Monday, February 26, 2024

Chicago / Rockford Hierarchy (1976)

Excerpts from a January 1976 FBI status report on the various LCN Families:

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

San Jose Family (1962) [Text]

Breakdown of the San Jose Family using contemporary CI info:

Boss: Joseph Cerrito (51y)

'Council of three'
1. Charles 'Stanley' Carbone (69y)
2. Philip Morici (74y)
3. Stefano 'Steve' Zoccoli (67y)


1. Emanuel 'Manny' Figlia (44y)

- Alex Camarata (56y)
- Salvatore Cerrito (49y)
- Salvatore Costanza (50y)
- Antonio Ditri (42y)
- Donato 'Dan' Ditri (30y)
- Gerald 'Joe' Gallo (67y)
- Nicolo 'Nick the Knifer' Guastella (66y) [Monterey, CA]
- Pietro Misuraca (57y)
- Salvatore Vassallo (65y) [Monterey, CA]
- Stefano 'Steve' Zoccoli (67y)

2. Angelo Marino (38y)

- Domenic Anzalone (59y)
- Charles 'Stanley' Carbone (69y)
- Giuseppe Caruso (62y)
- Domenico Ferrito (57y)
- Dr. Gregory Genovese (27y)
- Anthony Maggio (57y) [Redwood City, CA]
- Salvatore Marino (64y) [Former Capodecina]
- Philip Morici (74y)
- Thomas Nicosia (66y)
- Frank Sorce (46y)

3. Modesto, CA [Formerly headed by Joe Cusenza (1893-1961)]

- Frank Buffa (52y)
- Leo Cusenza (49y)
- Pietro Ruffino (70y)

Unknown Crew
- Alfonzo Conetto (78y) [Former Boss]
- Vincenzo Figlia (74y) [Figlia Crew?] [Former Capodecina]
- Salvatore Riccobono (75y) [Figlia Crew?]
- Anthony Scavuzzo (71y) [Modesto Crew?] [Campbell, CA]
- Giuseppe Ventimiglia (82y) [Martinez, CA]
- Filippo Zoccoli (63y) [Figlia Crew?]
- Others

Confirmed Members: 32

Possible Members
- Antone 'Tony' Anastasi (46y)
- Mario Balistreri (61y)
- Angelo Giammona (50y) [Proposed by 1962] [Confirmed Member by 1965]
- Mariano Guttadauro (51y)
- Samuel Vizzini (61y) [Transfer from Pittsburgh c. Mid-1930s?]
- Others


- Council member Charles Carbone is later identified as Underboss.

- Anastasi, a local attorney, was introduced by Capodecina Manny Figlia as 'amico nostro' to one of the FBI's member sources in November 1968. He was again described as a member in a subsequent conversation between Figlia and the CI during the same event.

- In 1973 Mario Balistreri was described by CI Anthony Lima as being 'at one time a recruit of the San Jose Family'.

- Frank Giammona (53y), brother to Angelo, was named as a proposed member by March 1962. In April 1976 an informant, noting Frank's presence at Alex Camarata's funeral, reported: "[Frank was] a known Family recruit, who apparently has 'never been made'."

- Prospect 'Bo' Mule (39y), son to old-time Bonanno member Vito Mule, was personally introduced to a member source as 'a new friend' in June 1963. He is believed to have transferred from the Bonanno Family earlier that year.

- In 1971 CI Anthony Lima reported re Vizzini: "His father Yabulo (ph) Vizzini was the Boss of the Camorista in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, in the late 20s or early 30s..[Sam is] sickly and he would not be involved in any illegal activity or have any present association with LCN activity or members." Sam's father was Giacomo/James (1868-1934). Sam left Johnstown around the time of his father's death and took up residence in San Jose, where he worked as a barber.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Anthony Mangione (Los Angeles)


Anthony 'Nino' Mangione was a member of the Los Angeles Family.

Before moving to California he was a member in Cleveland (c. 1924 - c. 1940) and then in Kansas City (1940s - c. 1953).

His father-in-law Dr. Giuseppe Romano (1877-1936) at one time served as Cleveland's Boss and was later the victim of an unsanctioned killing.

Mangione was born November 28, 1900 in Siculiana comune of Agrigento, Sicily to John and Caroline Arena.

On July 17, 1923 arrived at Port of New York aboard S.S. Colombo. Gave destination as residence of 'cousin' Silvestre Cordaro (39y) on Oliver St in Lower Manhattan. (Two years prior the well-traveled and influential Mafioso Nicola Gentile arrived in New York destined for Cordaro, who he also described as a cousin.)

Mangione then moved to Cleveland, where he became a formally inducted member of the Family by 1924 or 1925.

A. Polizzi (Source: FBN Mafia Book)

According to later writings of Nicola Gentile, around this time Cleveland Associate Alfonso Polizzi, also of Siculiana, was proposed for membership by John 'King' Angersola and Charles Colletti.

Per Gentile, Mangione spoke against the proposal on the grounds that Polizzi's father had been shot in the old country for cooperating with law enforcement. Gentile, then a significant member in Kansas City, attended a meeting to argue in support of Polizzi's eligibility for membership. The argument was persuasive and Polizzi was inducted. (The Informer issue on Nicola Gentile is essential reading and can be purchased here.)

On May 6, 1927 Mangione filed Declaration of Intention in US District Court Cleveland.

He was then residing at 2614 East 9th St in Downtown Cleveland and working as a bookkeeper.

By May 1929 he moved to 3416 East 134th St in the Mt. Pleasant neighborhood. Listed occupation as clerk.

That month he filed Petition for Naturalization in USDC Cleveland. Witnesses were Deputy Sheriff Lucian Nardi and Deputy Clerk Charles Trivison (Trivisonno). (Trivisonno also served as witness for Dr. Giuseppe Romano's 1924 US Passport Application. He was from Ripalimosani in Campobasso, Molise, as were Cleveland Members Anthony Delsanter and Mike Minaden.)

Mangione was naturalized September 26, 1929.

In 1930 he made a trip to Sicily, returning through the Port of New York on September 29.

He made another trip around early 1933, returning on March 2 to an address at 3767 East 151st St in Mt. Pleasant.

On December 2, 1933 Anthony married Maria Concetta Romano (24y) at St. Anthony's Church in Cleveland. The bride's father was Cleveland Member and Former (Current?) Boss Dr. Giuseppe Romano from Palermo.

Dr. Romano (US Passport Photo)

On June 10, 1936 Dr. Romano was shot to death by a group that included Soldier John DeMarco and Associates Angelo Lonardo and Milton Rockman. The murder was carried out in retaliation both for Romano's role as co-conspirator in the 1927 murder of Angelo's father, Former Cleveland Boss Joseph Lonardo, and for his perceived responsibility in the death of John DeMarco's brother Domenico on the operating table.

