Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Bonanno Family (2002) [Text]

Bonanno Family (c. May 2002)


Boss: Joseph Massino (59y)

Underboss: Salvatore Vitale (55y)

    Soldiers [Reported Direct to Vitale]
    - Joseph 'Joe Shakes' DiStefano (50y)

Consigliere: Anthony Spero (73y) (IPL)

Note: Leadership assisted by ruling panel


1. Jerome Asaro (34y)

    - Sandro Aiosa (60y)
    - Vincent Asaro (67y) (IP; NYS)
    - Antonino 'Nana' Bonventre
    - Giacomo 'Jack' Bonventre (34y)
    - John 'Johnny Phones' Carlucci
    - Ronald Giallanzo (32y)
    - Joseph Grimaldi (32y)
    - Vito Grimaldi (63y)

2. Vincent Basciano (43y)

    - Anthony 'Little Anthony' Donato (44y)
    - Anthony 'Bruno' Indelicato (55y)
    - Louis Mele (67y)

3. Peter 'Petey Rabbit' Calabrese (54y)
Acting: Vincent 'Vinny TV' Badalamenti (44y)

    - Vincent 'Elmo' Amarante (47y)
    - Baldassare 'Baldo' Amato (51y) (IP)
    - Louis 'Louie Ha-Ha' Attanasio (58y) [Recently Demoted]
    - Robert 'Bobby Ha-Ha' Attanasio (57y)
    - Anthony Calabrese (34y)
    - John 'Johnny Green' Faraci (80y)

4. Joseph 'Joe Saunders' Cammarano (66y)

    - Joseph Cammarano Jr. (43y)
    - Peter Lovaglio (41y)
    - Anthony 'Fat Anthony' Rabito (68y)
    - Louis Restivo (68y)
    - Salvatore 'Sally Bross' Scudiero (70y)
    - Paul 'Fat Paulie' Spina (47y)

5. Richard 'Shellackhead' Cantarella (59y)
Acting: Joseph D'Amico (47y)

    - Paul Cantarella (30y)
    - Perry Criscitelli (52y)
    - Gino Galestro (34y)
    - Joseph 'J.B.' Indelicato (72y)
    - Anthony 'J.J.' Palmiotto
    - Joseph Sabella (37y)
    - Joseph Torre (50y)

6. Joseph 'Junior' Chilli (69y)

    - Gerald Chilli (68y) (IP; Released 7.02)
    - Joseph Chilli Jr. (46y) (IP; NYS)
    - John 'Big John' Contello (49y)
    - Vincent 'Vinny Bionics' DiSario (41y)
    - Dominick Miniero (70y)
    - John 'Johnny Nassau' Sciremammano (46y) (IP; Released 3.02)
    - Frank Porco (74y) (IP 3.02?)

7. Frank Coppa (61y) (IP 7.02)
Acting: Anthony 'Tony Black' Furino (47y)

    - Frank Coppa Jr.
    - Michael 'Mike Box' DeMaria (35y)
    - Joseph Lino (44y)
    - Nicholas 'P.J.' Pisciotti (33y)

8. Patrick DeFilippo (63y)
Acting: Emanuel 'Manny from the Bronx' Guaragna (70y)

    - Anthony 'Tony Nicole' Frascone (53y)
    - Salvatore 'Chubby' Maiorino (78y)
    - Michael 'Mikey Nose' Mancuso (47y)
    - Salvatore 'Iron Worker' Montagna (31y)
    - John 'Johnny Joe' Spirito (44y)

9. Joseph 'Joe Desi' DeSimone (68y)

    - Frank Adamo (47y)
    - Alfred Altadonna (50y)

