flatlands Ave (Flatlands, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Chris Rosenberg (28y), Roy DeMeo (38y), Henry Borelli (30y), Anthony Senter (23y), Joseph Testa (24y), possibly others.

33. Unidentified Female Associate of Serrano (March 17, 1979)
  • Motive: Murdered in cocaine rip-off.
  • Method: Likely shot to death. Body dismembered.
  • Location: Likely apartment behind Gemini Lounge at 4021 Flatlands Ave (Flatlands, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Chris Rosenberg (28y), Roy DeMeo (38y), Henry Borelli (30y), Anthony Senter (23y), Joseph Testa (24y), possibly others.

34. Jamie Padnick (March 18/19, 1979)
  • Motive: Went to New York to investigate father’s disappearance. Knew of cocaine deal.
  • Method: Likely shot to death. Body dismembered.
  • Location: Likely apartment behind Gemini Lounge at 4021 Flatlands Ave (Flatlands, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Chris Rosenberg (28y), Roy DeMeo (38y), Henry Borelli (30y), Anthony Senter (23y), Joseph Testa (24y), possibly others.

35. Dominick Ragucci (18y) (April 19, 1979)
  • Motive: Mistaken as hitman by DeMeo.
  • Method: Shot seven times in upper body at close range with handgun.
  • Location: Route 101 (Suffolk County, Long Island)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (38y), Frederick DiNome (38y), Joseph Guglielmo (51y).
  • Note: Victim killed after car chase beginning outside DeMeo residence in Massapequa Park, Long Island. DeMeo acted as shooter.

36. Harvey 'Chris' Rosenberg (Gambino Associate; 28y) (May 11, 1979)
  • Motive: Killed to avoid war over March 1979 cocaine rip-off murders.
  • Method: Shot four times at close range.
  • Location: Apartment behind Gemini Lounge at 4021 Flatlands Ave (Flatlands, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (38y), Anthony Senter (24y), Henry Borelli (30y), Frederick DiNome (38y), Joseph Testa (24y).
  • Note: Shooters were DeMeo and Senter. Body placed in Rosenberg's automobile parked at Floyd Bennett Field in Marine Park, Brooklyn. Borelli, armed with silencer-equipped .45 caliber automatic, fired over two-dozen rounds into vehicle. Silencer removed and weapon thrown over Marine Parkway Bridge.

37. James Eppolito (Gambino Soldier; 62y) (October 1, 1979)
  • Motive: Accused Gaggi and DeMeo of involvement in narcotics.
  • Method: Shot multiple times in head with handgun.
  • Location: Brighton 6th St and Shore Parkway (Coney Island, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (39y), Anthony Gaggi (54y). Peter Piacenti (Gambino Soldier; 58y) present as unwitting accomplice. Authorized by Gambino leadership.
  • Note: Shooters were DeMeo (Eppolito) and Gaggi (Eppolito Jr). Gaggi and Piacenti arrested leaving scene.

38. James Eppolito, Jr. (Gambino Soldier; 33y) (October 1, 1979)
  • Motive: Accused Gaggi and DeMeo of involvement in narcotics.
  • Method: Shot multiple times in head with handgun.
  • Location: Brighton 6th St and Shore Parkway (Coney Island, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (39y), Anthony Gaggi (54y). Peter Piacenti (Gambino Soldier; 58y) present as unwitting accomplice. Authorized by Gambino leadership.
  • Note: Shooters were DeMeo (Eppolito) and Gaggi (Eppolito Jr). Gaggi and Piacenti arrested leaving scene.

39. Khaled Daoud (October 12, 1979)
  • Motive: Contacted law enforcement re DeMeo auto-theft operation.
  • Method: Shot to death. Body dismembered.
  • Location: DiNome auto shop at 4214 Glenwood Rd (East Flatbush, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (39y), Henry Borelli (31y), Vito Arena (37y), Frederick DiNome (38y), Anthony Senter (24y), Joseph Testa (24y), Ronald Ustica (35y).

40. Ronald Falcaro (29y) (October 12, 1979)
  • Motive: Present with Daoud.
  • Method: Shot to death. Body dismembered.
  • Location: DiNome auto shop at 4214 Glenwood Rd (East Flatbush, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (39y), Henry Borelli (31y), Vito Arena (37y), Frederick DiNome (38y), Richard DiNome (25y), Anthony Senter (24y), Joseph Testa (24y), Ronald Ustica (35y).
  • Note: Shooters were Borelli and DeMeo. Victim automobile taken to Pace Auto Wreckers where crushed.

