Friday, March 8, 2019

Cooperator Bio: Nicholas Pisciotti

Nicholas 'P.J.' Pisciotti was a former Acting Capodecina in the Bonanno Family who became a cooperating witness in 2007.

Government Photo

Born October 1969. Family from Miglionico comune of Matera, Basilicata.

Grew up in Lower Manhattan. Family friends included Bonanno Soldier Russell Mauro.

As a teenager involved in selling fireworks. Also assisted unspecified uncle with packaging heroin for distribution.

By 1986 more directly involved with narcotics: "First marijuana, then cocaine..[Marijuana business] was very small, like dime bags. [Cocaine] I use to sell like half grams and grams. [Heroin] I only sold twice, a pound and a half each time."

By mid-to-late 1980s associate of Lucchese Family. On-record with Prince Street crew member John 'Johnny Brody' Sorrentino. Crew headed by Sorrentino's uncle Joseph 'Joe Beck' DiPalermo.

Around 1990 arrested on state narcotics charges. Pleaded guilty and given four years to life. Began serving sentence in December 1990. Paroled October 3, 1994.

Pisciotti following 1990 narcotics arrest

Following release his criminal activities included loansharking, sportsbetting and continued involvement in fireworks and marijuana sales. Also held various legitimate interests: "I worked on construction, I was in the union, had a meat route, had some restaurants, and I owned gyms."

Charles Musillo

Around 1995 transferred to Bonanno Family: "I had a problem with someone in the Lucchese Family. They were trying to kill me. My uncle [former Bonanno Captain Charles Musillo] found out about it, got it squashed, ultimately I went to the Bonanno Family." Placed with recently appointed Bonanno Capodecina Frank Coppa.

Formerly direct with the administration, Frank Coppa was given a crew that included made members Richard Cantarella, Anthony Furino and Thomas Mallette. Non-made members included Pisciotti, his close associate Michael DeMaria and future CW Peter Lovaglio.

Pisciotti collected loanshark payments on Coppa's behalf and the two briefly discussed entering the drug business: "[Coppa] told me once if I was able to get marijuana on a large scale that he would get it approved [and] he would get rid of it." The plot never went beyond the talking stages, although Pisciotti did resume involvement with other Bonanno associates in off-the-record marijuana sales.

By 1996 operated social club on Spring Street in Little Italy, Manhattan. Profits from the location's Joker Poker machines were split between Pisciotti and Michael DeMaria. The two, joined by Bonanno Associate Hector Pagan, also conducted sportsbetting operation out of club. An arrest on gambling charges related to operation ended in six-month conditional discharge.

Richard Guiga
Source: Gang Land News

On September 13, 1997 Bonanno Associate Richard Guiga murdered inside Pisciotti's bar, Bandito's, on the Lower East Side: "[Richie] came into the bar. He was outside fighting with some neighborhood kid. He wound up staying in there to drink. He wind up arguing with some customers and he pulled out a knife. I was behind the bar. He turned toward my friend Michael [DeMaria]. He went after Michael and there was a big scuffle [and] I came out from behind the bar, to the middle, to try and stop it..We all started pushing each other. Richie wind up dropping the knife [and then] dying..I left the bar, left him there and then I went back and started drinking some more. And then I tried to clean it up." Pisciotti received stab wounds to hand, forearm and stomach during incident. Guiga's body put in basement and left there for two to three days, after which Michael DeMaria's father-in-law transported it to Staten Island for burial in location prepared by Pisciotti and DeMaria.

In December 1997 formally inducted into Bonanno Family in ceremony held inside Long Island hotel room. Those present were Boss Joseph Massino, Underboss Salvatore Vitale and Capodecinas Frank Coppa and Frank Lino. Inducted were Pisciotti and 'somebody named Richie', believed referring to Lino crew member Richard Riccardi. Pisciotti: "We sat around a table, Joe [Massino] explained the rules of the Family, how he wanted people to conduct themselves in the Family. He told us how we're supposed to act, spoke in Italian, said some things. At the end of the day we shake hands, kissed each other. That was the end of it."

Top (L to R): Sponsors Coppa, Lino
Bottom (L to R): Inductees Pisciotti, Riccardi

As with previous Bonanno ceremonies there was no gun and knife present and the inductees did not have their fingers pricked: "[Massino] was very surveillance conscious. He was worried in case anybody came in that we didn't want to get caught with a gun."