10. Anthony 'T.G.' Graziano (62y) (IP 3.02)
Acting: William Riviello (64y)

    - Joseph Benanti (68y) (IP; FMC Devens)
    - John 'Boobie' Cerasani (64y) (IP; FCI McKean)
    - John Cicala (44y) (IP; Released 7.02)
    - Peter 'Box Cars' Cosoleto (55y)
    - Fabritzio 'The Herder' DeFrancisci (32y) (IP)
    - Edward Felline (60y)
    - Stephen 'Stevie Blue' LoCurto (41y) (IP)
    - Joseph Loiacono (57y)
    - Anthony 'Tony Elmont' Mannone (58y)
    - John Palazzolo (65y)
    - Armando Rea (50y)
    - Pietro 'Pete Rose' Rosa (56y)
    - Joseph 'Sammy' Sammartino (48y) (NJ)
    - Anthony 'Scal' Sclafani (56y)
    - John 'Porky' Zancocchio (45y) (IP)

11. Frank 'Curly' Lino (65y) (IP; FCI McKean)
Acting: Daniel 'Dede' Mongelli (36y)

    - William 'Cappy' Capparelli (67y)
    - Robert Lino Jr. (36y) (IP 3.02)
    - Thomas 'Tommy Karate' Pitera (48y) (IPL; USP Allenwood)
    - Richard 'Fat Richie' Riccardi (53y)

12. James 'Big Lou' Tartaglione (65y) (IP; Released 4.02) [Note: Kept title while imprisoned but crew split up]

13. Anthony 'Tony Green' Urso (66y)

    - Louis 'Louie Electric' DeCicco (56y)
    - Thomas 'Tommy D' DiFiore (59y) (IP; FCI Schuylkill)
    - Anthony Navarra (30y)
    - Filippo Navarra (32y)

14. Montreal

    - Frank Cotroni (72y)
    - Giuseppe 'Joe' Renda (43y)
    - Nicolo Rizzuto (78y)
    - Vito Rizzuto (56y)
    - Others


Soldiers (Crew Unknown)
- Vito Badamo (70y) (IP)
- Generoso 'Jimmy General' Barbieri (44y)
- Joseph Bonanno
- Salvatore Caccamise (77y)
- John 'Johnny Girone' Caltagirone (74y) (NJ) (Died 6.02?)
- Joseph 'Joe Beans' Campanella (64y)
- Michael 'Mickey Bats' Cardello (60y)
- Ronald 'Ronnie Mozzarella' Carlucci (59y)
- Salvatore 'Toto' Catalano (61y) (IP)
- Louis Civello (51y)
- Epifanio 'Frank Fauney' D'Angelo (88y)
- Vincenzo D'Antoni (59y)
- Michael 'Mike the Electrician' Donofrio
- Simone Esposito (32y) [Prob. DeSimone Crew]
- Vincent 'Vinny Green' Faraci (47y) (Las Vegas)
- Thomas Ferreri (44y) (Las Vegas)
- James Galante (66y)
- John Licata (65y)
- Ronald Lorenzo (56y) (CA)
- Anthony Lucido (82y)
- Salvatore Marchese (76y)
- Bari Mascitti (56y)
- Frank Messina (71y)
- Joseph Messina (88y)
- Vito 'Vic' Militano (70y)
- John 'Johnny Boy' Mirabile (41y)
- Frank 'Cheesecake' Mistretta (86y)
- Salvatore 'Sally Burns' Morale (58y)
- Charles 'Little Charlie' Musillo (76y)
- Richard 'Junkyard Richie' Musumeci (59y) (FL)
- Michael 'Mike the Watchman' Primiano (59y)
- Dominick 'Little Mimi' Sabella (91y)
- Nicholas 'Nicky Mouth' Santora (60y)
- Joseph 'Joe Curley' Taglianetti (69y) (IP)
- Joseph 'Joe T.' Taormina (55y) (Died 10.02)
- Charles 'Crazy Charlie' Travella (62y)

- Joseph Bonanno (97y) (Died 5.02)
- Salvatore 'Bill' Bonanno (71y)
- Salvatore Bruno (87y)
- Antonio Cacioppo (93y)