John DeMarco and Angelo Lonardo, facing death for their roles in the unsanctioned killing, were defended and ultimately saved by Alfonso 'Big Al' Polizzi, whose induction had been opposed by Mangione a decade earlier. (Angelo Lonardo later rose to Acting Boss and became the first and only made member in Cleveland to defect.)

Mangione was back in Sicily by the following January, when his first son was born.

On September 13, 1937 arrived with his family at Port of New York.

By April 1940 they were living at 6624 The Paseo in Kansas City, Missouri.

Anthony, who listed his occupation as a liquor salesman, likely transferred his membership to the local Family then headed by Charles Binaggio.

By February 1942 the Mangiones resided at 6633 Olive St. Anthony was employed with the K.C. Distributing Company located at 3309 Troost Ave in the Center City neighborhood.

By Fall 1944 he owned and operated the Quaff Buffet restaurant and bar at 601 Main St.

A. Bonino (Source: FBN Mafia Book)
In July 1949 he sold the business for approximately $10,000 (nearly $130,000 present-day value). The location was subsequently owned by Kansas City Member Antonio Bonino.

In the April 1950 census Mangione continued to list his occupation as bar owner.

By 1953 he was residing in Los Angeles, California.

He transferred his membership to that Family, headed at the time by Jack Dragna.

By February 1961 resided at 2575 Woodlyn Rd in Pasadena.

A. Veneziano
By Summer 1961 Mangione was partners with fellow Siculianese Alfonso Veneziano, a Possible Los Angeles Member, in Joe and Nino's Pizza Place located at 3136 West 8th St in Central LA.

S. Piscopo (Source: FBN Mafia Book)
By July 1963 FBI CI Salvatore Piscopo, a Los Angeles Soldier, reported that 'one of the partners' of Joe and Nino's was a member of the Los Angeles Family. Piscopo noted that Joe and Nino's had been used in the past as 'a meeting place of Italians involved in criminal activities'.

On April 15, 1964 Agents showed Piscopo a photo of Mangione: "[CI] positively identified Anthony Mangione [as] being identical with Tony Mangione, a member of LCN of the Los Angeles 'Brugad' [redacted paragraph]..This individual, according to [CI], is not engaged in any criminal activity, and the source has no information of any activity on the part of subject within the 'Brugad', other than that mentioned herein by source."

Two weeks later the FBI noted: "A photo of [Alfonso] Veneziano was obtained from [INS] and displayed to [CI, who] advised Veneziano is associated with the above business, but is not a member of LCN."

In May 1965 FBI CI reported: "[CI] advised Anthony Mangione is reportedly a member of the La Cosa Nostra and that Mangione's restaurant on Eighth Street near Vermont which is named Joe and Nino's Pizza Place is used on occasion as a message center by La Cosa Nostra members."

On August 31, 1965 FBI LA reported: "[CI] believes knowledge of Anthony Mangione's membership in the La Cosa Nostra is very limited and that any open investigation of Mangione would alert the La Cosa Nostra that the FBI had infiltrated the Los Angeles Family. [CI] feels that in that event he would be the most logical individual to suspect. No open investigation has been conducted on Mangione because of the above."

On September 19/30, 1965 telephone calls were placed from Joe and Nino's Pizza Place to numbers in Vancouver, Canada, including one made to a Joseph Gentile.

When a July 1966 request by the Los Angeles Field Office to continue checking Mangione's toll records was denied by Headquarters, LA responded: "...As a direct result of telephone calls made from Joe & Nino's Pizza Place, [CI Piscopo] has identified this Joseph Gentile as a 'member' of La Cosa Nostra and a former member of the Los Angeles 'family'." Permission for further coverage was subsequently granted.

Additional phone calls were noted to Dr. Giuseppe Romano's widow Ella in Cleveland Heights. (The report notes that neither local PD records nor the Cleveland Field Office contained information on Mrs. Romano 'or her late husband Dr. Zusepi Romano, who was practicing physician prior to his death'.)
On August 23, 1966 FBI LA reported: "As the Bureau is aware, [Redacted; CI Piscopo] has identified Anthony Mangione as a 'member' of the Los Angeles [Family]. The knowledge of his membership is very limited and the informant feels that any open investigation of Mangione would result in the [Family] knowing the FBI had infiltrated the 'family' and this informant would be the individual most likely suspected. For this reason, Mangione's membership is not being set out in [memo]."

On September 30, 1966 FBI Agents surveilled Mangione meeting with an Unsub at Joe & Nino's, it subsequently being noted that he was typically present at the business 'from mid-afternoon until approximately 5 a.m. in the morning'.
By 1967 Mangione was a member of the crew headed by Capodecina Angelo Polizzi.

Members of Polizzi's crew included Soldiers Joseph Giammona, James 'Danny Wilson' Iannone, Anthony 'Nino' Mangione, Salvatore Piscopo and Dominic 'Mimi' Tripoli.

On September 28, 1967 FBI CI and Los Angeles Soldier Frank Bompensiero reported: "Informant still could not recall having met [Anthony] Mangione and was unable to recognize his photograph. He had no knowledge concerning him being an LCN member of the Los Angeles Family. Informant did recognize the photograph of Alfonso Veneziano and recalled his name. Informant was quite sure that several years ago he was a member of LCN living in the Los Angeles area. He stated he has not seen him for 16 to 18 years and had no background information of value." (Veneziano died January 2, 1966 in California).

On October 4, 1967 FBI Los Angeles reported re CI Salvatore Piscopo:
...Since [9/19/67] informant has been unable to contact [Angelo] Polizzi. Since then informant has been in virtually daily contact with LCN 'members' Joseph Giammona, Dominic 'Mimi' Tripoli and Anthony Mangione, all 'members' of Polizzi's LCN 'regime'. None of these individuals knew of Polizzi's whereabouts and advised informant that Polizzi had not yet contacted them relative to the new Los Angeles Boss.

On 9/30/67, informant advised that Polizzi had telephonically contacted him the night of 9/29/67. Polizzi stated that he had suffered a stroke and had been hospitalized for about the past 10 days. Informant met Polizzi in Polizzi's room at Mt. Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles, California on the night of 9/29/67. Polizzi stated that he is recovering from this stroke and expects to be discharged from the hospital in several days.

At this time Polizzi asked informant if informant had made his choice relative to the new Los Angeles LCN 'Boss'. Informant stated that his preference would be Nick Licata, but that he would support Polizzi and would vote for the individual who was the choice of Polizzi.

Polizzi stated that his choice would be Licata as Polizzi felt that this was no time for any change in the Los Angeles LCN leadership. Polizzi indicated that continued pressure from law enforcement would make it difficult to meet and to reorganize at the present time.

