DeCavalcante Family (c. December 1999)
Boss: John Riggi (74y) (IP)
1a. Acting Admin: Vincent 'Vinny Ocean' Palermo (54y)
Soldier [Reported Direct to Palermo]
1b. Acting Admin: Charles Majuri (59y)
Soldier [Reported Direct to Majuri]
- Joseph 'Joe Red' Merlo Jr. (39y)
1c. Acting Admin: Girolamo 'Jimmy' Palermo (61y)
Soldier [Reported Direct to Palermo]
- Joseph Collina (53y) [Shelved]
Consigliere: Stefano Vitabile (64y)
1. Philip Abramo (54y) (NY)
- Louis 'Louie Eggs' Consalvo (42y)
2. Joseph 'Joe C.' Caruano (68y) (NJ)
3. Joseph 'Jo Jo' Ferrara (61y) (NJ)
- Nicola 'Nick the Plumber' Cottone (62y)
- Anthony 'Soft Shoes' DeMaio (58y)
- FNU 'Maddiani' LNU [Maddaluna?]
4. Frank 'Frankie Hotel' Polizzi (64y) (NJ)
5. Anthony Rotondo (42y) (NY)
- Felice 'Phil the Undertaker' LaMela (66y)
6. Giuseppe 'Pino' Schifilliti (61y) (NJ)
- James 'Jimmy Pitt' Gallo (55y)
- Francesco 'Joe' Gatto (58y)
- Lorenzo 'Larry' Giacobbe (44y)
- Francesco 'Cheech' Guarraci (45y)
- Salvatore 'Little Sal' Timpani (56y)
7. Larry 'Shorty' Schiro (79y) (NY)
Acting: Joseph Giacobbe (76y)
- Carmelo 'Melio' Cocchiaro (64y) (FL)
- Rosario 'Russell' Cocchiaro (58y)
- Nicholas 'Little Nicky' LaMela (64y)
- Anthony 'Marshmallow' Mannarino (54y)
- Joseph 'Tin Ear' Sclafani (62y)
?8. Paolo Farina (73y) (NJ)
Soldiers (Crew Unknown)
- Gaeton 'Guy' Alessi (50y) (Bayonne, NJ)
- Daniel Annunziata (60y) [Direct with Admin?]
- Giacomo Colletti (41y)
- Joseph Colletti (69y)
- Carl Corsentino (63y) [Former Riggi Crew]
- Jerry 'Dracula' LNU [G. Guarraggi?]
- Michael Merlo (40y)
- Emanuel 'Manny' Riggi (52y) [Shelved]
- John Riggi Jr. (45y) [Shelved]
- Vincent Riggi (48y) [Shelved]
- Gaetano 'Corky' Vastola (71y) [Direct with Admin?]
Total Known Members: 50
Total Estimated Membership: c. 60 (Family capped at 75?)
Possible Members
- Joseph Amato (68y) (Emerson, NJ)
- Louis Cocchiaro (52y?) [Named by CW Rotondo as a made member partnered with Frank D'Amato in a loansharking operation. Possible reference to Rosario 'Russ' Cocchiaro]
- Dominick Colletti (35y) (NJ) [CWs disagree on membership status]
- Girolamo 'Momo' Guarraggi (50y) [Possible match for 'Dracula' LNU]
- Lawrence 'Larry' Martire (68y) (NY)
- Ralph Micale (77y) (FL)
- Emanuel Sortino (44y) (NJ)
- Anthony Staiti (79y) (NY)
Proposed Associates
- Pietro Colletti (31y)
- Gerard 'Jerry Fireworks' Constabile [Rotondo Crew]
- Simone Esposito (29y) [Rotondo Crew]
- Frank D'Amato (53y) [Abramo Crew]
- Victor 'Whitey' DiChiara (35y) [Palermo Crew]
- Frank Renda (30y) [Nephew to C. Majuri]
- Francesco 'Frank the Painter' Paparatto (60y) [Direct with Vitabile]
- Frank 'Frankie the Beast' Scarabino (43y) [Polizzi Crew]
- Charles 'Charlie the Hat' Stango (56y) [Ferrara Crew]
- Membership estimates given for the time period range from 52 to a high of 68.
- In 2003 CW Palermo stated that the DeCavalcantes were capped at 75 members. The following year he testified as follows:

- Each member required to kick up $40 monthly contribution to Family fund.
- Unsub aka 'Maddiani', named as a made member in Joseph Ferrara's crew, is possibly referring to an individual involved with the Maddaluna Disposal company in Linden.
- The majority of CW information indicates that Paolo Farina voluntarily stepped down as Captain after Emanuel Riggi was shelved in early 1991. CW Vincent Palermo instead claims that Farina was a captain all the way up to the December 1999 indictments.
- The DeCavalcantes were barred from making new members for most of the decade (possibly beginning right after the D'Amato homicide). By mid-to-late 1999 the restriction was lifted, and efforts were underway to get prospective members vetted by the NY Families when the indictments hit. Frank D'Amato and Charles Stango were among several new members ultimately brought in during the following year.
- Proposed Associate Simone Esposito transferred to the Bonanno Family following crew leader Rotondo's indictment and was made in that Family by Spring 2001.
- After indictment Anthony Capo became the first made member of the DeCavalcante Family to cooperate. He was followed by Vincent Palermo and Anthony Rotondo in March 2000 and May 2001 respectively. Proposed Associates Victor DiChiara and Frank Scarabino also defected.
- By early 2001 imprisoned Boss John Riggi made several leadership changes.
Joseph Miranda was promoted from Soldier to Underboss, and recently inducted Frank D'Amato assumed control of the Family's Manhattan crew formerly headed by Joseph Giacobbe. Additional captains, including the soon to cooperate Rotondo, were also demoted by Riggi.