41. Joseph Coppolino (39y) (March 7, 1980)
  • Motive: Suspected informant.
  • Method: Stabbed to death. Decapitated.
  • Location: Brooklyn
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (39y), others.

42. Patrick Penny (21y) (May 12, 1980)
  • Motive: Witness in Eppolito murder trial.
  • Method: Shot nine times in head with handgun.
  • Location: Outside Ryan’s Bar at 1607 Sheepshead Bay Rd (Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (39y), Vito Arena (38y), Richard DiNome (25y). Authorized by Gambino leadership.

43. Charles Mongitore (30y) (June 5, 1980)
  • Motive: Refused to drop assault charge against Gambino member's son.
  • Method: Shot fourteen times at close range with .380 handguns. Throat slit.
  • Location: DiNome auto shop at 4214 Glenwood Rd (East Flatbush, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (39y), Henry Borelli (31y), Salvatore Mangialino (Gambino Soldier; 43y), Vito Arena (38y), Richard DiNome (25y), Edward Rendini (31y), Anthony Senter (25y), Joseph Testa (25y). Authorized by Gambino leadership.
  • Note: Murder solicited by Salvatore Mangialino after victim insisted on pressing charges against son Andrew. Shooters were DeMeo and Borelli. Victim throat cut by DeMeo. Bodies placed in trunk of stolen automobile and left at nearby Holy Cross Cemetery.

44. Daniel Scutaro (25y) (June 5, 1980)
  • Motive: Killed to eliminate potential witness in Mongitore homicide.
  • Method: Shot to death with .380 handguns.
  • Location: DiNome auto shop at 4214 Glenwood Rd (East Flatbush, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (39y), Henry Borelli (31y), Salvatore Mangialino (Gambino Soldier; 43y), Vito Arena (38y), Richard DiNome (25y), Edward Rendini (31y), Anthony Senter (25y), Joseph Testa (25y). Authorized by Gambino leadership.
  • Note: Bodies placed in trunk of stolen automobile and left at nearby Holy Cross Cemetery.

45. Frank Amato (Gambino Associate; 38y) (September 20, 1980)
  • Motive: Mistreated daughter of Paul Castellano (Gambino Boss).
  • Method: Shot to death with automatic firearm. Body dismembered.
  • Location: Apartment behind Gemini Lounge at 4021 Flatlands Ave (Flatlands, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (39y), Anthony Gaggi (55y), Henry Borelli (31y), Vito Arena (38y), Richard DiNome (25y), Joseph Guglielmo (52y), Joseph Testa (25y), Anthony Senter (25y), Unspecified Male (Gambino Associate). Authorized by Gambino leadership.
  • Note: Unspecified Male noted above, proposed for Gambino membership at time, present as intended shooter. CW DiNome told by DeMeo that UM lost nerve and unable to carry out shooting, at which point DeMeo stepped in and killed victim. Remains dumped at sea.

46. Vito Borelli (Gambino Associate) (c. Fall 1980)
  • Motive: Made insulting remarks towards Paul Castellano (Gambino Boss).
  • Method: Shot to death. Body dismembered.
  • Location: 308 East 53rd St (Midtown, Manhattan)
  • Participants: John Gotti (Gambino Acting Capo; 40y), Joseph Watts (Gambino Associate; 38y), Roy DeMeo (40y), Joseph Massino (Bonanno Capo; 37y), Dominick Napolitano (Bonanno Capo; 50y), Frank DeCicco (Gambino Soldier; 45y), James Episcopia (Bonanno Soldier; 52y), Anthony Rabito (Bonanno Soldier; 46y), Angelo Ruggiero (Gambino Soldier; 40y), John Cerasani (Bonanno Associate; 42y), Salvatore Vitale (Bonanno Associate; 33y), Duane Leisenheimer (Bonanno Associate; 24y), others. Authorized by Gambino and Bonanno leadership.
  • Note: Shooters were Gotti and Watts. See Borelli murder post for further details.

47. Unidentified Car Dealer (October 21/28, 1980)
  • Method: Shot to death.
  • Location: Apartment behind Gemini Lounge at 4021 Flatlands Ave (Flatlands, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (40y), Frank DeCicco (Gambino Soldier; 44y), likely others.
  • Note: CW DiNome ordered by DeMeo to repair bullet damage to floor. At time DiNome led to believe DeMeo/DeCicco had carried out additional hits together previously.