Polizzi stated that to date there had been no opposition to Licata. Polizzi stated that except for informant he had not had a chance as yet to poll other 'members' of his 'Regime', but felt that there would be a general agreement to Licata's selection.

Polizzi requested informant to contact Dominic 'Mimi' Tripoli, Joseph Giammona and Anthony Mangione and advise them of his illness and that he would be in contact with them when he was able.

...Informant advised on 10/4/67, that he had contacted
[Polizzi crew members] Tripoli, Giammona and Mangione and advised them of Polizzi's condition.

Informant stated that in view of the fact Polizzi was 'Capo' of the largest 'Regime' in Los Angeles and in view of 'Capo' Joseph Adamo's support, Nick Licata would be the new 'Boss' and additional polling of 'members' would be a mere formality.


That month Nick Licata was elected Boss and appointed Joseph Dippolito as his Underboss. Tommy Palermo remained Consigliere.

In July 1969 Mangione, a mostly inactive member of the Family, was further waylaid by a heart attack.

On August 13, 1970 interviewed by FBI: "[Mangione] stated that he is still incapacitated and inactive due to his second heart attack which he suffered in 7/1969. Mangione advised that he was never familiar with any criminal element in the Los Angeles area and restricts his contacts solely to immediate family and close friends."

The FBI checked in with Mangione once a year through 1974, noting that he remained confined to his residence and under a doctor's care. When questioned he continued to profess no knowledge of LCN activity.

He was interviewed by Agents for the final time on June 8, 1978: "Mangione stated [wife deceased] and Mangione was presently residing alone at 2575 Woodlyn Road. Mangione stated that he had sold the restaurant in which he had part ownership, Joe and Nino's Pizza Place, 3136 West 8th Street, Los Angeles, CA and stated that he was living off Social Security plus a small amount of money he was receiving from the sale of his restaurant. Mangione stated he had had a heart attack within the last year and had the 'shakes'..Mangione stated that he had never associated with the Organized Crime element in Los Angeles and further stated that he had been 'an honest man' all of his life."

Anthony Mangione died October 24, 1979 in Los Angeles.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Milwaukee Family (1974) [Text]

Breakdown of the Milwaukee Family c. June 1974:


1. Boss: Frank Balistrieri (56y)

2. Underboss: Joseph Caminiti (70y)

3. Consigliere: Vito Seidita (69y)


1. Peter Balistrieri (54y)

- Harry D'Angelo (65y)
- Jerome D. DiMaggio (62y)
- Salvatore 'Sam' DiMaggio (57y) [IP; Waupun Prison]
- Benedetto 'Benny' DiSalvo (57y)
- Dominic Gullo (49y)

2. Steve DeSalvo (55y)

- Vito Aiello (66y)
- Albert 'Cadillac Al' Albana (63y) [Kenosha]
- Nick Collura (65y)
- Nick Fucarino (77y)
- Santo Nick Marino (60y)
- John Pernice (85y)
- Giuseppe Rizzo (70y)
- Salvatore 'Ted' Seidita (52y)

Soldiers (Crew Unknown)
- Jerome J. DiMaggio (58y) [Cousin to Jerome / Salvatore]
- Joseph 'Tom' LoBue (70y) [Res. Los Angeles, CA]
- Vincent Maniaci (55y)

Soldiers [Shelved]

- Joseph Gumina (72y)
- August 'Augie' Maniaci (65y)
- Minetto 'Mike' Olivere (78y) [Res. San Diego, CA] [Later Report claims Non-Member]

Total Known Members: 24

Former Madison Members
- Carlo Caputo (70y)
- Cosimo DiSalvo (69y)
- James 'Little Jimmy' Schiavo (51y)

- Carlo Caputo was listed in a January 1976 chart as a Capodecina in Milwaukee.

- Cosimo DiSalvo and James Schiavo were posthumously identified as Milwaukee Members in 6/93 Membership List.

Total Known Members (plus Madison): 27

Possible Members
- Angelo Alioto (50y)
- Michael J. Amato (59y)
- Walter 'Blackie' Brocca (59y)
- Salvatore 'Sam' Cefalu (61y)
- Joseph Enea (42y)
- Frank DiMiceli (55y) [Identified as Capodecina in 1/76 FBI Chart]
- James 'Jimmy' Jennaro (43y)
- Joseph Maniaci (66y)
- Rudolph Porchetta (59y)
- Others

- Brocca, Enea, Jennaro and Porchetta were proposed for membership by Fall 1968, however, the planned ceremony was delayed and it's not clear if any of the group had actually been inducted by this time.
Edit: Moved Angelo Alioto to Possible Members. In August 1964 an FBI CI (likely Maniaci) stated that Alioto was 'definitely not' a member. The previous year it was reported that Alioto had been 'taken in' after the death of his brother Joseph, but this same report misidentifies others as made.

Members Who Died 1964-1973
- John Aiello (Soldier) (Died 1968)
- Antonino 'Tony' Albano (Soldier) (Died 1970)
- Michael Albano (Soldier) (Died 1966)
- John Alioto (Former Boss) (Died 1972)
- Joseph Alioto (Capodecina) (Died 1963)
- Vito Balestrere (Soldier) (Died 1964)
- Francesco Balistrieri Jr. (Soldier) (Died 1972)
- Giuseppe Balistrieri (Soldier) (Died 1971)
- Carlo DiMaggio (Soldier) (Died 1968)
- Salvatore 'Sam' Ferrara (Former Boss) (Died 1974)
- Joe Gurera (Capodecina) (Transferred back to Kansas City Family) (Died 1967)
- Giacomo 'Jack' Iannello (Soldier) (Died 1965)
- Casimere 'Casey' Maniaci (Soldier) (Died 1970)
- Mariano Megna (Soldier) (Died 1965)
- Michele 'Mike' Mineo (Capodecina) (Died 1973)
- Dominic 'Pops' Principe (Soldier) (Died 1970)
- Joseph Spera (Soldier) (Died 1970)
- Charles Zarcone (Former Consigliere) (Died 1969)

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Joseph Aiello (Madison)


Joseph Aiello was a Chicago member who transferred to the Family in Milwaukee's capital city of Madison, where he served as the Underboss to Carlo Caputo.

Connected in-laws included Milwaukee Capodecina (and fellow Chicago transplant) Michele 'Mike' Mineo (1897-1973) and Milwaukee Members Giacomo 'Jack' Enea (1908-1955) and Giuseppe 'Joe' Spera (1908-1970).

Aiello was born March 30, 1901 in Bagheria comune of Palermo, Sicily to Orazio and Maria DiSalvo.