Total Known Members: 138
Total Estimated Membership: c. 150-160

Possible Members
- Dino Cammarano (44y)
- Paul 'Paulie Whitey' LNU [Confirmed member by 1980, may have been deceased by 2002]
- Joseph 'Pepe' Marino (68y)
- Salvatore Puccio (32y)
- Ronald Scala (59y)
- Anthony 'Fat Sammy' Valenti (35y) [Proposed c. Early 2000s]
- Joseph 'Augie' Yannucci (40y)
- Others



- Re leadership: Ruling Panel in place through 1990s/2000s. Various captains involved and periodically replaced due to incarceration/death

- Graziano said to have been the Acting Consigliere for Spero, but available sources disagree on whether he held that title specifically or if he was just one of the panel members

- Cammarano and Urso promoted to Acting Underboss and Acting Consigliere respectively by late 2002

- Rabito promoted to Captain by late 2002

- Massino instated a rule where every captain needed at least three made members underneath them. Basciano, a recently made captain, was initially given Donato (who he sponsored for membership) and Mele, and soon afterwards Indelicato was brought over from the Graziano crew. After the 2003/2004 defections and subsequent indictments, all of the Soldiers formerly under Cantarella and Coppa were absorbed into this crew

- Several in Crew Unknown section formerly under James Tartaglione. After his 1998 Federal conviction his crew was split up and the members placed with other captains. By Fall 2003 a portion was returned to him with Vincenzo D'Antoni serving as the Acting Captain

- Attanasio: Taken down to Soldier after making unspecified complaint to leadership

- Lorenzo: Kicked up no money and had more or less broken off from the Family by this point

- Chart will be updated as more info becomes available

EDIT3: Added Anthony Palmiotti and Michael Donofrio. Joseph Taormina moved to Unknown Crew section. Ronald Scala moved to Possible Members section.

EDIT4: Removed Ralph Dolce from membership; likely with Genovese Family.

EDIT5: Removed James Genna (Died 1997).

EDIT6: Moved Peter Lovaglio to Cammarano crew.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Rotondo Crew (1977-2001)

Vincent 'Jimmy' Rotondo was made a captain in the DeCavalcante Family in or around 1977 and held the position until January 1988, when he was shot to death outside his residence in Bergen Beach, Brooklyn. His son Anthony Rotondo then assumed leadership over the crew until approximately April 2001, when several captains under indictment were demoted on Boss John Riggi's orders. Rotondo became a CW the following month.

Background information on known crew members:

Made Members

1.) Blackie D'Agosta: Inducted after the books opened in 1976, he was described as a close associate of Rudolph Farone and was present at the induction ceremony of Vincent Rotondo's son Anthony in June 1982. He may have died the same month.

2.) Michael 'Mickey' DePietro: Made by the early 1980s, activities included loansharking and extortion. On-scene participant in September 1989 murders of Frederick Weiss and Joseph Garofano, and active co-conspirator in related plot against DeCav Soldiers Daniel Annunziata and Gaetano Vastola. Rotondo later said of DePietro: "He had a drinking problem [and] was a loose gun. I mean, he would think nothing of going in a bar and knocking everybody out." More than once DePietro was warned by Rotondo, who kept his behavior hidden from the DeCavalcante leadership. By the early 1990s his extortion victims included the South Shore Country Club in Staten Island, an interest subsequently lost in a sitdown with the Gambino Family's Vallario crew. He later joined Anthony Rotondo in extorting The Vault in Manhattan, a scheme that was ongoing at the time of his death in 1998.

3.) Paul SanFilippo: Obscure member with the moniker Paulie Doyle after his father Paolo, an immigrant from Messina who spent several years boxing under the name. No apparent relation to the other New York SanFilippos, who were from Sciacca. Given his age (born 1923) he may have been inducted in the 1950s. Died early 1979.

4.) Louis Telese: Grew up in South Brooklyn and associated early on with the local Colombo Family membership. Like Rotondo and D'Agosta he was inducted after the books opened in 1976. Participant in 1989 Weiss/Garofano murders and in the Annunziata/Vastola plot. In mid-1998 represented by DeCav panel member Vincent Palermo in a sitdown with Genovese Captain Charles 'Chucky' Tuzzo over the extortion of a Coney Island auto business. Died 2001.