48. James Bennett (Lucchese Associate; 65y) (April 29, 1981)
  • Motive: Set to testify against Richard Mastrangelo.
  • Method: Shot twice in head.
  • Location: Outside residence of in-law at Ave N and E 59th St (East Flatbush, Brooklyn)
  • Note: Victim shot by two masked gunmen. Assailants carjacked passerby and fled scene after gunfight with off-duty corrections officer.

49. Joseph Viggiano (December 4, 1981)
  • Motive: Owed money to DeMeo associate Gus Kalevas.
  • Method: Shot to death. Body dismembered.
  • Location: 11th floor office of Show World at 8th Ave and 42nd St (Times Square, Manhattan)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (41y), Gus Kalevas (28y).
  • Note: Show World operated by Kalevas in partnership with DeMeo. Only known crew murder in which Kalevas participated. Victim also involved in local x-rated businesses.

50. Al Viggiano (December 21, 1981)
  • Motive: Investigating disappearance of son Joseph.
  • Method: Shot to death.
  • Location: Canarsie, Brooklyn
  • Participants: Likely Roy DeMeo (41y), others.

51. Paul Viggiano (December 21, 1981)
  • Motive: Investigating disappearance of brother Joseph.
  • Method: Shot to death.
  • Location: Canarsie, Brooklyn
  • Participants: Likely Roy DeMeo (41y), others.

52. Anthony Romano (64y) (July 4, 1982)
  • Motive: Suspected involvement in 1978 robbery of Peter LaFroscia.
  • Method: Shot multiple times in head with .38 caliber handgun.
  • Location: Found in vacant lot at Blake Ave and Van Sinderan Ave (East New York, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (41y), others. Believed authorized by Gambino leadership.
  • Note: Victims bound with cord and wrapped in plastic bags.

53. John Romano (36y) (July 4, 1982)
  • Motive: Suspected involvement in 1978 robbery of Peter LaFroscia.
  • Method: Shot multiple times in head with .38 caliber handgun.
  • Location: Found in vacant lot at Blake Ave and Van Sinderan Ave (East New York, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (41y), others. Believed authorized by Gambino leadership.
  • Note: Victims bound with cord and wrapped in plastic bags.

[Possible]53a. Albert 'Albie' Somma (Gambino Associate; 38y) (Found October 18, 1982)
  • Method: Shot multiple times in back and head.
  • Location: Found off highway median (Lake George, New York)
  • Note: Released from Adirondack Correctional Facility on September 24, 1982. Disappeared same day. Rental car found torched in Queens. Shortly before prison sentence victim brought accusations of drug dealing against DeMeo and crew. As result DeMeo called on carpet by Gambino leadership.

54. Roy DeMeo (Gambino Soldier; 42y) (January 10, 1983)
  • Motive: Viewed as potential cooperator.
  • Method: Shot multiple times in chest and head.
  • Location: Found in parking lot of Varuna Boat Club at Emmons Ave and E 28th St (Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Suspects included Anthony Gaggi (57y), Frank DeCicco (Gambino Soldier; 47y), Anthony Senter (27y), Joseph Testa (27y), Carlo Profeta (40y). Ordered by Gambino leadership.
  • Note: Body discovered January 20.

55. Louis Petrizzo (23y) (March 1, 1983)
  • Motive: Viewed as potential cooperator.
  • Method: Shot six times in chest.
  • Location: Outside his residence on E 54th St (Mill Basin, Brooklyn)

56. Ronald Saka (23y) (April 11, 1983)
  • Motive: Viewed as potential cooperator.

57. Richard DiNome (Gambino Associate; 29y) (February 4, 1984)
  • Motive: Viewed as potential cooperator.
  • Method: Shot once in back of head with automatic firearm.
  • Location: DiNome apartment at 2305 E 5th St (Gravesend, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Likely Joseph Testa (28y), Anthony Senter (28y), others.

58. John Baida (19y) (February 4, 1984)
  • Motive: Present at DiNome apartment.
  • Method: Shot once in back of head with automatic firearm.
  • Location: DiNome apartment at 2305 E 5th St (Gravesend, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Likely Joseph Testa (28y), Anthony Senter (28y), others.

59. Frederick Seiden (23y) (February 4, 1984)
  • Motive: Present at DiNome apartment.
  • Method: Shot twice in head with automatic firearm.
  • Location: DiNome apartment at 2305 E 5th St (Gravesend, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Likely Joseph Testa (28y), Anthony Senter (28y), others.