On August 20, 1920 arrived at Port of Boston aboard S.S. Canopic.

By June 1924 he was living in Chicago, where he married his first wife Frances Puccio (16y). Bride's parents from Marineo and Cefala Diana in Palermo.

By April 1930 they resided at 5927 Grand Ave in the Belmont Cragin section of Chicago's Northwest Side. Joseph operated a grocery at 3009 Natchez Ave in the same neighborhood.

On March 30, 1931 arrived at Port of New York aboard S.S. Conte Biancamano.

On July 8, 1931 filed Declaration of Intention in US District Court Chicago.

1931 (from citizenship papers)

It's not known when Joseph was made into the Chicago Family, but he was likely a member by the early 1930s.

By March 1935 the Aiellos had moved to the same location as the grocery on Natchez Ave.

On March 18, 1935 filed Petition for Naturalization in USDC Chicago.

Witnesses were fellow Bagheresi Vincenzo 'James' Graziano (1891-1968) and Nick Pipia (1895-1986), grocers who lived on the West Side. (Graziano married a Morici from Bagheria, whose relatives were involved with the Chicago Family and may have been early members.)

Joseph was naturalized September 25, 1935.

By 1942 the Aiellos resided at 3758 Chicago Ave in Humboldt Park. Joseph owned a grocery across the street at 809 Hamlin.

On March 31, 1942 Josephine Greco Pipia (41y), wife to Joseph's Petition witness Nicholas, filed Petition of Naturalization. Witnesses were Josephine Incrocci and Aiello's wife Frances.

Joseph's wife, according to an FBI member source, led to Joseph being shelved by the Chicago leadership. On October 5, 1965 the source reported: "...Informant also said that Aiello, although an LCN member in Madison, was previously a member of the Chicago LCN, but was allegedly thrown out of the Chicago Family for not killing his wife. Informant said that Aiello's first wife allegedly ran around with other men and the LCN Family expected him to put her out of the way, but he would not do this and so fell into disgrace with the Family." (This source was probably Milwaukee Member August 'Augie' Maniaci.)

Aiello was residing in Madison by the following Summer.

Local press reported in mid-July that he sold property in that city to Madison Soldier Cosimo DiSalvo. (Cosimo was son to Benedetto [1878-1964], a potential early Boss.)

In August 1943 Aiello and Carlo Caputo made a joint purchase of property in the Elmside neighborhood.

The next year Aiello opened the city's first pizzeria, Joe's Pizza Pie Shop.

In March 1945 Aiello sold Elmside property to Caputo.

By Summer 1945 a divorced Aiello was residing at 907 Regent St in Madison's Greenbush section. Cosimo DiSalvo owned a spaghetti house three doors down. (Greenbush, commonly referred as the Bush, was the city's Italian enclave.)

By April 1950 Aiello had remarried. He and wife Mary Enea resided at 415 Washington Ave in the Old Market Place neighborhood. (Both Mary's father Michelangelo [1872-1941] and uncle Giuseppe [1867-1943] were Milwaukee members who are believed to have transferred from Chicago. Giuseppe Enea's son Giacomo aka Jack [1908-1955] was a made member killed for plotting against the Family leadership. Jack's sons Joseph [1931-1976] and Russell [1941-2015] were possible members.)

It's not known when specifically Joseph Aiello transferred to the Madison Family.

By Summer 1961 the Family was believed headed by Carlo Caputo and Joseph Aiello as Boss and Underboss respectively.

Carlo Caputo (1964)

In August a letter was sent anonymously to the FBI's Milwaukee Field Office and later summarized: "[Letter] contained reliable information concerning individuals in the Milwaukee Italian-American community [and] reflected the following: A paragraph stated that Joe Aiello and Carl Caputo of Madison, WI are Mafia leaders and are meeting with the Milwaukee element at and around North Jackson and East Lyon Sts in Milwaukee."

Aiello and wife were then residing at 1045 South Park St in the Bay Creek neighborhood south of Greenbush.

By Summer 1962 the Aiellos had moved to 511 E Main St in Old Market Place. He ran the J & A Grocery from the old 907 (later 822) Regent St address in Greenbush. Maintained additional financial interest in Ferrara and Aiello located at 1125 North Jackson in Milwaukee's East Town.

On June 8, 1964 Carlo Caputo's twenty-one-year old son Bernard was killed in a car crash. The wake was held two days later in Madison. Attendees included Madison Underboss Joseph Aiello, Milwaukee Soldier Salvatore 'Sam' Ferrara, Madison Soldiers James Vincent Caruso, Matthew Pellitteri and Vincent Troia and Possible Madison Member James 'Little Jimmy' Schiavo. (Schiavo was described as 'recently made' in Fall 1965.)

On June 30, 1964 Madison Police Department advised the FBI's Milwaukee Field Office: "[Detective Captain] advised that he knew of no organized criminal activity in Madison and while he knows the name of Joseph Aiello as that of the proprietor of an Italian grocery store, he has never heard this name in connection with the Mafia, Cosa Nostra or the Rackets. [PD] stated that in years gone by, it was rumored that Ben DiSalvo, who passed away some months ago, was the head of the Rackets in the Madison area, but he stated he never heard of any other individual being the head of a criminal syndicate in Madison."

On June 30, 1964 Madison PD advised FBI:

[Detective], who is well acquainted with the Italian community in Madison, advised that he feels he is well acquainted with Joseph Aiello and patronizes his grocery store. He has never heard of Joseph Aiello being connected with the rackets in any way and says he has always thought of him as a friendly and kindly man, who would help a fellow Italian out when in trouble. He believed that Aiello had done well financially through his grocery store, and through investment properties in Madison, and he stated that he had never heard he had come by any of his money illegally.

[Det] did state that he is aware Joseph Aiello is on friendly terms with one Carlo Caputo, who operates a pizza house on State Street [and] who also has made considerable money through investment properties in Madison. [PD] stated that he does not trust Carlo Caputo, and while he knows of no underworld connections, he recalls when Caputo first came to Madison, many years ago, various people in the Italian community would kid Caputo about being connected with the syndicate and this kidding has continued over the years, with Caputo not objecting to such kidding and seemingly enjoying it. [PD] stated that he could not say exactly why he is distrustful of Caputo, but believes it is probably because he considers him a 'sharp' businessman who would take advantage of another person to make a financial profit. He said it is possible Caputo may exercise some influence over Joseph Aiello, although he does not know this to be a fact, but does know that they associate together and believe they may have made trips together to Milwaukee in the past where he believes they might have joint business interests in view of their restaurant and pizza pie businesses.

