Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Bonanno Family Info (2010s)

Summary of information provided by Bonanno CWs Peter Lovaglio and Thomas Carrube, with a focus towards the general Family structure and internal politics of the early-to-mid 2010s.


Source: Gang Land News

Association / Induction

- Initially on-record with Bonanno Soldier Frank Coppa. Later transferred to Captain Joseph Cammarano's crew and placed with Cammarano's son Joseph Jr. aka 'Joe C.' The Cammaranos proposed Lovaglio for membership and he was inducted around mid-1999. By 2003 serving Federal prison sentence for stock fraud.

- Following release in early 2012 assigned to 'Joe Bosch' (Bosco?) who was 'running the Family' with Vincent Badalamenti. 'Bosch' told Lovaglio that Badalamenti was the Consigliere; Lovaglio later claimed this wasn't true and identified Anthony Rabito as holding that position.

Lovaglio Crew

- Lovaglio was 'made a captain' by 'Joe Bosch' not long after his release. By Fall 2015 crew members included:

- Alfred Armetta
- Thomas Carrube
- Frank Pastore
- George Tropiano
- Thomas Valente (FL)

Cammarano Jr. as Acting Boss

- On March 22, 2015 Joseph Cammarano Jr. was voted in as Acting Boss to replace John Palazzolo. Vote occurred at meeting held in Queens garage and attended by approximately twenty Family members including:

- Joseph Cammarano Jr. (Underboss)
- Anthony Rabito (Consigliere)

- Joseph DeSimone (Captain)
- Anthony Fasitta (Captain)
- Ronald Giallanzo (Captain)
- Joseph Grimaldi (Captain)
- Vito Grimaldi (Captain)
- Peter Lovaglio (Captain)
- Joseph Sabella (Captain)
- George Tropiano (Captain)
- John Zancocchio (Captain)
- Al Armetta (Acting Captain for Lovaglio)
- Natale Mule (Acting Captain for J. Grimaldi)

Family Treasury

Overseen by Captain Joseph Grimaldi. Money that came in typically put back onto the street for loansharking. Members borrowed at one point per week and loaned out at two to five.

In what Lovaglio described as a 'nice gesture', one of the newly appointed Cammarano Jr.'s first moves was to announce that Family members who borrowed loansharking money no longer had to pay interest, only principal.

Shelved Members

Lovaglio named the following as Bonanno members put on the shelf:

1. John Spirito Jr.: Shelved for bringing what Lovaglio described as 'fake messages' to and from imprisoned Boss Michael Mancuso. Spirito previously responsible for an $80,000 debt owed by a Manhattan pot dealer. Lovaglio inherited this responsibility and collected approximately $30,000, half of which kicked up to Cammarano Jr. Captain Anthony Fasitta also received a portion after claiming an interest in the original deal.

2. Vincent Caroleo: Aka 'Vinny Goo', shelved by 2015. Lovaglio was instructed by Cammarano Jr. to have an associate (non-member) collect loanshark payments from Caroleo.

3. Simone Esposito: Shelved in 2015 for stealing $20,000 from the Family treasury.

4. Peter Lovaglio: Shelved by Cammarano Jr. around early 2016 after a series of incidents, including $18,000 debt owed to Gambino Soldier William Scotto. Lovaglio informed of decision by John Zancocchio and Joseph Sabella. On June 23, 2016 began acting as Federal CI. Used shelved status as pretext for meeting with Cammarano Jr.; similar attempt to meet with Zancocchio failed.

Meeting with Cammarano

- On July 26, 2016 Lovaglio visited Cammarano Jr. at his residence. The conversation, lasting approximately thirty minutes and covering Lovaglio's shelved status as well as general Bonanno Family politics, recorded by Lovaglio.

Cammarano's recorded statements included:

- "When everything transpired, everything worked out the way it worked out with this Johnny P [Palazzolo]..I could have went through the whole thing and restructured the entire [Family]. That's my right to do that..I wanted you [Lovaglio] to have a [Captain] position long-term..I know you've been running roughshod through every fucking body. The amount of feedback that was coming back with you every single week. It's your responsibility as a captain to put all of this stuff on record with people."

On Lovaglio's debt to the Gambinos: "The issue is how everybody's going to look in the end because you got to know something, Pete, and you got to understand. We've been in the fucking gutter for the last 12 to 18 years..I can't counteract what Tommy [DiFiore] did. I can't counteract what Johnny P [Palazzolo] did. I just got to show everybody that I'm everything they're not, and I've done that..You gotta understand this. To have a position in this thing, you can't be emotional."

- "I was looking for the most senior guys to fill the most senior billets because that's how these young guys are gonna learn the right way and stay in some form of order here..I gotta be honest with you, Pete. This Johnny P does not go away, and he gets another four to six months' run. It's done. Everybody would just walk away." Lovaglio: "I think it could have gotten violent." Cammarano: "Well, listen. It had the potential for that."


Source: Gang Land News
Association / Induction

- Associate since the mid-1970s.