5.) Felice LaMela: Known as Phil the Undertaker, his property in Upstate New York served as a burial ground for several DeCav murder victims. In the early 1990s LaMela was taken from Rudy Farone's crew and placed under Charles Majuri; by 1997 he had been transferred again and reported to Anthony Rotondo. Last surviving made member under Rotondo at the time of the latter's demotion.

6.) Vincent 'Vinny Ocean' Palermo: Placed with Vincent Rotondo after his induction circa early 1977, promoted to Captain of a separate crew following his role as shooter in the Weiss hit.

7.) Gaetano 'Corky' Vastola: Inducted with Anthony Rotondo in June 1982 and initially put direct with the Family administration. Sam DeCavalcante stepped down as Boss around September of the same year, and by the mid-to-late 1980s Vastola was under Vincent Rotondo. When approached for assistance in setting up Frederick Weiss, Vastola refused and made threats against the Family leadership. He and Daniel Annunziata were then targeted for murder themselves and left New York. DeCavalcante emerged from retirement to intervene on their behalf and both were allowed to return safely, after which Vastola was again placed direct with the administration.

8.) Anthony Capo: Close with the Rotondo family but officially on-record with Michael DePietro. Acted as driver in the Weiss murder and was inducted the following December. Began feuding with Anthony Rotondo and around 1994 was transferred to Vincent Palermo's crew. In December 1999 became the first made member of the DeCavalcante Family to turn CW.

Associates of Interest

1.) Joseph Collina: Initially under Vincent Rotondo, he was transferred to a New Jersey crew by the early-to-mid 1980s. Possibly already a member at the time. A Soldier under Joseph Caruano by the early 1990s, he began to suspect he was being set up for a hit by Caruano and Jake Amari. During one meeting he fled the scene and informed his brother Bobby, a proposed associate, of the imagined plot. Bobby responded by vandalizing the Elizabeth coffee shop frequented by the NJ faction. As a result Joseph was shelved and his brother turned down for membership.

2.) Victor DiChiara: Through the 1990s considered a proposed associate and, by 1999, his name had been circulated and officially okayed by the Genovese and Lucchese Families (the Bonannos and Gambinos failed to show for meetings and the Colombos were sidelined at the time). The induction was canceled by the December 1999 RICO indictment and DiChiara subsequently flipped.

3.) Frank Scarabino: Known as Frankie the Beast, on-record with Michael DePietro and recruited by DePietro to act as crash car driver in the Weiss murder. Left New York in the early 1990s following a dispute with DePietro, living in California and later the Poconos. Returned to New York around the time of DePietro's death and, with Anthony Rotondo's blessing, transferred to the New Jersey crew headed by Frank Polizzi. One of several potental informants targeted for murder by New York faction leaders, he was saved by the December 1999 arrests. The following year he was indicted as well, due in large part to information provided by those who had previously sought to kill him, and he too began cooperating.

4.) Simone Esposito: Proposed associate direct with Anthony Rotondo by the late 1990s. As rumors of impending indictments strengthened in the Fall of 1999, Rotondo met with Simone and his brother Frank to discuss their future. The brothers were told that, should Rotondo be indicted or worse, they were to stay with Girolamo Palermo, the only DeCav panel member that Rotondo trusted. Should Palermo also be arrested, Simone was to go with an in-law, Bonanno Captain Joseph 'Joe Desi' DeSimone, and Frank to Gambino Captain Joseph 'Sonny' Juliano. Following the DeCav indictments in 1999-2000, Simone obtained release to the Bonanno Family and, according to information Rotondo received while incarcerated at MDC Brooklyn, was made shortly thereafter.

Friday, January 26, 2018

DeCavalcante Family Re-Induction Ceremonies (1988)

As of Spring 1988 New Jersey's DeCavalcante Family was essentially under the authority of the Gambino Family in New York. John D'Amato served as the DeCav's point man with the other Families, a role formerly held by the recently murdered Vincent 'Jimmy' Rotondo.