The FBI interviewed Aiello on November 19, 1964:

He was acquainted with John DiBella (Former Bonanno Member) through the cheese business in which the latter engaged, as DiBella made almost weekly trips to Madison to sell cheese. However, he had never met Joseph Bonanno and had no knowledge or information concerning Bonanno's disappearance or the whereabouts of Bonanno's son, Salvatore Bonanno, aka Bill Bonanno.

He said that he was born in Sicily and came to the US as a young man in 1920. Upon arrival he went to Chicago and there operated a grocery store. He was naturalized in Chicago. While there he used to make trips to Richland Center, Wisconsin to buy eggs. He also became acquainted with several people in Madison including the Pellitteri family and old man Fiori. In the early 1930s, perhaps around 1932, he went to McKeesport, Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh, where he stayed for about eighteen months. He said at that time he was looking around for something to do as he had given up his grocery business. Then, in 1932 or 1933, he observed an empty store building in Madison and decided to rent it and establish a grocery business. Thereafter he moved to Madison and has been in the grocery business since. (One possible match for 'old man Fiori' is Antonio Fiore [1872-1954] from Palermo.)

He said that he knew Carlo Caputo of Madison in the old country as they both came from the same town and lived only a short distance apart. He could not recall whether he or Caputo came to Madison first.

He said that he had watched some of the Valachi testimony before a Senate Committee on TV, but declined any knowledge of LCN matters. He said that he had heard there was a lot of trouble and there were a number of murders in Madison in the old days during prohibition but said he knew nothing about those affairs.


Aiello was interviewed a second time on September 30. A few days later an informant advised the FBI:

Informant said that Nick Fucarino made the statement that two FBI Agents had recently talked to Joseph Aiello and James Schiavo in Madison and that Schiavo had been asked about his relationship with Frank Balistrieri, about organized crime, and about possible shake downs by the hoodlum element. Informant said that Aiello was talked to about the party Frank Balistrieri gave on 9/5/65 for his son, Joe, and that he told the agents that he was not invited and so did not attend.

It should be noted that
[SAs] did talk to Aiello and Schiavo at Madison on or about 9/30/65 and that the conversations were along the lines set out above. This indicates that the Madison LCN members communicate with Milwaukee and it appears that Fucarino knew about this because of his close ties with Schiavo.

As of Fall 1965 the Madison Family consisted of nine confirmed members:

  • 1. Carlo Caputo (Boss; 62y)
  • 2. Joseph Aiello (Underboss; 64y)
  • 3. Sam Paul Buscemi (37y)
  • 4. Filippi 'Phil' Candela (Soldier; 74y)
  • 5. James Vincent Caruso (Soldier; 71y)
  • 6. Cosimo DiSalvo (Soldier; 60y)
  • 7. Matthew Pellitteri (Soldier; 55y)
  • 8. James 'Little Jimmy Schiavo (Soldier; 42y)
  • 9. Vincent Troia (Soldier; 69y)

A tenth may have been Filippi Candela's son John (21y), known to have been a member by June 1966 at the latest. (Candela possibly transferred from Detroit around that time.)

The Family is notable in that the entirety of its known membership was not just Sicilian but hailed solely from Palermo province.

The FBI's various investigations during the time period uncovered little to no information as to criminal activity. The members appeared to be almost entirely legitimate or retired and inactive.

By November 1965 Madison Soldier James Schiavo's son Anthony was engaged to a daughter of Milwaukee Soldier Nick Fucarino. On the 7th a wedding shower was held at Alioto's Restaurant located on Highway 100 in Milwaukee. Attendees in addition to Schiavo included Joseph Aiello, Rockford Underboss Frank Buscemi and Madison Soldier Cosimo DiSalvo. FBI CI later reported: "[Shower] attended by about 200 women...While the shower was in progress, about 20 men who brought their wives met in a separate room, but there was no particular significance to this meeting." (Alioto's Restaurant was owned by Schiavo's in-law, and former Milwaukee Boss, John Alioto.)

On November 8, 1965 FBI CI reported:

Informant said that there was considerable activity with reference tọ the forthcoming Fucarino - Schiavo wedding which was scheduled for 1/1966. Informant said that Nick Fucarino told him that all of the Madison LCN people would come and that a number of invitations would be sent to the LCN family in Rockford, IL. Nick said that he was sending these directly to Frank Buscemi for distribution there. Informant said that all of the Milwaukee LCN people would attend, in his opinion, and there would be something of a showing from other places because Nick Fucarino had always been faithful in attending weddings and funerals.

Informant stated that on 11/7/65 there was a shower for the daughter of Fucarino, the bride-to-be, at Alioto's Restaurant on Highway 100. He said that about 200 women were present, and in addition there were about 20 men who had to drive their wives to the shower. The men met in a separate room, but the meeting was of no great significance because Frank Balistrieri was not there not was John Alioto even though the party took place in his restaurant. Informant said that among the men who came were at last four from Madison: Cosmo DiSalvo, Joseph Aiello, James Schiavo (father of the groom), and

On November 8, 1965 FBI CI reported: "[CI] advised he recently learned (through conversation with Nick Fucarino) that there are only 8 members in the Madison LCN Family. Informant said he also learned that one of these is Vincent Troia, who has been back in Madison for some time, after visiting California. Informant said he also learned that one of the members is a man named [Redacted] about whom he will try to get further information. Informant said that five of the other six members are James Caruso, Joseph Aiello, Carlo Caputo, James Schiavo and Cosimo DiSalvo. He said he did not know the eighth member, unless it was possibly Phil Candela, who is the cheese maker for the Grande Cheese Company of Fond du Lac, WI. (Informant knows Candela to be an LCN member but does not know whether he belongs to the Madison Family.)"

On December 6, 1965 the Schiavo - Fucarino wedding was held in Milwaukee. A reception at the Eagle Club was attended by representatives from the Milwaukee, Madison, Chicago and Rockford Families, including Joseph Aiello and most or all of the Madison members. (The one possible exception was Madison Soldier Vincent Troia.)

On October 1, 1969 FBI CI reported: "Source advised that Joseph Aiello is an elderly gentleman who operates the J & A Grocery, 800 block Regent Street. There is no information that he is involved with any criminal activity. He is one of a group of Italian persons who are supposed to be members of the Mafia in Madison, Wis. There has never been any information developed to support this rumor. Aiello at the present time confines his activity to operating the store and socializing with persons in his own age bracket (70's). Source stated that James Schiavo is now involved in operating the Bee's Tavern, S. Park St, Madison, which he recently purchased. It is believed that this is mostly for his son, Anthony Schiavo. There has been no information concerning any recent activity on the part of Schiavo showing he has been in contact with any LCN people either in Madison or Milwaukee."