- In or around 2014 approached by Captain Peter Lovaglio with business proposition. Turned down the offer and as a result target for assault by Lovaglio crew members. Sought assistance from Consigliere Simone Esposito. Esposito offered to propose him for membership as a protective measure and requested $10,000. Carrube paid half and was soon inducted at a ceremony held in Queens. Claimed he didn't want to become a member but felt it necessary to ensure his safety.

Those present at the ceremony included:

- Simone Esposito (Consigliere)

- Anthony Fasitta (Captain)
- John Spirito Jr. (Carrube believed he was the Family's 'street boss')

Carrube was told that Michael Mancuso was official Boss and Thomas DiFiore the Acting Boss.

Crew Leaders

- Initially assigned to Louis Civello. After a couple of months George Tropiano was named Captain. Later placed in Lovaglio's crew.

- Following Lovaglio's 2016 defection Carrube transferred to Captain Alphonse 'Alley Indelicato' DiPilato. John Zancocchio, by that point the official Consigliere, informed Carrube of the assignment and handled the introductions.

Pizzeria Dispute

- Shortly after being made there was a dispute between Carrube and Associate Gene Lombardo over the sale of a pizzeria. Sitdown held with Captain Louis Civello successfully representing Carrube's interests. Lombardo represented by Joseph Cammarano Jr. and John Zancocchio. (Carrube believed Cammarano Jr. was Zancocchio's Captain.)


- In 2017 approached by an FBI agent and informed he was 'in a lot of trouble'. Agreed to cooperate but remained on the street as a confidential informant.

Opposing Factions

- Carrube witnessed firsthand the tension brought about by recent changes in leadership: "Bosses were coming and going, and they were getting mad that they were going, and people were going on the shelf, and people were coming off the shelf, and there were all kinds of things."

- Two sides emerged: One supporting Vincent Badalamenti (representing imprisoned Boss Michael Mancuso) and the other supporting Cammarano Jr. and Zancocchio. Although his crew leader supported Cammarano Jr., Carrube was 'friendly' with Badalamenti and considered himself to be with that side. (Government statements indicate Badalamenti and Zancocchio were each Consigliere of their respective factions at this time.)

- At one point George Tropiano directed Carrube to get a gun and sit outside Alphonse DiPilato's Grand St pizzeria as 'protection'.

- Around September 2017 Captain Joseph Sabella, Cammarano supporter, approached Carrube and asked him to deliver a message: "[I was to go] to Brooklyn and tell Vinny to keep his [Sabella's] name out of his mouth..Vinny was saying that [Sabella] came to see him during the split and, if he came, would he remain as a captain. And [Sabella] said that wasn't true." Carrube refused to deliver the message alone and recorded a meeting where he sought advice from DiPilato. 

Topics of discussion between Carrube and DiPilato included Badalamenti's claim that Mancuso sent messages from prison instructing him to 'take the bull by the horns' and assume control. DiPilato mentioned advice from Cammarano and Zancocchio about letting members of his crew visit with Badalamenti: "I told Porky. He said, Allie, you're the captain. You do what you want with your guys. If it was me, I would say, don't send the guys..[Cammarano] said, Allie, it's your decision. If you want him, keep him. If he wants to go there, let him go there."

- In a subsequent conversation Louis Civello stated: "They're going to straighten [the split] out next week." Civello and Carrube agreed that even if Mancuso's messages for Badalamenti to take control were legit, the 'proper channels' should have been utilized. Civello stated re Cammarano: "The message was clear. They voted him in. The other guy [Mancuso] said it was okay."

- Recorded another conversation with Civello and Arthur 'Artie' Tarzia, Acting Captain for Joseph Sabella. Tarzia stated: "The guy [Cammarano] is a fucking great fucking guy..When [Mancuso] comes home, I don't expect not one to make a move." Tarzia also clarified: "John [Zancocchio] is the number 3." (Acting on advice from Tarzia, Carrube paid a visit to Zancocchio at his restaurant; incriminating topics were avoided and the pair mostly discussed the restaurant business.)

- In another conversation Civello stated: "So that makes this guy [Mancuso] no longer the boss. They voted Joe [Cammarano] in. Joe's the official boss."

- In early January 2018 Badalamenti told Carrube that Joseph Sabella and possibly other members of the Family were starting to suspect he (Carrube) was wired up. The discussion, recorded by Carrube, also touched on the continuing factionalism. Arthur Tarzia had visited Badalamenti, declared his allegiance, then switched back after a follow-up conversation with Zancocchio. Badalamenti described Cammarano Jr. and Zancocchio as attempting a 'coup' and told Carrube: "Don't believe in me. Believe in Mikey [Mancuso]."

Less than a week later Cammarano Jr., Zancocchio, Sabella and several others were indicted on Federal racketeering charges.

His stint as a proactive source at an end, Carrube was not privy to the immediate fallout from the indictments. In December 2018, however, he passed along a rumor that Cammarano Jr. and Zancocchio were recently 'banished for life' by Badalamenti. (Both were acquitted at trial the following year.)

Monday, August 26, 2019

Bonanno Family Ceremonies (1990s)

Brief descriptions, in chronological order, of known Bonanno Family induction ceremonies from the 1990s.

The majority of this information was obtained from the Bonanno CWs of the early 2000s.

