Saturday, December 1, 2018

Colombo Family Ceremonies (1970s)

In early 1976 the New York Families agreed to open the books and replenish their ranks. By that time the Colombo Family was down to approximately seventy-five members.

Following are brief descriptions, in chronological order, of known Colombo Family induction ceremonies from the 1970s.

Note: Dates are approximate and usually indicate when news of the induction was first reported to LE, not necessarily when the ceremony itself took place. It's possible some names listed separately were made together and news of their membership got out at different times.

Additions and corrections will be made as more information becomes available.


Early February 1976

Books open. Each Family initially allowed ten new members. Those inducted in Colombo's first wave were:

1. Salvatore Albanese (40y) [Murdered 1977] [Sponsored by A. Abbatemarco]
2. Carmine 'Turi' Franzese (44y) [Died 1990] [Sponsored by J. Brancato]
3. Salvatore 'Sally Buzzo' Fusco (44y) [Died 2000] [Sponsored by J. Yacovelli]
4. Philip 'Fat Foongi' Gambino (51y) [Died 1983] [Sponsored by J. Yacovelli]
5. Joseph 'Joe Black' Gorgone (50y) [Died 2010] [Sponsored by J. Yacovelli]
6. Gennaro 'Gerry Lang' Langella (37y) [Died 2013] [Sponsored by A. Persico]
7. Andrew 'Andy Mush' Russo (41y) [Died 2022] [Sponsored by A. Persico]
8. Anthony 'Scappi' Scarpati (42y) [Died 2002] [Sponsored by A. Persico]
9. Dominic 'Donnie' Somma (39y) [Murdered 1980] [Sponsored by C. Panarella]
10. Thomas 'Shorty' Spero (44y) [Murdered 1980] [Sponsored by A. Persico]

Top (L to R): Albanese, Franzese, Fusco, Gambino
Bottom (L to R): Langella, Russo, Spero


September 14, 1976
- "When new members are 'made' or intra-Family transfers are effected, either the Boss or Underboss must personally oversee such an occasion and make the formal introduction to the respective captains."


There are no confirmed ceremonies for the remainder of 1976. By December of that year the Family was caught up in another internal dispute over leadership. Joseph Yacovelli, with the support of Underboss Anthony Abbatemarco and several captains, opposed Boss Thomas DiBella and the Persico faction. The Commission intervened and ruled in favor of DiBella/Persico, ordering that no violence be committed against those on the Yacovelli side.

The Family then underwent a period of restructuring, with all but one Capodecina demoted and replaced with more loyal members. Among those promoted were first wave recruits Gennaro Langella and Andrew Russo. Anthony Abbatemarco was also demoted, the Underboss position remaining vacant until Carmine Persico's release from Federal prison. Inductions resumed in late February.


c. February 26, 1977
- John 'Johnny Irish' Matera (44y) [Murdered 1981] [Sponsored by T. DiBella]
- Frank 'Beansy' Melli (35y) [Died 1987] [Sponsored by C. Panarella]
- Alphonse 'Allie Boy' Persico (23y) [IPL 2006] [Sponsored by A. Persico]
- Philip 'Chubby' Rossillo (34y) [Died 1998] [Sponsored by A. Persico]
- Joseph 'Joe T' Tomasello (44y) [Died 2016] [Sponsored by V. Gugliaro]

See this post for more details.


c. April 29, 1977
- Michael Bolino (35y) [Died 1997] [Sponsored by A. Persico]
- Dominic 'Little Dom' Cataldo (40y) [Died 1990] [Sponsored by J. Brancato]
- Nicholas 'Nicky Black' Grancio (50y) [Murdered 1992]
- Vic Orena (45y) [IPL 1992] [Sponsored by A. Persico]
- Ralph Scopo (48y) [Died 1993] [Sponsored by J. Brancato]
- Alfonso 'Peanuts' Serrantonio (37y) [Died 2001] [Sponsored by C. Panarella]
- Unsub [Sponsored by R. Nastasa]
- One Additional Inductee