Troia (Obit Photo from The Capital Times)

On November 26, 1969 FBI MI reported: "On (6/23; 7/17-18; 8/25; 9/15/69) physical surveillances were conducted at the residence of Vincent Troia, 2965 Fish Hatchery Road. Subject was observed in most instances to stay close to his residence or travel by automobile from his residence to Regent Street at J & A Grocery Store which is operated by Joseph Aiello. Subject on the two occasions observed making trip to the grocery store remained there for only a period of 20 minutes when he was observed to come from store with packages indicating purchases."

On February 18, 1970 FBI CI reported: "Source advised that [Joseph Aiello] is still operating his grocery store, J&A, in the 800 block of Regent Street. This individual is not known to be involved in any gambling activities and continues to live a normal life of a small businessman in the Madison community."

Aiello (Obit Photo from The Capital Times)

Joseph Aiello died November 7, 1970 in Madison.

The next day his wake was held at Fitch-Lawrence Funeral Home at 626 University Ave in the city's Downtown.

A second wake was held on the following day at Guardalabene & Amato Funeral Home located at 2001 N Holton St in Brewers' Hill, Milwaukee. Attendees included:

- Frank Balistrieri (Milwaukee Boss)
- Joseph Caminiti (Milwaukee Underboss)

- John Alioto (Milwaukee Capo)
- Steve DeSalvo (Milwaukee Capo)

- Harry D'Angelo (Milwaukee Soldier)
- Salvatore 'Sam' Ferrara (Milwaukee Soldier)
- Nick Fucarino (Milwaukee Soldier)
- FBI CI August 'Augie' Maniaci (Milwaukee Soldier)
- John Pernice (Milwaukee Soldier)

He was buried in Milwaukee's Holy Cross Cemetery and Mausoleum.

On December 4, 1970 The Capital Times reported that Aiello left approximately $2,500 personal property and $50,000 in real estate. (Nearly $400,000 present-day value.)

On March 22, 1971 FBI CI reported: "..With regard to the Madison LCN Family, the informant advised the Underboss, Joseph Aiello, died within the past year, and the informant was not aware who took his place as Underboss. Carlo Caputo continues to be Boss of the Madison LCN Family, and it was the understanding of the informant that Caputo took over Aiello's business, both imported and domestic, which he in turn sells to pizza houses in the Madison area."

Two years later the membership convened and voted to dissolve the Family, with a couple of the more active members electing to transfer into Families located in nearby cities. (In January 1976 the FBI listed Carlo Caputo as a Milwaukee Capodecina.)

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Filippo Maita (San Francisco)



Filippo 'Little Phil' Maita was a Capodecina in the San Francisco Family.

His younger brother Francesco Maita (1893-1970) was also a Family member.

Two of his daughters married sons of Joseph Lintini (1884-1947), the Underboss in San Jose. (Another San Francisco Member, Frank Joseph Genovese [1904-1995], married Lintini's daughter.)

Filippo was born May 13, 1884 in Lercara Friddi comune of Palermo, Sicily to Salvatore (26y) and Magdalena Nuccio (22y).

On October 20, 1907 arrived at Ellis Island, New York aboard S.S. Germania. Destined for a relative in San Francisco.

His father, along with Phil's younger brother Frank, immigrated the previous year.

By April 1910 the family resided at 24 Wilder St in the Glen Park neighborhood.

On October 11, 1911 Filippo married Giovanna 'Jennie' Gaipa (19y) from Cefala Diana, Palermo. (Filippo's father may have originally been from Cefala Diana as well.)

On February 13, 1917 filed Declaration of Intention in US District Court San Francisco.

By September 1918 resided at 583 Sunnyside and ran a grocery from the same address.

On September 2, 1919 temporarily held by Berkeley, California Police Department for investigation in a 'Black Hand' case. Berkeley PD later advised the FBI's San Francisco Field Office: "[On] 6/27/18, Ignazio Campagna, 2337 9th Street, Berkeley, had received a threatening letter written in Italian demanding $2,000.00 to be given to two men who would be waiting for him on a street corner. In connection with the ensuing investigation, one [Redacted], a former United States Secret Service Agent who was at that time in the County Jail, [accused] Philip Maita of being one of the extortionists. As a result, Maita was picked up but was released the same day for lack of evidence. [PD] advised that their files are very sketchy since, in 1919, quite a bit of the information was maintained by the Chief of Police at his home."

He filed his Petition for Naturalization the following March and became a US citizen on June 20, 1921.

The Maitas were then residing at 341 Hearst Ave in Sunnyside. Filippo worked as a fruit salesman.

Within a couple of years the family had moved to 98 Curtis St in the Crocker - Amazon section, where they remained through at least the 1970s.

It's not known when Filippo was made into the San Francisco Family, but he was likely a member by the mid-to-late 1920s.

The Family was headed at the time by Francesco Lanza (1872-1937), a former Bonanno member and the father of future Boss James aka Jimmy.

Maita's close associates included Ciro Conetto (1881-1931), a San Francisco Member from Alessandria Della Rocca in Agrigento. Ciro's brother Alfonzo (1884-1963) was the San Jose Boss; their brother Antonino (1887-1955) was a suspected Member.

By April 1930 Filippo owned a grocery / vegetable mart at 5172 Mission St in the Cayuga Terrace neighborhood, less than half a mile from his Curtis St residence.

Around 1932 Antonio Sciortino (1879-1941) moved to San Francisco, joined the Family and became involved in bootlegging with Maita. (An FBI member source later noted that Maita was godfather to one of Sciortino's children.)

On February 13, 1936 San Francisco Member Salvatore 'Sam Castro' Messina filed Petition for Naturalization. Filippo Maita acted as witness along with one Francesco Abbaticola (46y), a barber and musician possibly from Puglia. (Maita had also been a witness for Messina's wife Lena the previous September).

By 1938 Francesco Lanza was deceased and the Family was headed by Antonio Lima.

Maita, by then a Family Capodecina, was demoted to Soldier at some point by Lima. (An FBI report compiled on Maita in November 1981 gives the year of demotion as 1931).

By the 1940s Maita's associates included Lorenzo Zerillo (1889-1966). Born in Carini, Zerillo moved from Brooklyn to California around 1922 and owned a canning company in Riverbank.

On July 2, 1942 Giacomo 'Jack' Giordano (57y), Maita's brother-in-law, filed Petition for Naturalization in USDC San Francisco. Witnesses were Maita and farmer Antone Alves.

In 1945 Maita and Georgi Giovanni (sp?) formed partnership and purchased Tropical Grill located at 324 Drumm St in Embarcadeo, San Francisco.