Many of the dates given are approximate. It's possible some names listed separately were made together.

More info will be added as it becomes available.


c. Summer 1990

- Michael 'Mickey Bats' Cardello (48y) [Sponsored by S. Vitale]

Michael Cardello

July 1990

Location: Storefront / Social Club (Bath Ave, Brooklyn)

- Anthony Spero (61y) (Consigliere) (Died 2008)

- Frank Lino (52y) (Captain) (Flipped 2003)
- Frank Porco (61y) (Acting Captain)
- Salvatore Vitale (42y) (Captain) (Flipped 2003)

- Alfred Embarrato (80y) (Soldier) (Died 2001)

Members Inducted:
- Richard Cantarella (46y) (Flipped 2002) [Sponsored by A. Embarrato]
- Robert Lino Jr. (24y) [Sponsored by F. Lino]

Ceremony presided over by Vitale.

Induction through verbal oath only. Cantarella: "It was a very quick ceremony. [We] all held hands, and I swore to secrecy, and given some of the rules, and I was [assigned] to a captain, and that was it."

Cantarella (L) and Lino (R)

February 1991

Location: Residence (Greenpoint, Brooklyn)

- Anthony Spero (62y) (Consigliere) (Died 2008)

- Patrick DeFilippo (52y) (Acting Captain) (Died 2013)
- Salvatore Vitale (44y) (Captain) (Flipped 2003)

- Joseph Cammarano (55y) (Soldier) (Died 2013)

Members Inducted:
- Vincent Basciano (31y) (IPL 2006) [Sponsored by P. DeFilippo]

Ceremony held in kitchen and presided over by Vitale.

DeFilippo attended as Acting Captain for the imprisoned Charles Musillo, Basciano's initial sponsor.

Vincent Basciano

c. February 1991
- Salvatore 'Sally Horse' Tozzi (46y) (Murdered 1993) [Sponsored by A. Spero]

Tozzi proposed at same time as Basciano and possibly inducted in the above ceremony.


c. Summer 1991

- Jerome Asaro (33y)
- Joseph Cammarano Jr. (32y)
- Peter 'Petey Boxcars' Cosoleto (44y)
- Vincenzo D'Antoni (48y)
- Vito Grimaldi (52y) (Died 2022)
- John 'Johnny Boy' Mirabile (30y)


August 17, 1991

Location: Barbieri Residence (Astoria, Queens)

- Anthony Spero (62y) (Consigliere) (Died 2008)

- Patrick DeFilippo (52y) (Acting Captain) (Died 2013)
- Louis Restivo (56y) (Captain) (Died 2014)
- Gerlando Sciascia (57y) (Captain) (Murdered 1999)
- James Tartaglione (54y) (Captain) (Flipped 2003)
- Salvatore Vitale (44y) (Captain) (Flipped 2003)

Members Inducted:
- Generoso 'Jimmy General' Barbieri (32y) (Flipped 2005) [Sponsored by J. Tartaglione]
- Anthony 'Tony Nicole' Frascone (42y) [Sponsored by P. DeFilippo]
- Pietro Ligammari (30y) (Suicide 1999) [Sponsored by G. Sciascia]

Ceremony presided over by Spero and Vitale.

Induction through verbal oath only.

Barbieri: "They asked us do we know why we're here. Of course we all said no..Then they told us some different rules about the Bonanno Family; that if you had any problems with anybody before this day, you didn't do anything about it, you couldn't do anything about it anymore. Never to speak to law enforcement. Never go out with another guy's wife. Not to sell drugs. [Because] of the FBI surveillance, they didn't use a knife and a gun..Vitale and Spero, they went through the ceremony, telling us all different things about what to do, what not to do. Then we locked hands and basically that's how it went."

Barbieri (1991)

The books may have been closed from late 1991 through 1994.



- Frank Coppa Jr. (37y) [Sponsored by F. Coppa]
- Anthony 'Tony Black' Furino (40y) [Sponsored by J. Massino]


c. 1995-1996

- Anthony Calabrese (28y)
- Joseph 'Joe Shakes' DiStefano (43y) [Sponsored by S. Vitale]
- Vincent 'Vinny Green' Faraci (40y)
- Stephen 'Stevie Blue' LoCurto (34y) (IPL 2006) [Sponsored by A. Graziano]
- Thomas Mallette (Died 1999) [Sponsored by F. Coppa]
- Bari Mascitti (49y) (Died 2014) [Sponsored by J. Tartaglione]
- Nicholas Santora (44y) (Died 2018) [Sponsored by J. Massino]


December 1996

- Joseph Massino (53y) (Boss) (Flipped 2004)
- Salvatore Vitale (49y) (Underboss) (Flipped 2003)

- Richard Cantarella (53y) (Acting Captain) (Flipped 2002)
- Frank Lino (59y) (Captain) (Flipped 2003)
- James Tartaglione (Captain) (Flipped 2003)

Members Inducted:
- Paul Cantarella (24y) (Flipped 2002) [Sponsored by R. Cantarella]
- Joseph Lino (38y) [Sponsored by F. Lino]
- Daniel Mongelli (30y) [Sponsored by F. Lino]


c. 1996-1997
- Michael 'Mikey Nose' Mancuso (40y) [Sponsored by P. DeFilippo]


