Sunday, March 12, 2023


Vincenzo Caruso (L) and Peter DiPalermo (R)

New Post: Vincenzo Caruso (Madison Member)

1. Michael Aquilante (DeCav) - Noted CI information reporting Aquilante's induction circa Summer 1978.
2. DeCavalcante Family Ceremonies (1970s) - Added Carmelo Cocchiaro (inducted pre-1978) and Michael Aquilante (inducted c. Summer 1978).
3. Lucchese Family Ceremonies (1970s) - Added Peter DiPalermo photo (inducted c. July 1977).

Jerome D'Agati (Colombo)

c. 1965 Jerome 'Gene Magliocco' D'Agati was a member of the Colombo Family. He was related by marriage to the Badalamenti, Magli...