Around 2000 became involved in narcotics with Bonanno Soldiers Vincent Basciano and Anthony 'Bruno' Indelicato. Pisciotti had previously met Basciano while attempting to resolve a dispute with the Genovese Family's Bronx faction. Product obtained from individuals in Canada using minivan to bring in approximately two-hundred fifty pounds marijuana per trip. 100,000 ecstasy pills purchased from same source. Those responsible for distribution included Pisciotti and Bonanno Associates Joseph DeMarco and Thomas Pennini. Pisciotti typically given ten pounds per shipment and sold to customers in Manhattan.

Around Fall 2000 provided silenced MAC-10 firearms to Anthony Indelicato.

Around early 2002 proposed longtime associate Michael DeMaria for membership into Bonanno Family. DeMaria's proposal disputed by Capodecina Richard Cantarella and sitdowns held. Attendees included Underboss Salvatore Vitale, Capodecinas Richard Cantarella, Frank Coppa and Anthony Graziano, and Soldiers Paul Cantarella, Pisciotti and Joseph Torre. Pisciotti: "Richie [Cantarella] was saying that Michael's father was a rat, which wasn't true and they resolved it. Michael ultimately got cleaned up."

Pisciotti attended DeMaria's induction soon after. Held inside another hotel room, the ceremony was presided over not by the Family administration but instead by Captains Frank Coppa and Anthony Graziano.

In April 2002 Frank Coppa sentenced to thirty-six months Federal imprisonment on stock fraud charges. Anthony 'Tony Black' Furino appointed Acting Capodecina. Crew members in addition to Pisciotti and DeMaria included Coppa's son Frank Jr. and Joseph Lino, son to Capodecina Frank Lino.

Indicted on additional charges in October 2002, Frank Coppa became the Bonanno Family's first official cooperating witness. Capodecina Richard Cantarella soon followed.

Joseph Lino

In Summer 2003 provided gun to Soldier Joseph Lino, whose father Frank had also recently defected: "Frankie Lino was cooperating and Joey was nervous and he asked me to borrow a gun."

In Summer 2003 meeting held between Capodecina Vincent Basciano and Soldier John Spirito over Basciano's recent proposal of Dominick Cicale for membership. Pisciotti attended on Basciano's behalf: "There were a couple of people in the Family who didn't want to get Dominick Cicale straightened out and Vinny knew the story. I told him previously about Patty Boy [Maiorino] when he was in prison and [at] the time Patty Boy was going to get straightened out, too..[Basciano] asked me if I would talk about what happened with Patty Boy. So whoever was going to say something about Dominick, we can try and squash it. [At the meeting] everybody knew why we were there. Vinny told me to say the story about what happened to Patty Boy. When Johnny Joe [Spirito] heard the story he basically said he wasn't going to say nothing about Dominick if I didn't say nothing about Patty Boy." Both Cicale and Maiorino inducted August 2003. (It's not clear what incident is being referred to and further details aren't given.)

Vincent Basciano

In January 2004 Anthony Furino indicted on Federal racketeering charges and held without bail. Former Coppa crew members transferred to Vincent Basciano. That summer, on Basciano's orders, unspecified male targeted for assault after he threatened one of Basciano's sons. Pisciotti, two of his associates and Dominick Cicale, the crew's Acting Captain, made one or more unsuccessful attempts to locate target after which plot abandoned.

L to R: Vincent Basciano, Dominick Cicale
Source: Gang Land News

In July 2004 Bonanno Family meeting held for purpose of officially promoting Dominick Cicale to Captain of former Basciano crew. Pisciotti appointed Acting Captain but not introduced to the portion of the crew formerly under Richard Cantarella due to Basciano's distrust of the defector's former Soldiers.

On August 11, 2004 Pisciotti, Cicale and Bonanno Soldier Anthony 'Ace' Aiello involved in altercation at Suite 16 nightclub in Manhattan. Pisciotti confronted by the son of deceased Associate Thomas Pennini regarding money owed by Pisciotti, after which brawl erupted between the two groups. Not far from club the trio was pulled over and briefly held by NYPD. Released after Pennini and associates claimed unable to make identification: "Dominick [Cicale] was still complaining to the police and they took the handcuffs off and let us go..My view of Dominick was changing for awhile, but that really made it change..[I later told Basciano] that Dominick was acting out of character, that he was complaining when we got arrested..Vinny said no, that's not like him, don't worry about it."

Around Fall 2004 meeting held between Dominick Cicale and crew member Gino Galestro at Sushi Samba restaurant in Manhattan. Others present were Pisciotti, Acting Captain Louis DeCicco and Soldier Anthony Aiello. Galestro had recently been assaulted by Cicale: "[Meeting] was the first time Dominick was going to see [Gino] after he hit him. Dominick wanted to intimidate him so he asked me and a couple of other people to meet with him to meet Gino..Gino came in, he was really scared. I think once he seen me, he felt a little better. I knew him previously from the neighborhood."