December 1997

Location: Hotel Room (Long Island)

- Joseph Massino (54y) (Boss) (Flipped 2004)
- Salvatore Vitale (50y) (Underboss) (Flipped 2003)

- Richard Cantarella (54y) (Acting Captain) (Flipped 2002)
- Frank Coppa (56y) (Captain) (Flipped 2002)
- Frank Lino (60y) (Captain) (Flipped 2003)

Members Inducted:
- Nicholas 'P.J.' Pisciotti (28y) (Flipped 2005) [Sponsored by F. Coppa]
- Richard 'Fat Richie' Riccardi (48y) [Sponsored by F. Lino]

Induction through verbal oath only. See Pisciotti's bio for further details.

Pisciotti (L) and Riccardi (R)

c. Early 1998

- Joseph Massino (55y) (Boss) (Flipped 2004)
- Salvatore Vitale (51y) (Underboss) (Flipped 2003)

- James Tartaglione (60y) (Captain) (Flipped 2003)
- Other Unspecified Captain(s)

Members Inducted:
- Sandro Aiosa (55y) (Died 2023) [Sponsored by V. Asaro]
- Joseph Grimaldi (27y)
- Anthony Navarra (26y) [Sponsored by A. Urso]

CW Francesco Fiordilino later claimed he was told the following by Grimaldi: "[Grimaldi] said they drove out to the [Long Island Expressway], two cars, they went out there, they stopped [and exited the vehicles], they told him: Listen, we are not going to go through the ceremony and these guys are made, don't tell nobody."

CW Tartaglione stated he was present when the above were inducted but mentioned nothing unusual in how it was carried out.


c. 1998

- Joseph Massino (55y) (Boss) (Flipped 2004)
- Salvatore Vitale (51y) (Underboss) (Flipped 2003)

- Peter Calabrese (49y) (Acting Captain)
- Richard Cantarella (54y) (Captain) (Flipped 2002)
- Frank Coppa (57y) (Captain) (Flipped 2002) (Died 2024)
- Gerlando Sciascia (64y) (Captain) (Murdered 1999)

- Joseph DiStefano (46y) (Soldier)

Members Inducted:
- Vincent 'Vinny TV' Badalamenti (40y) [Sponsored by P. Calabrese]
- Joseph Torre (46y) [Sponsored by R. Cantarella]

Badalamenti (L) and Torre (R)

c. Mid-1999

Location: Residence (New York)

- Joseph Massino (56y) (Boss) (Flipped 2004)
- Salvatore Vitale (52y) (Underboss) (Flipped 2003)

- Joseph Cammarano (63y) (Captain) (Died 2013)
- Patrick DeFilippo (60y) (Captain) (Died 2013)

Members Inducted:
- Peter Lovaglio (37y) (Flipped 2016) [Sponsored by J. Cammarano]
- John 'Johnny Joe' Spirito (40y) [Sponsored by P. DeFilippo]

Lovaglio (L) and Spirito (R)
Source: Gang Land News
Induction through verbal oath only.

Lovaglio: "[You're] asked [if you know] why you're there and you say no. And you're read some rules. Told that you're being inducted into the Family. At the time it was the Massino Family. And you're read some rules and you're inducted...There's some rules about wives and daughters. Always report when you're called. If you have to kill, you have to kill. In other words, put everything on record and don't ever tell."


c. Mid-1999

- Alfred Altadonna (48y)
- Giacomo 'Jack' Bonventre (31y) [Sponsored by J. Asaro]

Both included with Lovaglio and Spirito on list of proposed members.


c. Late 1990s
- Fabrizio 'The Herder' DeFrancisci (30y) [Sponsored by A. Graziano]
- Thomas Ferreri (40y)
- Ronald Giallanzo (28y) [Sponsored by V. Asaro]
- Giovanni Licata (60y)
- Philip Navarra (27y) [Sponsored by A. Urso]
- Several others

Edit1: Added additional information on Lovaglio / Spirito ceremony.

Bonanno Family Ceremonies (1980s)

Brief descriptions, in chronological order, of known Bonanno Family induction ceremonies from the 1980s.

As noted in the post covering 1970s inductions, the Bonanno Family's books were closed on Commission order in 1979. This ban was lifted around mid-1984.

The majority of this information was obtained from the Bonanno CWs of the early 2000s.

Many of the dates given are approximate. It's possible some names listed separately were made together.

More info will be added as it becomes available.


c. September 1984

Location: Apartment (Marine Park, Brooklyn)

- Joseph Massino (41y) (Underboss) (Flipped 2004)
- Stefano Cannone (71y) (Consigliere) (Died 1985)

- Louis Attanasio (40y) (Captain)
- Frank Lino (46y) (Acting Captain) (Flipped 2003)
- Anthony Spero (55y) (Acting Captain) (Died 2008)

Members Inducted:
- James 'Big Louie' Tartaglione (47y) (Flipped 2003) [Sponsored by J. Massino]
- Salvatore Vitale (37y) (Flipped 2003) [Sponsored by J. Massino]

Ceremony presided over by Cannone.