By Summer of 1988 John D'Amato was reporting weekly to Gambino Boss John Gotti at the Ravenite Social Club in Little Italy, Manhattan. It may have been at one of these meetings that Gotti first received word of the DeCavalcante Family's unorthodox induction ceremonies. Since at least 1977, most or possibly all new members were brought in without use of the traditional method, wherein the inductee had their trigger finger pricked and their blood dripped onto the image of a saint, after which the image was burned and a verbal oath recited. The DeCavalcante Family had instead been inducting new members solely with the verbal oath, foregoing the blood and fire aspect altogether.

Word of Gotti's reaction to the news soon filtered out to the DeCav membership. Captain Anthony Rotondo was summoned for a talk with Boss John Riggi: "[Riggi] said to take a walk with him. And then he asked me if I had ever heard of any members of the Family divulging secrets to anybody in the Gambino Family. I told him, no, I hadn't. He told me that he heard a serious thing. And the thing was that [Gotti] had gotten word that we weren't using the proper induction method..[Riggi] was pretty sure it was John D'Amato [who told Gotti]..He said we'd have to remake everybody who wasn't properly inducted [the first time]." Vincent Palermo, a Soldier in Rotondo's crew at the time, suspected another DeCav Soldier, Daniel Annunziata, was responsible for the leak, not John D'Amato. Regardless of the source, word was handed down: a sizeable portion of the DeCavalcante Family would have to be re-inducted.

Details on two of these re-induction ceremonies are available. Both were held in the basement of an unspecified residence located in New Jersey, and both were presided over by John Riggi (Boss), Stefano Vitabile (Consigliere) and Paolo Farina (Captain).

Those re-inducted at one of these ceremonies included:

Rudolph Farone (Captain)
Anthony Rotondo (Captain)

Daniel Annunziata (Soldier) [Farone Crew]
Carmelo 'Melio/Buff' Cocchiaro (Soldier) [Farone Crew]
Rosario 'Russell' Cocchiaro (Soldier) [Farone Crew]
Michael 'Mickey' DePietro (Soldier) [Rotondo Crew]
Anthony 'Marshmallow' Mannarino (Soldier) [Farone Crew]
Louis Telese (Soldier) [Rotondo Crew]

Those re-inducted at the other ceremony included:

John D'Amato (Capo)

Philip Abramo (Soldier) [D'Amato Crew]
Louis Consalvo (Soldier) [D'Amato Crew]
Vincent Palermo (Soldier) [Rotondo Crew]

Paolo Farina was given the responsibility of carrying out the blood and fire method for each new member and Stefano Vitabile handled the oath.


- John D'Amato may have already been Underboss by this time. D'Amato replaced Girolamo 'Jimmy' Palermo, who resigned in 1988 but sources differ as to exactly when. Palermo's resignation and D'Amato's subsequent rise to power was another result of John Gotti's influence. Following D'Amato's promotion Philip Abramo was made captain over the former D'Amato crew.

- Those named above as being re-inducted were all members of New York based crews. There are no specifics re the New Jersey membership. Available CW information does confirm nearly the entire Family was forced to go through the second ceremonies, but no further details given.

- The reaction by the Gambino Family is understandable when taken on its own. The DeCavs did not follow the commonly accepted traditions for inducting new members and had to correct that error. However, further research has revealed that these unorthodox methods were practiced continuously, over a period of at least twenty-five years, by New York's own Bonanno Family. Unlike the DeCavalcante situation, word of the Bonanno Family's break with tradition either failed to leak out or, if it did, doesn't appear to have garnered nearly the same response. Details on known Bonanno ceremonies will be the subject of a future post.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Philip Rastelli Wake (1991)

Rastelli (1991)

Bonanno Boss Philip 'Rusty' Rastelli died June 24, 1991 at Booth Memorial Hospital in Flushing, Queens.

Wake held June 25-27, 1991 at Papavero Funeral Home in Maspeth, Queens. Majority of active Bonanno membership attended, along with representatives from other NY Families.