L to R: Bolino, Cataldo


c. April 1977
- Anthony Colombo (32y) [Died 2017] [Sponsored by A. Persico]


c. May 1977
- Angelo 'Jilly' Greca (50y) [Murdered 1980]



May 20, 1977
- "CI advised despite popular belief that only full-blooded Italians are admitted to LCN membership, many members have mothers who may be only part Italian. He noted, however, if a proposed member's father is not Italian, he would be barred from membership, since an Italian name is an absolute requirement."


c. September 17, 1977
- Benedetto 'Benny' Aloi (41y) [Died 2011]
- Nine Additional Inductees



October 1977 [Possible]

- CI reported ceremony scheduled where ten new members to be inducted, including two Unsubs being brought up from Florida by John Matera. No follow up information available to confirm whether or not ceremony actually occurred.


Pre-Summer 1978
- Patsy 'Junior' Palermo (28y) [Died 1984]
- Nick Rizzo (51y)



c. May 1978
- Thomas Farese (37y) [Sponsored by A. Persico]


c. August 1978
- Anthony 'Tony Black' Induisi (29y)


October 31, 1978
- Vincent 'Jimmy' Angellino (42y) [Murdered 1988]
- Gerard 'Jerry Brown' Clemenza (27y)
- Vito Guzzo (45y) [Murdered 1987]
- Michael Franzese (27y) [Sponsored by J. Vitacco]
- Salvatore 'Big Sal' Miciotta (31y) [Flipped 1993]
- John Minerva (53y) [Murdered 1992]
- Joseph Peraino Jr. (28y) [Murdered 1982]

L to R: Miciotta, Angellino


In a 1989 interview with the FBI, Franzese described his induction as having occurred in 1975. This date is repeated in Franzese's books Quitting the Mob and Blood Covenant, published in 1992 and 2002 respectively.

CW Salvatore Miciotta later advised the ceremony took place on the Halloween following Americus Scotese's murder in March 1978.

The date provided by Miciotta more closely aligns with contemporary reports from informants, all of whom agree that early 1976 is when inductions resumed. Sources included made members in at least two of the New York Families.

Details from the Franzese books also support Miciotta:

1. The books state that at the time of the ceremony the Underboss position was vacant. In Fall 1975 the position was held by Anthony Abbatemarco. It was not until early 1977 that he was demoted; the position was still vacant as of Fall 1978 and would remain so for at least another year.

2. John Matera and Andrew Russo are specifically described as being captains when the ceremony occurred. Neither of these individuals were inducted as of 1975 and it wasn't until Fall 1978 that both men were holding the rank of Capodecina, Matera having been promoted that Summer.


- Joel 'Joe Waverly' Cacace (38y)

CI reported Cacace was made after helping the relative of a Persico loyalist hide out from authorities.


c. Mid-to-Late 1970s (Confirmed Inducted Pre-1980)
- Joseph Carna (37y) [Died 2012]
- John 'Jackie' DeRoss (42y) [IPL 2007]
- Saverio 'Bobby Green' Falvo (54y) [Died 2010]
- Edward Fanelli (45y) [Died]
- Anthony 'Butch' Maltese (60y) [Died 2005]
- Dominick 'Donnie Shacks' Montemarano (40y) ]Died 2021]
- John Pate (35y) [Flipped 1993]
- Anthony 'Chucky' Russo (25y) [IPL 1994]
- Joseph 'Jo Jo' Russo (25y) [Died 2007]
- Joseph 'Lefty' SanGiorgio (40y) [Died 2001]
- Gregory Scarpa Jr. (28y) [Note: Sources differ whether inducted c. 1977 / 1981]


Inductions in later decades will be covered in future posts.

Small Update

1. Bonanno Family Ceremonies (1970s) : Moved Robert 'Bobby Bad Heart' Perrette to circa Spring 1978.