Vitale: "At the table was Mr. Massino, Louie Ha-Ha [Attanasio] and Stevie Beef [Cannone]. Stevie Beef was the official consigliere..They asked us to wait in another room. They brought us in, they sat us down, they told us you know what you're here for, we're not going to play any games with you, we're looking for a few good men, yous two have been picked, would you like to join our organized crime family. Right then and there we could have said no and left [with] no repercussions. We decided to join and they inducted us into their family."

Induction through verbal oath only:

Tartaglione: "They were giving us the rules. Before they gave us the rules, they turned around and said generally, we have a gun and knife here, but because of hard times, we are not going to have these things here."

Vitale: "It gets much more entailed than the way [Cannone] did it. [The] proper way to do it is you're supposed to have a gun, a knife, and a stake on the table, and the individual explains to you that the gun means that you came to this life with a gun in your hand, you leave with a gun in your hand. The dagger is that, if you came with a dagger, you're gonna leave with a dagger [and also] to prick your finger [and] to put the stake in your hand and to burn it, and you repeat after what they tell you, that, if you decide to cooperate, your soul will burn in Hell for eternity, just like the stake will burn in your hands, and then they explain the dos and don'ts to you, but [Cannone] didn't go through all that. He made it very short and sweet."

Tartaglione and Vitale both initially cited 1983 as their year of induction. Vitale later clarified that the ceremony occurred after the murder of Cesare Bonventre (early April 1984), after Boss Philip Rastelli's parole was violated (June 1984) and after Joseph Massino surrendered on a RICO indictment (July 1984).

Tartaglione (L) and Vitale (R)

c. Fall 1984
- Louis Restivo (50y) (Died 2015) [Sponsored by S. Cannone]


c. 1985
- Robert Attanasio (39y) [Sponsored by L. Attanasio]
- Peter 'Petey Rabbit' Calabrese (36y) [Sponsored by L. Attanasio]
- Gasper 'Skin' Cammarata (56y) (Died 1999)
- John Cerasani (47y) (Died 2006)

L to R: Attanasio, Calabrese, Cerasani

c. October 1985

Location: Apartment above J&S Cake (Maspeth, Queens)

- Joseph Massino (42y) (Underboss) (Flipped 2004)

- Frank Lino (48y) (Captain) (Flipped 2003)
- Anthony Spero (56y) (Captain) (Died 2008)
- Additional Unspecified Captain(s)

Members Inducted:
- Robert Lino (54y) (Died 1989) [Sponsored by F. Lino]

Robert Lino

Early 1986

Location: Apartment above J&S Cake (Maspeth, Queens)

- Joseph Massino (43y) (Underboss) (Flipped 2004)

- Frank Lino (48y) (Captain) (Flipped 2003)
- Anthony Spero (57y) (Captain) (Died 2008)

Members Inducted:
- Thomas 'Tommy Karate' Pitera (32y) (IPL 1990) [Sponsored by F. Lino]

Thomas Pitera
Source: Gang Land News

c. 1986
- Thomas 'Tommy D' DiFiore (43y) [Sponsored by J. Massino]
- Anthony 'Tony Green' Urso (50y) [Sponsored by J. Massino]


February 22, 1986

- CI Gregory Scarpa reported: "[Scarpa] advised Joseph Savarese was inducted into the Bonanno Family, along with several other individuals on 2/22/86. [Scarpa] did not know the identities of the other new members at this time." (Savarese was named as an associate present for the August 1981 murder of Captain Dominick Napolitano. Aside from Scarpa's report there is no other mention of this individual as a made member.)


c. May 1986
- Joseph Chilli Jr. (30y)


c. Mid-to-Late 1987
- Vincent 'Elmo' Amarante (39y) [Sponsored by L. Attanasio]
- Frank 'Big Frank' Porco (59y) [Sponsored by A. Spero]


c. Late 1987
- John 'Porky' Zancocchio (30y) [Sponsored by A. Graziano]

John Zancocchio (1984)

c. Late 1980s
- Joseph 'Joe Desi' DeSimone (55y)
- Pietro Rosa (43y) (Flipped 2004)
- Salvatore 'Sally Bross' Scudiero (56y) (Died 2006) [Sponsored by J. Tartaglione]
- Several others

Friday, August 16, 2019

Gambino Chart (1997) [Photo]

Government Chart depicting the Gambino Family circa 1997:

See this post for a breakdown, with details from CW Michael DiLeonardo, on the Family's structure five years later.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Gambino Surveillance (2007)

Surveillance photos from a 2007 Gambino wake held in Ozone Park, Queens.

Alphabetical list of attendees:

- Joseph Arcuri

- Thomas Cacciopoli
- Frank Cali
- Domenico Cefalu
- Joseph Chirico
- Joseph Colombo
- Anthony Corozzo
- Joseph Corozzo
- Nicholas Corozzo

- John D'Amico
- Vincent Dragonetti

- John Giordano

- Anthony Manero

- James Outerie

- Vincent Parisi

- Richard Ranieri
- Michael Roccaforte
- Michael Roccaforte Jr.