On November 12, 2004 Eric LNU beaten severely on Basciano's orders. Co-conspirators included Cicale and Pisciotti. Victim, on-record associate of Gambino Soldier Blaise Corozzo, refused to pay $45,000 owed to sportsbetting operation headed by Bonanno Associate Frank 'Fat Frankie' Esposito. Eric initially threatened at residence by Cicale and others, resulting in sitdown scheduled between Cicale and Corozzo that Corozzo failed to attend. Eric LNU outside washing car when struck multiple times with hammers by Soldier Anthony Aiello and Associate Vincenzo Masi. Associate Giuseppe Gambina also present. (Gambina flipped the following year. Masi was later inducted and by late 2014 had risen to rank of Acting Captain.)

In December 2004 Bonanno Family meeting held at diner near LaGuardia Airport in Queens. Purpose to determine loyalty between Acting Boss Vincent Basciano and Acting Underboss Michael Mancuso. Attendees included Captains Dominick Cicale, Jerome Asaro and Louis DeCicco, Acting Captain Nicholas Pisciotti and Soldier Anthony Aiello. Pisciotti: "[We] got to the diner. First we met Louie Electrician [DeCicco]. We sat down. We had coffee or whatever. Dominick went outside and spoke [with] Louie, and then [Jerry Asaro] came and the three of them went outside and spoke, and they all came inside. We said good-bye to each other and me, Dominick and Ace left..[Dominick] said Louie was on board with Vinny's side [and Asaro] said he was on the fence. It didn't matter."

In late December 2004 passed on $20,000 Christmas payment kicked up by Cicale crew member Perry Criscitelli.

In January 2005 crew leader Dominick Cicale indicted by EDNY on Federal racketeering charges and held without bail. Following indictment Pisciotti met with Capodecina Louis DeCicco: "Louie wanted to know if I knew what was going on with the crew. There was a loan that was owed that he had borrowed for Dominick and Vinny. He wanted to know if I was going to be able to pay for it..I think [it] was 70 or 80,000." Refused to pay.

In January 2005 met with Nicholas Santora to discuss Family setup: "Nicky explained to me that Mikey Nose [Mancuso] was going to be running the show, he didn't want to meet with any of the captains. There was, like, two captains who was supposed to meet with all the other captains and acting captains..[Santora] was one. I'm not sure who the other one was..Nicky said [Mancuso] was running the show for Vinny while Vinny was incarcerated."

By early 2005 involved in ownership of Synergy Gyms in Manhattan. Criminal activities included sportsbetting operation run through online company headquartered in Costa Rica. Customers provided by Bonanno Associate Hector Pagan.

Around Spring 2005 represented Hector Pagan in sitdown with members of unspecified Family over $150,000 - $200,000 debt: "[Hector] asked me to squash a beef where somebody was trying to collect money from somebody he knew..[I was to] speak up for Hector's guy and speak to the other Family about it..Nicky Santora reached out for me [and] I guess he knew I was speaking for Hector's guys. When he met me he told me to make my guys lose because he wanted to do something with construction with the guys who were saying they owed him money..[I refused and] wound up meeting with Nicky's friends and they wound up losing the beef and didn't collect anything..They came with lawyer papers that their guy was suing my guy pretty much, and once I seen that, they weren't allowed to talk about it anymore." Pisciotti received $20,000 for assisting Pagan and gave $5,000 to Santora.

On September 18, 2005 involved in altercation with Genovese Associates Joseph Caruso and Robert Ianniello. Incident result of dispute between Caruso and Hector Pagan: "I wasn't even there [at first]. By the time I got there Joey [Caruso] came over and had an argument with me about it. Hector came over and smacked him. He got nervous. He ran to the back of the bar, Joey, I got mad at Hector for smacking him. I paid the check. We left. I get about a block, a half a block away and Joey came out with two guys and couple of bouncers and called me over and surrounded me..We argued for a couple of minutes, then he sucker punched me..I hit him back [and] he got hurt." Pisciotti and Bonanno Associate Louis Ventafredda arrested on assault charge and released on bail.

Following arrest met with Nicholas Santora: "I told Nicky what happened with the fight. I [falsely] told him when I was in court the FBI was there and they put up a stink to have me remanded if I see any other organized crime people..I was trying to stay away from everybody in the mob for the longest time. It was a good excuse..After I told him everything that happened he asked me if I wanted to have [Joseph Caruso] killed..I told him no, why did you want to kill somebody over a fight. I felt bad. He was already in the hospital."