Post DeMeo-Crew Murders

60. Vladimir Reznikov (44y) (June 13, 1986)
  • Motive: Threatened acquaintance of Lucchese member Anthony Casso.
  • Method: Shot seven times with .380 automatic handgun.
  • Location: Brighton Beach Ave (Brighton Beach, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Joseph Testa (Lucchese Associate; 31y), Anthony Senter (Lucchese Associate; 31y), Anthony Casso (46y).
  • Note: Testa and Senter believed acted as shooter and driver respectively.

61. Nicholas Guido (Civilian; 26y) (December 25, 1986)
  • Motive: Mistakenly identified as participant in attempted hit on Anthony Casso.
  • Method: Shot multiple times in chest with handgun.
  • Location: Outside Guido residence (Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Joseph Testa (31y), Frank Lastorino (Lucchese Associate; 47y), George Zappola (Lucchese Associate; 27y). Authorized by Lucchese leadership.

62. Carmine Varriale (Lucchese Soldier; 30y) (September 3, 1987)
  • Method: Shot in shoulder, chest and back of head at close range with .38 caliber handgun.
  • Location: 1508 Bath Ave (Bath Beach, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Frank Smith (Lucchese Associate), Anthony Senter (32y), Joseph Testa (32y), George Zappola (28y). Authorized by Lucchese leadership.
  • Note: Smith acted as shooter. Senter and Testa positioned as backup.

63. Frank Santora (Gambino/Bonanno Associate; 50y) (September 3, 1987)
  • Motive: Killed with Varriale.
  • Method: Shot twice in body and once in head at close range with .38 caliber handgun.
  • Location: 1508 Bath Ave (Bath Beach, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Frank Smith (Lucchese Associate), Anthony Senter (32y), Joseph Testa (32y), George Zappola (28y).
  • Note: Smith acted as shooter. Senter and Testa positioned as backup.

Possible Victims
1. Unidentified Male (c. 1976/1977)
  • Motive: Reportedly stole drugs from Canarsie stash house owned by DeMeo.
  • Participants: Edward/Danny Grillo (43y), Roy DeMeo (47y), possibly others.
  • Note: After victim's disappearance CW Peter Corso informed of circumstances by Grillo.

2. John Burton (1979)
  • Method: Shot to death. Body dismembered.
  • Location: DiNome auto shop at 4214 Glenwood Rd (East Flatbush, Brooklyn)
  • Participants: Frederick DiNome (38y), possibly others.
  • Note: CW Arena claimed Burton, employed at auto shop, killed by DiNome for unspecified reason. LE search of location uncovered no evidence.

3. Unidentified Male (c. 1979/1980)
  • Participants: Vito Arena (38y).
  • Note: CW DiNome reported Arena possibly killed 'a Jewish guy he was shaking down'. No further details re victim identity.

4/5. Unidentified Males (c. 1979/1980)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (40y), others.
  • Location: Brooklyn
  • Note: On two separate occasions DeMeo, accompanied by Unspecified CW, supervised transport of automobiles to salvage yard located on or near Morgan Ave in Brooklyn. Both remained at location to watch cars crushed. CW did not personally see bodies but after first visit DeMeo remarked, 'Well that's one less rat', and indicated need to supervise disposal.

6. Unidentified Male (c. 1979/1980)
  • Participants: Roy DeMeo (40y), others.
  • Location: Brooklyn
  • Note: Unspecified CW present when body transferred from car trunk onto boat operated by DeMeo. CW recalled incident occurred during summer months.

7. Ronald Fischetti (29y) (June 10, 1981)
  • Method: Shot multiple times in back and head.
  • Location: Inside residence at 163-48 89th St (Howard Beach, Queens)
  • Note: Victim employed in auto business with Patrick Testa. Date of murder coincides with meeting between DeMeo and Lucchese associates concerning potential informants.

8. Joseph 'Dracula' Guglielmo (Gambino Associate; 56y) (c. November 1983)
  • Note: Guglielmo present during Federal search executed on apartment behind Gemini Lounge. Disappeared following day. Believed murdered, although as late as mid-1990s still officially carried as fugitive.

By 1990 the NYPD cleared sixty-nine cases as crew related murders. Total victim estimates range from seventy-five to well over one hundred.

Update1: Added Joseph Umile (December 1973).

Small Update

1. Bonanno Family Ceremonies (1970s) : Moved Robert 'Bobby Bad Heart' Perrette to circa Spring 1978.