Photos from wake:

Not long after Rastelli's death, meeting called by Consigliere Anthony Spero to discuss succession. Meeting held at Staten Island residence of Capodecina Charles 'Little Charlie' Musillo. As expected Rastelli's Underboss, Joseph Massino, was suggested and promptly agreed to by all present.

At the time Massino was incarcerated at FCI Talladega, Alabama, serving a ten-year sentence for labor racketeering. Word of the meeting and its outcome reached Massino through former Colombo Captain Andrew Russo, incarcerated at the same facility. Russo requested Massino take a walk with him, during which he informed Massino of his new position and offered congratulations. Massino subsequently ordered his brother-in-law, Captain Salvatore Vitale, to discontinue visiting him at the prison in order to increase the chance of obtaining parole. The responsibility of handling Family affairs was given to Spero and Vitale until Massino's November 1992 release.

Partial List of Rastelli Wake Attendees:

- Anthony Spero (Bonanno Consigliere)

- Salvatore Avellino (Lucchese Capo)
- Peter Calabrese (Bonanno Acting Capo)
- Joseph Cammarano (Bonanno Capo)
- Michael Cardello (Bonanno Acting Capo)
- John D'Amico (Gambino Capo)
- Patrick DeFilippo (Bonanno Acting Capo)
- Rosario Gangi (Genovese Capo)
- John Gotti Jr. (Gambino Capo)
- Peter Gotti (Gambino Capo)
- Frank Lino (Bonanno Capo)
- Frank Porco (Bonanno Acting Capo)
- Louis Restivo (Bonanno Capo)
- Gerlando Sciascia (Bonanno Capo)
- James Tartaglione (Bonanno Capo)
- Salvatore Vitale (Bonanno Capo)

- Ignazio Alogna (Gambino Soldier)
- Joseph Benanti (Bonanno Soldier)
- Joseph Cammarano Jr. (Bonanno Soldier)
- Richard Cantarella (Bonanno Soldier)
- Charles Carneglia (Gambino Soldier)
- John Cavallo (Gambino Soldier)
- John Cerasani (Bonanno Soldier)
- Frank Coppa (Bonanno Soldier)
- Joseph Corozzo (Gambino Soldier)
- Joseph D'Amico (Bonanno Soldier)
- Joseph DeSimone (Bonanno Soldier)
- Thomas DiFiore (Bonanno Soldier)
- Salvatore DiSimone (Lucchese Soldier)
- Frank Federico (Lucchese Soldier)
- Edward Felline (Bonanno Soldier)
- James Galante (Bonanno Soldier)
- Vito Grimaldi (Bonanno Soldier)
- Robert Lino Jr. (Bonanno Soldier)
- Nicky Martino (Gambino Soldier)
- John Palazzolo (Bonanno Soldier)
- Dominick Pizzonia (Gambino Soldier)
- Pietro Rosa (Bonanno Soldier)
- Joseph Taglianetti (Bonanno Soldier)

Gambino Family (2002)

After the defection of former Gambino Capodecina Michael DiLeonardo, he was shown a government created photo chart depicting the Gambino Family administration and crew leaders around the time of his indictment in Summer 2002. DiLeonardo was asked to comment on those depicted and also to note any inaccuracies.

Following is a formatted text version of the government's chart. Ages for the majority of those listed have been added, along with pertinent quotes from DiLeonardo:


1. Boss: Peter Gotti (63y)

2. Underboss: Arnold Squitieri (66y)

3. Consigliere: Joseph Corozzo (61y)


1. Ignazio Alogna (69y) - "Iggy Alogna, he's a captain in Florida." (Note: Sources other than DiLeonardo state Alogna succeeded Anthony 'Tony Red' Morelli as the Florida captain.)

