Sunday, February 26, 2023

Colombo Family (July 1973) [Text]

Breakdown of the Colombo Family provided by FBI CI Gregory Scarpa in July 1973:


1. Boss: Thomas DiBella (67y)

Soldiers [Reported Direct to Boss]
- John 'Johnny Bath Beach' Oddo (69y)

2. Underboss: Anthony Abbatemarco (51y)

3. Consigliere: Alphonse 'Alley Boy' Persico (43y)


1. Joseph 'Little Joey' Brancato (56y)

- Anthony 'The Gawk' Augello (50y)
- Rosario 'Black Sam' Nastasa (61y)
- Anthony Peraino (58y)
- Joseph Peraino (47y)
- Modesto 'Duke' Santoro (61y)
- Joseph 'Jo Jo' Vitacco (46y)

- Dominic 'Little Dom' Cataldo (37y)
- Anthony 'Butch' Maltese (53y)

2. Nicholas 'Jiggs' Forlano (59y)

- Vincent Aloi (39y)
- Vincent 'Vinny Sicilian' Gugliaro (45y)

- Augustus Corrao (40y)
- Vic Orena (38y)
- Two Redacted Names (Members / Associates)

3. Persico Crew
Acting: Aniello 'Allie Lamonte' Giannattasio (63y)

- James 'Jimmy Bats' Cardello (68y)
- Ambrose Magliocco (72y)
- Antonio Magliocco (63y)
- Salvatore 'Charlie Lemons' Mineo (75y)
- Carmine 'Junior' Persico (39y)
- Anthony 'Tony Long' Ricciardi (62y)
- James 'Jimmy Skee' Scianna (47y)
- Joseph 'Joe Yak' Yacovelli (45y)

- Salvatore Albanese (38y)
- Michael Bolino (31y)
- Anthony Colombo (28y)
- Joseph Colombo Jr. (26y)
- Gennaro Langella (34y)
- Philip 'Chubby' Rossillo (30y)
- Andrew 'Mush' Russo (38y)
- Ralph Spero (49y)
- Thomas 'Shorty' Spero (42y)

4. Salvatore 'Turi' Lombardino Jr. (42y)

- Andrew Lombardino (69y)
- Paul Lombardino (68y)
- Rosario Lombardino (48y)
- John Misuraca (76y)
- Salvatore J. Profaci (37y)
- Salvatore S. Profaci (38y)

5. Charles 'Charlie Moose' Panarella (51y)

- Fred Clemenza (50y)
- James 'Jimmy Brown' Clemenza (62y)
- Frank Fusco (69y)
- Anthony LaPonzina (55y)
- Ernest LaPonzina (56y)
- Benjamin 'Benny Sidge' LoCicero (40y)
- Frank 'Gandy' LoCicero (46y)
- Rocco Miraglia (47y)
- Gregory Scarpa (45y)
- Salvatore Scarpa (43y)
- Nick Sorrentino (77y)
- George Tropiano (58y)
- Ralph 'Whitey' Tropiano (60y)

- Paul Bevacqua (34y)
- Peter Candarini (56y)
- Charles Clemenza (72y)
- Joseph DeDomenico (31y)
- Richard Fusco (36y)
- Salvatore Fusco (42y)
- Joseph 'Joe Lane' Gentile (59y)
- Michael 'Mike the Head' Gulemmo (45y)
- Joseph 'Joe Notch' Iannaci (42y)
- Nicholas Mainello (50y)
- Peter Sabatino (32y)
- John Saponaro (38y)
- Joseph Saponaro (35y)
- Gregory Scarpa Jr. (21y)
- Robert Stasio (31y)

6. Dominick 'Mimi' Scialo (46y)

- Robert Barbieri (57y)
- Paul D'Amico (59y)
- Harry Fontana (73y)
- Philip Fontana (76y)
- Salvatore John Fontana (78y)
- Vincent 'Jimmy' Muce (52y)
- Frank 'Frankie the Sheik' Musacchio (58y)
- Salvatore Peritore (60y)
- Michael Savino (64y)

- Gaetano 'Tommy' Barbusca (42y)
- John Coiro (30y)
- Frank 'Frankie the Beast' Falanga (53y)
- Harry 'Junior' McGuire (29y)

Soldiers (Crew Not Specified) [All described as inactive]
- Benedetto D'Alessandro (72y) [Res. Sicily]
- Joseph Greca (76y)
- Lorenzo Lampasi (86y) [Incorrectly noted as having 'died several months ago']
- Vincent Mangano (67y)
- Vincenzo Randazzo (72y)
- John 'Johnny Green' Scimone (60y)

Confirmed members not named in the report included Sebastiano 'Buster' Aloi (66y), John 'Mooney' Cutrone (53y), Alphonse 'Funzi' D'Ambrosio (48y), John 'Sonny' Franzese (56y), Vincent 'Little Jimmy' Melia (57y) and a dozen or so others.

A full two-thirds of the Associates named by Scarpa were made after the books re-opened in 1976.

The document mistakenly (?) lists Salvatore Albanese, Gennaro Langella and the Spero brothers Ralph and Thomas as made members. (One report claims that Albanese and Langella were driven to Upstate NY and inducted, presumably into the Bufalino Family, in early April 1973. Subsequent reports from member sources are unanimous in stating that both were made with Thomas Spero and others in early 1976. It's possible that Albanese and Langella were not inducted but instead transferred to the Colombos at that time.)

Scarpa provided the following additional information:

- He claimed no knowledge of any illegal activities on the part of Boss Thomas DiBella.

- John Oddo answered directly to the Boss and 'no longer has a crew' other than Joseph Livoti.

- Colombo Associate Salvatore 'Sally Boy' Mangiameli had recently transferred to the Gambino Family. (Mangiameli was subsequently released to the DeCavalcante Family's Rotondo crew in the late 1980s.)

- "The feeling is prevalent also that Joe Colombo made the biggest mistake of his life by creating the Italian-American Civil Rights League and taking on the FBI."

- "Informant reiterated that the balance of power rests with the Persico faction and that Carmine Persico is still calling the shots in the Family."

- Salvatore J. Profaci, son to the former Boss, was described by Scarpa as 'very well thought of and respected' not only within the Colombo Family but nationwide. Scarpa stated that Profaci was familiar with many 'out of town chiefs' through his father, and felt he would make a good 'compromise boss' in the future.

- He described Capodecina Charles Panarella as 'very ambitious' and noted: "[Panarella] has set up a meeting to be held in New Jersey between himself, an aide from his crew and members of Tutti Lombardino's Jersey faction of the Colombo Family. Moose commented, 'It's about time I got to meet these people and see who they are' although source feels Panarella's motivated by a desire to form an alliance of understanding that would be useful in some future shift of power."

Small Update

1. Bonanno Family Ceremonies (1970s) : Moved Robert 'Bobby Bad Heart' Perrette to circa Spring 1978.