- August Sclafani

- Alphonse Trucchio

- Bartolomeo Vernace

Colombo Family (1980) [Text]

Colombo Family (c. October 1980)


Boss: Thomas DiBella (75y)

Soldiers [Reported Direct to DiBella]
- James 'Jimmy Brown' Clemenza (69y)
- Paul D'Amico (68y) (Las Vegas)
- Nicholas 'Nicky Black' Grancio (53y)
- John Pate (39y)
- Anthony Peraino (65y)

Underboss: Carmine 'Junior' Persico (47y)

Soldiers [Reported Direct to Persico]
- Ernest LaPonzina (63y)
- Frank 'Beansy' Melli (39y)

Consigliere: Alphonse 'Allie Boy' Persico (51y)


1. John 'Sonny' Franzese (63y)

- Saverio 'Bobby Green' Falvo (55y)
- Michael Franzese (29y)
- Anthony 'Butch' Maltese (61y)
- Rocco 'Rocky' Miraglia (54y)

2. Gennaro 'Gerry Lang' Langella (42y)

- Benedetto 'Benny' Aloi (45y)
- Anthony 'The Gawk' Augello (57y)
- Michael Bolino (39y)
- Joseph 'Little Joey' Brancato (63y)
- Fred Clemenza (57y)
- Edward Fanelli (47y)
- Vincent 'Vinny Sicilian' Gugliaro (52y)
- Vito Guzzo (47y)
- Benjamin 'Benny Sidge' LoCicero (47y)
- Rosario 'Black Sam' Nastasa (68y)
- Philip 'Chubby' Rossillo (38y)
- Joseph 'Lefty' SanGiorgio (42y)
- Ralph Scopo (52y)
- Joseph 'Joe Yak' Yacovelli (52y)

3. John 'Johnny Irish' Matera (48y) (FL)

- Thomas Farese (37y)
- Anthony 'Tony Black' Induisi (32y)

4. Dominic 'Donnie Shacks' Montemarano (42y)

- Dominick 'Little Dom' Cataldo (44y)
- Alphonse 'Funzi' D'Ambrosio (56y)
- Philip Fontana (83y)
- Philip 'Fat Foongie' Gambino (56y)
- Joseph 'Joe Black' Gorgone (55y)
- Frank 'Gandy' LoCicero (53y)
- Frank 'Frankie the Sheik' Musacchio (65y)
- Salvatore Scarpa (51y)
- John Scimone (68y)

5. Salvatore J. Profaci (44y) (NJ)

- Paul Lombardino (76y)
- Rosario Lombardino (55y)
- Salvatore 'Turi' Lombardino Jr. (49y)

6. Vincenzo Randazzo (79y)

- Ambrose Magliocco (79y)
- Antonio Magliocco (71y)
- Salvatore 'Sammy' Peritore (67y)

7. Andrew 'Andy Mush' Russo (46y)
Acting: Vincent 'Jimmy' Angellino (44y)

- John Anthony Bolino (63y)
- Joseph 'Junior Lollipop' Carna (40y)
- Gerard 'Jerry Brown' Clemenza (29y)
- Salvatore 'Big Sal' Miciotta (33y)
- John Minerva (55y)
- Joseph Peraino (54y)
- Nick Rizzo (53y)
- Anthony 'Chucky' Russo (27y)

8. Anthony 'Scappi' Scarpati (47y)

- Vincenzo Aloi (47y)
- Anthony Colombo (35y)
- Salvatore Fusco (49y)
- Joseph Peraino Jr. (30y)
- Modesto 'Duke' Santoro (68y)
- Gregory Scarpa (52y)
- James 'Jimmy Skee' Scianna (64y)
- George Tropiano (65y)

9. Joseph 'Joe T.' Tomasello (48y) [Recently Appointed Captain]

- Joel 'Joe Waverly' Cacace (39y)


Soldiers (Crew Unknown)
- Anthony 'Abbey' Abbatemarco (58y) [Shelved?]
- Robert Barbieri (65y)
- John 'Little John' Capichano (71y)
- Anthony Crivello (68y) [Former Panarella Crew]
- Jerome 'Gene Magliocco' D'Agati (60y)
- Benedetto D'Alessandro (80y) [Res. Sicily]
- John 'Jackie' DeRoss (43y)
- Bartolo Ferrigno (78y)
- FNU 'Scotty' Fontana (FL)
- Frank Fusco (76y)
- Vincent 'Jimmy' Melia (64y)
- John 'Big John' Misuraca (83y)
- Vic Orena (46y)
- Patsy 'Junior' Palermo (31y) [Former Panarella Crew]
- Charles 'Charlie Moose' Panarella (58y) [Recently Demoted Captain]
- Alphonse 'Allie Boy' Persico (26y)
- Joseph 'Jo Jo' Russo (27y)
- Michael Savino (72y) (FL)
- Alphonso 'Peanuts' Serrantonio (41y)
- Joseph Spatoliatore (72y) [Res. Sicily]
- Joseph 'Fat Richie' Zorzi (52y) [Poss. Deceased]

Total Known Members: 97



- By November 1980 Thomas DiBella stepped down as Boss and was replaced by Carmine Persico.