2. Joseph Arcuri (89y) - "He was a captain for over 40 years."

3. Thomas Cacciopoli (53y) - "He's a captain appointed by Pete John, Jr. [sic?]. He's from Queens."

4. John Cavallo (52y) - "Jackie Cavallo, little Jackie, also from Queens, very close with the Gottis." (Note: In a separate file DiLeonardo gives Cavallo's date of promotion as mid-2001.)

5. Domenico Cefalu (57y) - "He's a captain with us, newly made captain. Part of the Italian faction from Italy that came over here and we straightened him out. He's originally born in Italy and came here, and he got associated with our Family. You can't be a member of both Families in Italy and here, so he's with us."

6. Anthony Ciccone (68y) - "Sonny has been a captain for over 20 years, handles the Waterfront for us, Local 1814."

7. Nicholas Corozzo (62y) - "Little Nick [from] Canarsie, Brooklyn, stayed in Queens a lot. Very strong guy."

8. John D'Amico (69y) - "Jackie D'Amico, Jackie Nose [was] my captain, that's who I got straightened out under." (Note: Although not specified in this document, John Rizzo (50y) was serving as D'Amico's acting captain at this time.)

9. George DeCicco (73y) - "I know him just about my whole life. I was married to his niece."

10. Michael DiLeonardo (47y) (Note: Demoted/Shelved 10.2002)

11. Frank DiStefano - "Frankie the Hat. He took over when Jackie Giordano was in jail, he took over his crew."

12. Joseph Gambino (72y) - "Joe Gambino from the Bronx. He's been a member since the 40s. Joey, good old timer. Related to Carl Gambino, they're cousins." (Note: Most sources put Joseph Gambino as a Soldier in the Gambino-Sciandra crew. Also note that DiLeonardo's estimated circa 1940s induction date is highly unlikely due to age [born 1930] and also to a conflict with Gambino's believed date of immigration to the US.)

13. Thomas Gambino (73y) - "Tommy Gambino is the son of Carlo Gambino, captain. Gentleman."

14. John Gotti Jr. (38y)

15. Richard Gotti (60y) - "He's also a captain. That would be Pete and John's brother and Junior's uncle. He was on the construction panel."

16. Aniello Mancuso (72y) - "This is an individual named Wahoo Mancuso, he's a captain from the Bronx." (Note: Although not specified in this document, another source claimed Salvatore 'Tore' LoCascio served as Mancuso's acting captain.)

17. Joseph Marino (78y) - "This is Joe Oxie, Joe Marino. He's very friendly with Joe Arcuri, became a captain in the early '90s." (Note: Although not stated by DiLeonardo in this document, other sources claim Marino succeeded Mario Traina who died in 1994.)

18. Louis Ricco (73y) - "He's a captain from the Bronx also and would handle some of the Connecticut stuff that we had, Connecticut rackets. Louie was put in charge of any proceeds coming out of there, shylocking and bookmaking, things of that nature, it would be handled by Louie. If we had members or associates up there they would have to go to Louie or Tony Migali [Megale], later on. Tony was from Connecticut and Louie was handling all that while Tony was in jail."

19. Salvatore Scala (59y) - "Sally Scallie [sic], which he was a captain for Pete [Gotti]. He was Pete's acting captain for a while, then became captain when Pete went out."

20. Louis Vallario (61y) - "Louie I know just about my whole life also. He got straightened out under John and Sammy's regime and became a captain later on when Sammy got promoted."

Queried re inaccuracies, DiLeonardo noted the absence of the following captains and/or acting captains and made the following pertinent comments:

1. Daniel Marino (62y) - "Danny was made captain under John. John made him a captain probably in the late '80s. He was with Jimmy Brown originally."

2. Anthony Megale (59y) - "Tony was a captain, like I said, from Connecticut, later on became acting underboss."

3. John Giordano (61y) - "Very close with John, Sr., is also a captain, but was in prison for several years through the '90s."

4. Anthony Morelli (61y) - "[Morelli] was a captain for us in Florida. He went to prison. Also he handled the gas industry for us at one time." (Note: Although not discussed by DiLeonardo in this document, other sources state Morelli was replaced as captain by Ignazio Alogna.)