Vincent Badalamenti

Around late September 2005 again met with Nicholas Santora and informed that all members of Cicale/Pisciotti crew transferred to Capodecina Vincent Badalamenti. Pisciotti introduced to Badalamenti by Soldier Michael DeMaria: "Michael was supposed to introduce me [but] Michael didn't know how to do it, so I kind of introduced myself, and Michael repeated what I said, and then [Badalamenti] basically said he was going to service my guys until my case was over with."

Around November 2005 met with Badalamenti: "[Badalamenti] was arrogant and talking to me about not paying war chest money and that I'm supposed to answer to him. And I stopped him in his tracks and told him I am not supposed to answer to him. He's my equal. He is not anything above me..Nobody ever told me he was my captain. He was, you know, I'm a captain, he was a captain, I was never around him." Soon afterwards summoned to meet with Acting Consigliere Anthony Rabito: "[Rabito] asked me why I got nasty with Vinny. He says Nicky [Santora]'s going crazy, Nicky wants to crack your head open. When I heard that statement I started getting a little loud and Anthony calmed me down. No, don't take it the wrong way. Nicky introduced you to him as your captain. I explained that Nicky never introduced me to him as my captain. I said if you want to be my captain I have no problem with. Anything you want to do with the Family, that is fine. I really don't care what goes on, but no way are you going to introduce him to me as my captain."

In December 2005 met with Genovese Associate Rocky DiPietro re assault case: "[Rocky] wanted to meet up with me and tell me that he wanted to hear about the case, what was going on with it, and he also wanted to tell me that Nicky [Santora] and Anthony Rabito went to his superiors [in the Genovese Family] and told them to mind their business, not to help me out, if somebody was going to press charges, let them do it if that's what they wanted to do..I felt betrayed. I felt they were ratting on me. If they wanted -- they were scaring me, they should just try to kill me..[The Bonannos] were all in disarray..I distanced myself a long time before that. After that happened, I didn't really care what anybody was doing."

Following Dominick Cicale's January 2006 defection, meeting between Pisciotti and Soldier Anthony Indelicato held in Brooklyn - Queens: "I wanted to ask [Indelicato]'s opinion on what I heard about Nicky [Santora] and Anthony [Rabito] had said about me..I also heard they were trying to kill me [and] I guess I asked him if he thought I had anything to worry about. After I explained everything to him he basically said no, Nicky can't even walk straight, forget about doing anything else..I told him that I couldn't believe Nicky and Anthony would go and do something like that. That's a rat move..I started talking about Dominick [Cicale], what a piece of shit he turned out to be, and I can't believe all the stuff he's done and Bruno didn't really say too much about Dominick. He says that Vinny [Basciano] made a lot of bad decisions in putting Dominick in that position and stuff like that..Bruno was talking about how he was disappointed in all the stuff that's happened over the years, and he said, I even gave him [Basciano] all my guys and he ruined every one of them."

In December 2006 approached by FBI and warned of plot against life. Refused offer to cooperate.

Nicholas Santora
Source: Gang Land News

On February 1, 2007 indicted by EDNY on narcotics conspiracy charge re marijuana operation. Remanded to MDC Brooklyn. Five days later Acting Underboss Nicholas Santora and Acting Consigliere Anthony Rabito among 19 Bonanno members and associates indicted on Federal racketeering charges. Santora and Rabito also remanded to MDC: "When I first seen [Santora], I pulled him over to the side and I was pretty nasty with him. I asked him, I heard you guys want to have me killed. Why don't you try to do it in here? [Santora] says, No, that's not true. I don't know what you're talking about..[Santora] said that Mikey Nose [Mancuso] was in charge in the street, he was the guy in the street running the Family. Anthony Rabito was still Consigliere, and Nicky was Acting Underboss."

On February 26, 2007 attended first proffer session.

On February 28, 2007 attended second proffer session.

In late February 2007 released on bail.

Attended three more proffer sessions through March 2007.

On April 30, 2007 attended final proffer session.

On May 3, 2007 pleaded guilty to one count racketeering conspiracy and one count assault. Released on bail. Thirteenth Bonanno member to become cooperating witness over previous five years.

Debriefed multiple times through following months leading up to role as witness against Vincent Basciano. Basciano convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.

In December 2012 sentenced by EDNY Judge Garaufis to time served.


The Anthony Mangione entry has been updated with additional notes on Mangione's phone contacts as well as the identification of Joseph ...