On April 15, 1947 FBI San Francisco submitted General Crime Survey. Report noted: "..[Information] obtained from the [FBN] during the course of the [Redacted] investigation revealed that several of Italian mobsters arriving in San Francisco first contacted [Filippo] Maita to ascertain what was going on in the San Francisco area. Maita was regarded by Narcotics authorities as being very active in the 'Mafia' in this area."

F. Genovese

Sometime during the 1940s sponsored Frank Joseph Genovese (1904-1995) for membership.

In 1951 Maita sold his interest in the Tropical Grill and purchased a liquor store from his sons-in-law Angelo and Charles Lintini. The 1308 Stockton St address became the site of Maita's Liquor Store, and was the source of his last few encounters with local law enforcement.

On August 12, 1952 he was arrested by the San Francisco PD for violating the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act. On August 28, 1952 sentenced to six months probation and fined $25.

He was given a fifteen day suspension of his liquor license in December 1952, and again in March 1953, for selling alcohol to minors.

Around the same year Antonio Lima stepped down as Boss due to his own legal problems. He was replaced by Mike Abati.

On October 15, 1958 Unsub interviewed by FBI: "[Unsub] stated that Filippo Maita and [Redacted] were the only individuals of suspected 'Mafia' connections with which he has had contact in recent years."

In 1961 Boss Mike Abati was deported to Italy. James 'Jimmy' Lanza, son to Former Boss Francesco, replaced him. (Lanza's Underboss was Gaspare 'Bill' Sciortino, son to Maita's old-time bootlegging partner Antonio.)

Maita accompanied Lanza to the July 7, 1962 wedding of a cousin to San Jose Member Dr. Gregory Genovese. Other attendees included Gregory's Capodecina Angelo Marino. FBI SF later noted: "Filippo Maita [was] observed at the wedding and was one of the men waiting in the car of James Lanza. 'Little Phil' Maita is well known among the Sicilian element in the North Beach area of San Francisco and is known to have been in contact with James Lanza and many of his close associates. Maita has just recently sold his liquor store in the 1300 block of Stockton St in SF."

On July 13, 1962 FBI CI reported: "[CI] advised that James Lanza was talking to Joe Marconi and explained to him that on Tuesday of this week (7/10/62), he had traveled to Sacramento, Calif. with Phil Maita to see Uncle Prisinzano and another sick friend. In this conversation Lanza did not identify the other individual who was called a 'sick friend' but he did explain to Marconi that they were going to have dinner downtown tonight and there will be six of them who will play poker at [Redacted] house." ('Uncle Prisinzano' was Lanza's uncle Mariano [1884-1962]).

On August 8, 1962 Lanza and Maita attended the rosary for San Francisco Member Nunzio Mannina held at A.J. Nicoletti Funeral Home at Folsom Blvd and 54th St in Sacramento. (Mannina, who was born in Corleone and moved to California from New Orleans, may have been the 'sick friend' mentioned by Lanza in the July 13 report.)

On August 9, 1962 FBI CI reported: "[CI advised] James Lanza had gone to Sacramento, CA with Phil Maita to attend the funeral of an old-time friend by the last name of Mannina."

On August 13, 1962 FBI CI reported: "[CI] advised that James Lanza had told him that he and Phil Maita had traveled to Sacramento, California, to attend the funeral of a man named Mannina. Informant stated that Lanza did not give his first name, but did state that he formerly owned a grocery store in Sacramento and that Lanza used to sell him wine and olive oil. Informant further advised that after the funeral the two men visited with Mariano Prisinzano, after which the two men stated that they were going to Lake Tahoe and stay a few hours before they returned to San Francisco."

On August 21, 1962 FBI CI reported: "[CI] advised he had determined Nunzio Mannina was the name of the individual whose funeral James Lanza and Phil Maita had attended at Sacramento. [Mannina] used to be in the olive oil business and was a close associate of James Lanza for many years."

On September 13,1962 Lanza and Maita returned to Sacramento for Mariano Prisinzano's wake.

On October 16, 1962 FBI CI reported: "[CI] advised Joe Cerrito, reported 'Don of the La Cosa Nostra' in the San Jose area, sold an automobile to [Filippo] Maita. [CI] advised that he has not been told that Maita is a member of the 'organization' but he is of the opinion because of the manner in which he was treated by [Redacted]."

On December 6, 1962 FBI SF reported: "...The death notices of 11/30/62 reveal that Giuseppe Maita had died on 11/29/62 at age 75. He is a brother of Philip Maita, who is a close associate and friend of James Lanza."

On December 27, 1963 James Lanza was visited by Filippo Maita. Their conversation was surreptitiously recorded by an FBI bug: "[Bug reported] Phil Maita met with James Lanza, at which time they exchanged greetings and also thanked each other for the Christmas presents they had received...[Bug] further advised that Phil Maita was also invited to attend the poker game set for that evening."

On February 19, 1964 FBI CI reported: "[CI], in discussing a poker group with which [Redacted] is associated, that [redacted] were usually together at least once a week. He stated that Toni [Redacted] had been in the game on some occasions, as well as Phil Maita and [Redacted]. He stated that while this group always played cards he never was aware of any activities which could indicate that they were connected to any group such as 'La Cosa Nostra' or 'Mafia'."

On June 23, 1964 FBI reported: "...The only associate known by [CI] to be close to [Filippo Maita] is [Redacted]. He said Maita is a very friendly person who is very genial and a person who gets along well with anyone. He stated that this might be the reason why individuals coming to San Francisco from other places had contacted Maita in the past. He explained that it was quite natural for an Italian in one city to advise another coming to San Francisco to be sure to look up 'Little Phil' as Maita is known to many people. [CI] advised that while Maita was a bootlegger during Prohibition, he knows of no other illegal activities on his part. He stated that he did not believe Maita would be in any criminal activities since he has always worked very hard and even at the present would not have time to take part in any such activities. He pointed out further that Maita's standard of living did not indicate that he would have any big income from illegal sources."

Maita (c. 1960s)

Filippo was interviewed by the FBI on August 20, 1964: "[Maita advised] he does not know of anyone by the name of Bonanno. He specifically denied receiving any communications by letter, telephone or any means from Bill Bonanno. He stated that he has no personal knowledge of an organization known as 'La Cosa Nostra', but he has heard of it and saw the Valachi hearings on television. He stated that he would be glad to furnish any information which he had but that since he had no knowledge of such an organization he could not lie about something about which he knew nothing. Maita continued with the statement, 'I would be happy to cooperate but I know nothing and I can't tell a lie about something that I don't know nothing about'."

On June 10-14, 1965 FBI CI Antonio Lima (Former San Francisco Boss) reported: "[CI], in answering further questions as to membership in San Francisco, indicated Phil Maita and Nick Musco are Mafiosos." (Nick Musco [1898-1977], born in Mistretta comune of Messina, may have transferred from the Gambino Family circa the early 1940s.)