5. Carmine Sciandra (50y) - "Acting captain for Tommy Gambino, and he was helping out with the garment district rackets."

--. New Jersey - "We had captains out there, we had soldiers out in Jersey." (Note: This statement is the only mention, by either the government or DiLeonardo, re possible NJ crew leaders. No names are given.)

In addition to those listed above, Dominick Pizzonia and Ronald Trucchio are likely candidates for inclusion as well. DiLeonardo personally knew both as captains while on the street in 2002, but apparently overlooked their absence when going over the chart.

DiLeonardo also provided an estimate for the Gambino Family membership circa June 2002, claiming approximately two-hundred fifty made members. He also shared the belief that the Gambino membership 'can max out' at approximately two-hundred sixty members.

Bio: Gasper Cammarata

Gasper 'Skin' Cammarata was a member of the Bonanno Family.

Born December 4, 1929 in Brooklyn, New York. Father from Partanna comune of Trapani, Sicily. Grew up in long-time Bonanno strongholds of Williamsburg and Bushwick.

By 1970s associated with Bonanno Soldier Philip 'Phil Lucky' Giaccone. Around late summer - September 1977 Giaccone was promoted to Capodecina. Described in the book Born to the Mob as one of Giaccone's close associates and bodyguards through the late 1970s up to the time of the latter's murder in 1981. Following Giaccone's death Cammarata aligned with the faction under Captain Joseph Massino.

The Bonanno Family's books were closed from approximately 1979 to mid-to-late 1984, not long after which Cammarata is believed to have become a formally inducted member.

Around 1986 he was placed in the crew of Salvatore Vitale, a newly promoted captain who had himself only been inducted after the books re-opened in 1984. Other members of Vitale's crew included Salvatore Ferrugia, James Galante, Russell Mauro and former Giaccone crew members Henry Bono and Thomas DiFiore.

Cammarata and other Bonanno members at MVP Trucking in Maspeth, Queens (Nov. 1987)

Following Vitale's promotion to Family Underboss in 1993, Cammarata is believed to have been transferred into the crew headed by newly promoted Vincent Asaro. It's also possible that Cammarata was put under Anthony 'Tony Green' Urso. Like Cammarata, Asaro and Urso were both former Vitale crew members. Urso was chosen by Family Boss Joseph Massino to replace the demoted Louis Restivo.

Little is available on Cammarata's criminal activities. He was frequently observed visiting the Bonanno Family's social club at 69-64 Grand Ave in Maspeth, and in 1995 was spotted attending the wake for Bonanno Soldier Henry 'Chubby' Bono held in Bayside, Queens.

Gasper Cammarata died July 16, 1999. Two days later his wake was held in New York. Attendees included:

- Salvatore Vitale (Bonanno Underboss)

- Jerome Asaro (Bonanno Acting Capodecina)
- Patrick DeFilippo (Bonanno Capodecina)
- Frank Lino (Bonanno Capodecina)
- Anthony Urso (Bonanno Capodecina)

- Nicholas Accardi (Bonanno Soldier)
- Sandro Aiosa (Bonanno Soldier)
- Giuseppe Bonanno (Bonanno Soldier)
- John Cerasani (Bonanno Soldier)
- Peter Cosoleto (Bonanno Soldier)
- Louis DeCicco (Bonanno Soldier)
- Thomas DiFiore (Bonanno Soldier)
- John Faraci (Bonanno Soldier)
- Joseph Grimaldi (Bonanno Soldier)
- Vito Grimaldi (Bonanno Soldier)
- Robert Lino Jr. (Bonanno Soldier)
- Michael Mancuso (Bonanno Soldier)
- Daniel Mongelli (Bonanno Soldier)
- Anthony Rabito (Bonanno Soldier)
- Richard Riccardi (Bonanno Soldier)
- Pietro Rosa (Bonanno Soldier)

Small Update

1. Bonanno Family Ceremonies (1970s) : Moved Robert 'Bobby Bad Heart' Perrette to circa Spring 1978.