Saturday, August 13, 2022

Dominic Rugnetta (Bruno Member)

c. 1956

Dominic Rugnetta was a member of the Bruno Family.

Born February 26, 1924 in Sinopoli comune of Reggio Calabria, Calabria.

Around June 1942 briefly served in Italian Army. He later told the INS: "I served for eleven days, after eleven days I ran away and returned home after the American Army liberated Italy."

On June 29, 1948 entered the US at Baltimore aboard S.S. Monreale.

By 1951 he resided with his uncle, Bruno Member Joseph 'Joe the Boss' Rugnetta, at 2030 South 13th St in South Philadelphia.

In February of that year he and Joseph's adopted daughter, Clara Romeo, were married in Elkton, Maryland.

On December 4, 1952 Dominic entered Buffalo, New York from Canada. Giving his occupation as hand presser, he was accompanied by James 'Lefty' Gatto, a Bruno member and close associate of Joe Rugnetta. The year prior Gatto had served as Dominic's interpreter in a sworn statement given to the INS.

In February 1956 filed Petition for Naturalization in USDC Philadelphia. Gatto and Joe Rugnetta acted as witnesses. Granted citizenship three months later.

By 1965 he worked as a bartender at the South Philly Grill located at 2026-28 South 12th St. The business was owned by his uncle, then the Family's Consigliere.

On January 16 of that year Dominic was formally inducted into the Bruno Family. It was the first ceremony known to have been held since the books were closed on New York's orders around mid-to-late 1962.

The following day Bruno Capodecina John Cappello was visited by Rocco Scafidi, Bruno member and Federal informant, at Cappello's grocery in South Philadelphia. An FBI bug picked up the conversation, during which Cappello informed Scafidi of the induction:

Cappello: Don't say nothing that I told you -- (they made a guy from) Joe Rugnetta's bar.

Scafidi: Joe Rugnetta's barber shop?

Cappello: Bar.

Scafidi: Bar?

Cappello: Joe Rugnetta's barber shop?

Scafidi: Oh, the bar, on the corner of the little street. (So. Philadelphia Grill, 12th and Mercy Sts).

Cappello: Since when's Joe Rugnetta got a barber shop?

Scafidi: Oh, don't mind me. You mean over at the bar.

Cappello: Yeah. (He's the bartender).


Scafidi: They made him today?

Cappello: (Made him yesterday).

Scafidi: Oh, good.

Cappello: So what you going to do.

Scafidi: Only one they made.

Cappello: Yeah. Joe [Rugnetta] is going to go to Florida. Ange [Bruno] is going on a bigger trip -- Italy -- I guess.

Scafidi: God bless them.

Rocco was recorded in a subsequent discussion with his brother Sam, also a member:

Rocco: Guess who I went to see this morning?

Sam: Who?

Rocco: Johnny. You know what he told me this morning. Did you know about it, they made somebody last night?

Sam: Who?

Rocco: Over at Rugnetta...Yeah. Johnny told me this morning. Said don't let them know I told you.


Rocco: So Uncle Joe (Scafidi) [Bruno Capodecina] must have been down [for the ceremony].

Sam: Uh huh. Naw.

Rocco: Unless they skipped part of the meeting. Must have just had a few guys there, that's all.

Sam: Who --

Rocco: Just this guy [Dominic].

Sam: I mean they start with -- start all over with nobody -- don't look for nobody.

Rocco: No nobody at all.

Sam: Nobody.

Rocco: I thought they would make what's his name, uh, Sindone (Frank Sindone). Sindone is in line.

That September a member source identified Dominic Rugnetta and the Marconi brothers, Alfonso and Guerino, as the last three known to have been made since October 1961.

Information clarifying Dominic's crew affiliation pre-1980 is not available. It's possible he was direct with his uncle Joe. Alternatively, he may have already been a part of the Chester crew, at the time headed by Joseph Sciglitano.

In July 1969 Dominic inherited ownership of the South Philly Grill from his uncle.

Four months later he and seven other Family members appeared before a State Grand Jury investigating organized crime. Others were Capodecina John Cappello and Soldiers Dominick Lepore, Ernest Perricone, the Piccolo brothers Anthony, Joseph and Michael, as well as Rugnetta's in-law Santo Romeo. Rugnetta and Lepore were ordered to return with counsel the following day.

In November 1976 Dominic was noted as handling his ailing and bedridden uncle Joe's gambling and loansharking business, described by the CI as 'Calabrian in nature'. Joe died the following September.

By the early 1980s reported to Chester crew leader Santo 'Sam' Idone.

Made members of the Idone crew included Anthony Iacono, Jack Parisi, Santo Romeo, Dominic Rugnetta, Joseph Scalleat and Antonino Sciglitano.

In 1985 Rugnetta attended the annual Christmas party hosted by Family Boss Nicodemo 'Nicky' Scarfo at LaCucina restaurant in South Philadelphia. Additional attendees included Bruno Captain Philip Leonetti and Bruno Soldier Felix Bocchino.

In 1988 Dominic passed on ownership of the South Philly Grill to a son.

He died July 4, 2021 at age 97.


The Anthony Mangione entry has been updated with additional notes on Mangione's phone contacts as well as the identification of Joseph ...