On October 17, 1969 FBI CI reported:
[CI advised] that he had met Bill Sciortino (Caspara Sciortino) on October 14, 1969, near his residence. Bill Sciortino opened the conversation by stating that because of all the recent publicity about the LCN and its members in the San Francisco family it was about time to 'quit,' as they were not doing anything anyway. Sciortino continued by suggesting that all the members of the San Francisco Family should resign and remove themselves from the LCN.

Sciortino stated that he saw James Lanza recently, but did not specify the date, and all Lanza talks about is 'being left alone'. He said Lanza refuses to see anyone, even the members of his own LCN Family and Sciortino must take care of any visitors who might come to the San Francisco area and want to see Lanza. He said that this was not possible, but Lanza just remarked, 'Tell them I'm out of town'. Sciortino told the informant that he himself is staying away from (other members) Phil Maita, his brother Frank Maita and Salvatore Taranto, who were always close associates as members of the San Francisco Family because of the orders from Lanza.

On October 30, 1969 FBI CI reported: "[CI] advised that he had previously been in contact with James Lanza, Phil Morici and Philip Maita whom he had known for several years. He explained that these contacts had been telephonic in nature and he has had no personal contact with any one of the above in many years." (Philip Ottavio Morici [1888-1972] was a San Jose Member who transferred to Los Angeles the following year.)

On September 27, 1970 James Lanza interviewed by FBI: "..He stated that this past week he visited Phil Maita who is in his 80s and was surprised at how alert Maita appeared and also appeared to be in very good health for a man in his eighties."

Filippo's brother Frank, age 77, died December 12, 1970 in Placerville, CA.

On January 12, 1971 Unsub interviewed by FBI: "...[UM] advised that he has been associated with Philip Maita and Philip's brother, Frank Maita, who recently died, since the 1930's when he met [Redacted] and knows them only as two Sicilians born in the old country who have worked extremely hard all of their lives. He advised that he cannot believe that either of the Maitas were ever involved in any illegal activity and has no knowledge of any affiliation by the Maitas with any organized crime group such as the Mafia or the LCN."

In November 1971 FBI CI (Antonio Lima?) reported: "[CI] was questioned concerning current activities of Philip Maita, and advised Maita is sickly and senile and incapable of being involved in any activity. He further advised Maita is not in contact with any of the members of the San Francisco Family or any other Family of the LCN at the present time."

On November 29, 1971 Filippo was interviewed again by the FBI: "[Maita] indicated he is 87, and celebrated his 60th wedding anniversary during 10/71, and he is happy to report he is in relatively good health. He advised he takes pills for poor circulation and he has some trouble with his inner ear which affects his balance and equilibrium but stated he is still capable of driving a motor vehicle and although not frequently, living in the vicinity of his children's residences, does occasionally travel to the residence of his many children, grand children and great grandchildren, residing in the SF area. Mr. Maita advised that he does not see any of his former associates who have been listed as members of the 'Mafia' by various new media. Maita denied any affiliation with any such organization, and stated he doubts there is any such organization currently active in any way in the San Francisco area."

On January 20, 1972 FBI CI Antonio Lima reported: "...Informant was questioned concerning further background information of [Redacted] who he previously referred to as a recruit. He stated that [Redacted]'s father was a close associate with Jimmy Lanza. He indicated that the health of [Redacted] was very good. [Redacted], the father's name, as a butcher and had a market on Cortland Avenue in San Francisco. He indicated that [Redacted] presently lives in San Mateo, and was also closely associated with Phil Maita."

On March 1, 1972 FBI CI Antonio Lima reported: "Informant discussed the background of the Sciortino family, indicating that Bill's father and the Sciortino family resided in the Los Angeles area prior to 1932 when Bill's father, who was operating a still shot three people in the Los Angeles area who were raiding his still. Following the shooting, the Sciortino family moved to San Francisco and Bill's father, who was cumpari (godfather to one of Sciortino's children) with Phil Maita joined the San Francisco Family and commenced bootlegging with Maita. Informant advised that both Bill's father and Bill were very respected LCN members who were capable of handling any contract."


On July 20, 1972 FBI SF reported: "Sources familiar with [Filippo] Maita indicate that as Maita is 'sick', he is avoided."

On July 20, 1972 FBI SF reported: "During [redacted] [CI] questioned concerning any knowledge of activity on the part of [Filippo Maita] indicated that [redacted]. [CI] indicated that Maita was a big bootlegger many years ago. [Redacted]. [CI] advised Maita had been a close associate of Ciro Conetto. [CI] has advised in the past Ciro Conetto was a brother of (FNU) Conetto, who was the 'Acting Boss' of the San Jose Family of the LCN in the early twenties. (Bill Sciortino has been identified as the 'underboss' of the San Francisco Family of the LCN.)."

On May 30, 1978 Unspecified Female interviewed by FBI: "[UF] said to her knowledge [Filippo Maita] was not involved in any illegal activities. She stated [Maita] spends most of his time at home because of his old age and in order to take care of his wife who is in bad health."

On August 29, 1978 FBI CI reported: "[CI] said that he had heard [redacted] that [Filippo Maita] was an invalid and was no longer able to get around."

Philip J. Maita (1972)

Through the 1970s and into the early 1980s a grandson, Philip Joseph Maita (1943-2015), was a central figure in various obscenity related cases in California.

On November 6, 1981 FBI SF reported: "At one time [Filippo] Maita was Capo Decina of San Francisco LCN & was put down to a Soldier in 1931 by Anthony Lima..Maita was involved in extortion and narcotics in the San Francisco area."

On May 19, 1982 FBI SF identified San Francisco Family as consisting of Boss James Lanza, Underboss Gaspare Sciortino and Soldiers Frank Joseph Genovese, Antonio Lima and Filippo Maita. Report noted: "The above five individuals are the only known members of the San Francisco LCN." (Absent from the list are Steve Trifiro [1915-2001], inducted in 1965, and Anthony Thomas Esposito [1914-2005], named as a member in James Lanza's FBI file.)

On June 21, 1982 FBI SF reported: "Maita will be 98y in September. He is an invalid confined to a wheelchair and is not known to ever leave his residence. He has not been in contact with members of the San Francisco LCN Family for years. It is therefore recommended that he be deleted from the LCN Index."

Filippo Maita died August 10, 1984 in San Mateo, California.

The wake was held four days later at Valente - Marini - Perata & Company located at 4840 Mission St in San Francisco's Mission Terrace neighborhood.

He was buried in The Italian Cemetery located in Colma, CA.

Small Update

1. Bonanno Family Ceremonies (1970s) : Moved Robert 'Bobby Bad Heart' Perrette to circa Spring 1978.