Wednesday, November 13, 2024


New Post:

The section on induction ceremonies overseen by DeFede notes that the New York Families' books were closed for a time in the early-mid 1990s.

In January 1995 the FBI's Newark Field Office reported: "...New York advised that Genovese LCN Family Boss Vincent 'Chin' [Gigante] had 'closed the books' on inducting new LCN members during the summer of 1994 and had no recent information indicating that this had changed."

Updated Post:

1.) Alfonse DeMarinis (Bonanno) : Details re geographic origins and Pollastrino crew members, as well as summary of a background report compiled on the subject in 1987.

Joseph Abate (Lucchese)

c. 1970s Joseph Abate was a Captain in the Lucchese Family. Born July 8, 1902 in Marsala comune of Trapani, Sicily to Giuseppe and Catherine...