- Following Persico's installment as Family Boss he made Gennaro Langella his Underboss. Langella's crew was taken over by Benedetto Aloi.

- As noted in the membership estimates post, the FBI cited approximately 90 living members earlier the same year. This did not include several recently inducted members who as yet had only been identified by a single source.
Edit1: Removed Dominico Esposito (Member -> Possible Member).

Monday, August 5, 2019

Colombo Family Induction Ceremony (1957)

Brief description of Colombo Family ceremony held in or around the middle of 1957.

c. Mid-1957

Location: Magliocco Residence (Bath Beach, Brooklyn)

- Giuseppe Magliocco (59y) (Underboss) (Died 1963)

- Harry Fontana (58y) (Captain) (Died 1979)
- Calogero 'Charlie Sidge' LoCicero (53y) (Captain) (Murdered 1968)
- Salvatore Musacchio (52y) (Captain) (Died 1972)
- John 'Johnny Bath Beach' Oddo (53y) (Captain) (Died 1975)

Members Inducted:
- Leonard Dello (29y) (Died 2009)
- Charles 'Lolly' DePierro (29y) (Died 1973)
- Lawrence Lampasi Jr. (31y) (Murdered 1992)
- Joseph Magnasco (32y) (Murdered 1961)
- Anthony 'Tony Skee' Scianna (26y) (Died 2009)



- Details of the ceremony were provided to the FBI by a Colombo member source in 1974. This informant was a member of the Family's South Brooklyn crew and more or less picked up where CI Gregory Scarpa left off following the latter's deactivation in 1975. It wasn't until this informant was unable to continue providing intel that Scarpa was again approached and re-opened as a source.

- CI described the ceremony as 'brief' and, in naming those present, characterized LoCicero as 'Profaci's sharp-tongued mouthpiece and backbone for 17 years'.

Background on those inducted:

1. Leonard Dello

Born August 1927 to family from Vibo Valentia, Calabria. Member of Harry Fontana's South Brooklyn crew. Joined the Gallo brothers in their revolt against Family Bosses before returning under Captain Nicholas Forlano in 1964. Remained in this crew when leadership transferred from Forlano to Aniello 'Allie Lamont' Giannattasio in the mid-1970s.

After Giannattasio's demotion in September 1976 Dello was transferred first to James 'Jimmy Brown' Clemenza then to the newly promoted Andrew Russo.

In 1979 sentenced to five years Federal imprisonment for stolen securities conviction.

During the intra-Family war briefly switched to the rebel Orena faction.

Member of Thomas Gioeli's crew by the early 2000s. Died 2009.

2. Charles DePierro

Born July 1928 in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. Nephew to Colombo Soldiers John and Patsy Guariglia and, like his uncles, reported to John Oddo. Ran bookmaking and card games out of candy store and luncheonette on 18th Ave and oversaw a small crew of thieves and hijackers.

In Fall 1971 involved in dispute with Genovese Soldier Joseph Traina, leading unspecified DePierro associates to assault members of Traina's crew. CI Scarpa was present when DePierro was called in by Colombo leaders and threatened with death should the situation escalate further.

On March 14, 1973 found dead of heart attack inside his room at the Manhattan Beach Hotel in Brooklyn. DePierro had been living at the hotel in recent years and was said to have essentially taken the building over; reports were frequent of various illegal activities being conducted on the premises and a woman committed suicide by gunshot in his room the previous year.

3. Lawrence Lampasi Jr.

Source: New York Daily News
Fontana crew member born December 1925 in New York. Father Lorenzo, a long-time Colombo Soldier from Monreale comune of Palermo, acted as one of the primary mediators in the Profaci - Gallo conflict.

In December 1973 shot and wounded by a masked assailant, reportedly at the direction of his crew leader Dominick Scialo. Lampasi had lodged a complaint with Scialo over the murder of one of his bookmakers four days prior. Shortly after this incident Scialo disappeared. Informants later described the unsanctioned Lampasi shooting as the last of Scialo's many infractions as crew leader, and one that led Lampasi's former Captain Harry Fontana to personally request Scialo's murder.

Following Scialo's disappearance Lampasi was transferred to Vincent 'Vinny Sicilian' Gugliaro. In early 1977 Gugliaro was demoted as part of the Family's large-scale reorganization and Lampasi was assigned to the reinstated Aniello Giannattasio. His associate Joseph Tomasello was inducted that February.

In the 1980s reported first to Dominick Montemarano then to Richard Fusco. As a member of Fusco's crew Lampasi joined the Family's Orena faction. In the early morning hours of May 22, 1992 he was shotgunned to death outside a Borough Park apartment building by Persico loyalists.

4. Joseph Magnasco

Source: New York Daily News
Fontana crew member born February 1925 in Brooklyn. His father Pietro, a tailor from Palermo, was shot to death in 1930. Related by marriage to the Abbatemarcos from Salerno, Campania.

Along with Abbatemarco and many other South Brooklyn Colombos, he joined the Gallos in their revolt against the Family. On the afternoon of October 4, 1961 participated in the attempted kidnapping of his former crew leader Harry Fontana outside the College Restaurant in Gowanus. Harry's older brother Salvatore observed the commotion, retrieved a .32 caliber automatic and opened fire, killing Magnasco with three shots before fleeing the scene. Under questioning by law enforcement both Fontanas admitted being present at the time of the shooting but denied involvement.

5. Anthony Scianna

Another South Brooklyn crew member with Palermo heritage, at the time of induction he and brother Vincent aka Jimmy Skee both reported to Calogero LoCicero. Owned the Skee Bar on 11th Ave in Dyker Heights. In July 1962 murdered Giacomo Brez outside location and subsequently fled to San Juan, Puerto Rico where apprehended in January 1964. When tracked down Scianna was managing El Chico Nuevo Bar under alias John Calabrese. (Former Newark Boss Gaspare D'Amico was living in San Juan at this time. D'Amico's brother John was an identified Colombo member and Gaspare was reportedly well acquainted with the Family's South Brooklyn crews. It's worth speculating whether this association influenced Scianna's choice of Puerto Rico as a haven.)

Extradited and formally charged with murder 1st degree, Scianna pleaded guilty the following January and received a sentence of seven-to-twenty years. (Scianna's nephew Joseph 'Joey Flowers' Rotunno was charged for interfering with the investigation.)

Paroled from Wallkill Prison in July 1969 and assigned to Carmine Persico's crew, Scianna moved to Garfield, New Jersey, joined Local 1772 Carpenters Union and worked construction in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Avoiding gambling and other overt criminal activity to prevent a parole violation, one informant claimed Scianna had nonetheless participated in two additional murders shortly after his release. Also carried as a suspect in the 1975 murder of Jacob Molinas in California.

A June 1976 report named four Colombo members who were considered outcasts in the Family. Both Scianna brothers were included due to their heavy drinking. They were reporting to Aniello Giannattasio at the time, broken to Soldier three months later for the same reason, after which the brothers were put with Andrew Russo.

By Fall 1980 Anthony was transferred to the New Jersey crew headed by Salvatore Profaci. In the years since his release from prison Scianna remained in the state, moving from Garfield to Elmwood Park where he opened a luncheonette. He later served as Profaci's Acting Captain and attended the 1987 ceremony where the Cagno brothers were inducted. Identified by CW Carmine Sessa as a member under Thomas Petrizzo circa 1991, an informant report the following year again places him with the Jersey crew. Died 2009 in Florida.

New York Membership Estimates (1980)

FBI membership estimates for the New York Families circa Spring 1980.

This is not intended to serve as an exact accounting of each Family's size, only to provide a snapshot of contemporary Federal intelligence on the subject. In the following years, with the return of widespread electronic eavesdropping as well as development of high-ranking members into cooperating witnesses, more accurate numbers were obtained.

In addition, the FBI requires identification from at least two verifiable sources prior to carrying an individual as a made member. As a result several newly inducted members were excluded from lists compiled at the time.

1. Bonanno: "Sources indicate the Family has 200 living members of whom approximately 135 have been identified." (While this appears to be a notably out of proportion estimate, it may explain a brief and puzzling remark made in court years later that the Family was brought 'back to 190' under Massino's leadership. It's also a possibility, however, that the court statement was transcribed incorrectly.)

2. Colombo: "Sources indicate the Family has 92 living members of whom 90 or so have been identified."

3. Gambino: "[Sources] have identified 190 living members."

4. Genovese: Rather than a straightforward estimate, two separate columns are shown: one indicating 169 living members and the other providing a regional breakdown of membership totaling 191, with 133 and 28 cited for New York and New Jersey respectively.

5. Lucchese: 85 members, also broken down by region: New York (71), New Jersey (5), Miami (8) and Italy (1).

Sunday, August 4, 2019

DeCavalcante Family (1965) [Photo/Text]

Chart depicting the DeCavalcante Family circa Summer 1965:



- Frank Majuri and Joseph LaSelva were made Co-Underbosses by DeCavalcante. Information from CW Anthony Rotondo indicates that LaSelva was shifted to Consigliere by the mid-1970s.

- The Family was operating with no Captains in the time leading up to former Boss Nick Delmore's death. All of those listed above were named by DeCavalcante shortly after he took over in February 1964. The one exception is Paolo Farina; he had only recently been given control of the crew formerly headed by Joseph Sferra.

- Frank Cocchiaro's crew was later split between Rudolph Farone and Vincent 'Jimmy' Rotondo. Both were inducted in 1976 under Cocchiaro's sponsorship.

- Of the Captains listed, Paolo Farina held the position the longest and is reported to have voluntarily stepped down around 1991. (CW Vincent Palermo, part of the Family's Acting Administration, instead claimed that Farina was an official Captain all the way up to the Fall 1999 indictments.)

- Membership limited to those able to be confirmed in LE reports or through CW info. Several additional names turn up in various sources as suspected members. Some of those named in early FBI documents were later determined to be references to members of other LCN Families (i.e. Anthony 'Nino' Busciglio, Michael Mandaglio, David 'Dave Cavelli' Iacovetti).

Small Update

1. Bonanno Family Ceremonies (1970s) : Moved Robert 'Bobby Bad Heart' Perrette to circa Spring 1978.