Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Lucchese Family Membership List (1978) [Text]

Partial FBI list of Lucchese Family membership compiled around July 1978.

Suspected members were marked with asterisks.

Numbers, ranks (taken from a May 1978 report) and ages have been added but nicknames and spellings are from the original source.

Members / Suspected Members

1. Abate, Joseph 'Pentuch'

2. Abinanti, Pietro 'Pete the Killer'

3. [Redacted; Anthony Accetturo] (Listed as Capodecina in May 1978 chart but position still held by Joseph Abate)

4. Alberti, Philip 'Phil Russo'

*5. Amuso, Robert V. 'Bobby'

6. Arra, Nunzio Frank 'Frank Arra'

*7. Baratta, Anthony 'Tony Baretta'

*8. Baratta, Michael 'Mikey Bowat' (Gambino Member?)

*9. Baratta, Peter 'Petey Bowat' (Gambino Member?)

10. Bellino, Frank 'Frankie Hart'

11. Belmont, Vincent 'Vincent Belmonte'

12. Bonina, Nicholas 'Little Nicky'

13. Capra, Joseph 'Joe Capp' (Capodecina)

14. Caputo, John Sr. 'J.C.' (Genovese Member?)

15. Carlino, Charles Salvatore

16. [Redacted] (Likely Anthony 'Gaspipe' Casso)

[Page Missing]

17. DioGuardi, John 'Johnny Dio'

18. DioGuardi, Thomas 'Tommy Dio'

19. DiPalermo, Charles 'Charlie Beck'

20. DiPalermo, Joseph 'Little Joe Beck' (Capodecina)

21. DiPalermo, Peter 'Petey Beck'

22. DiSimone, Andrew 'Andy'

23. [Redacted] (Likely Salvatore 'Sally Bo' DiSimone)

24. Facciolo, Bruno J. 'Nick Russo'

25. [Redacted]

26. Foceri, Luigi 'Louie Beans' (Capodecina)

27. Foceri, Vincenzo 'Vinnie Beans' (Consigliere)

28. Frangipane, Joseph 'Joe Pippinette'

29. [Redacted; Chris Furnari] (Capodecina)

30. Giampaolo, Ciro 'Charlie the Baker'

*31. [Redacted] (Likely Frank Gioia)

32. Graffagnino, Salvatore 'Blackie'

33. Lagano, Frank

34. LaMela, John (sic; DeCavalcante Member)

35. Laratro, Joseph 'Joey Narrows'

36. Latella, Daniel 'Daniel Squire'

37. Lazzaro, Carmelo 'Carmine Lazzaro'

38. Lessa, Nicola 'Nick Lessa'

39. Lo Cascio, Carmine 'Willie Brown' (Capodecina)

40. [Redacted] (Likely Paolo 'Paulie the Zip' LoDuca)

41. Lo Pinto, Anthony

42. Luchese, Joseph 'Joe Brown'

43. Macaluso, Mariano 'Mac'

44. Mancuso, Thomas James 'T-Ball'

45. Maneri, Salvatore (Died 2.78)

*46. Mangiapane, Frank

47. Manzo, Frank 'Frank The Wop'

48. Marone, Joseph 'Joseph Marino'

*49. Mazzocchi, Paul J. 'Paulie Red'

*50. Migliore, Aniello 'Neil Joseph'

*51. [Redacted]

52. Nuccio, Frank

53. Nuccio, Salvatore John

54. Nuccio, Vincent

55. Panica, Vito Giuseppe

*56. Paolucci, Salvatore J. 'Sal'

57. Piazza, Joseph 'Anthony Zita' (Genovese Member?)

58. Pizzolato, Leonard 'Lenny Pizzolato'

59. Pizzolato, Vito

60. Porcelli, Anthony 'Porky' (sic; Gambino Member)

61. Rao, Vincent John 'Vinnie'

62. Reina, Giacomo 'Henry Reit'

63. [Redacted] (Likely Anthony 'Curly' Russo)

64. Ruvolo, Charles 'Charlie Prunes'

*65. Salvietti, John Michael 'Johnny Small'

66. Santora, Salvatore Anthony 'Tom Mix' (Underboss)

67. Shillitani, Salvatore 'Sally Shields'

68. [Redacted] (Likely John 'Johnny Brody' Sorrentino)

*69. Taccetta, Martin 'Mad Dog'

70. [Redacted] [Likely Michael Taccetta]

71. Tortorello, Anthony 'Tuttie'

72. Tramunti, Carmine Paul 'Mr. Gribs' (Boss)

[Missing Final Page]

There are a total of 72 members and suspected members listed on the available pages.

John LaMela and Anthony Porcelli were members of other Families, bringing the baseline to 70.

(Michael and Peter Baratta have been named as members in both the Gambino and the Lucchese Families. One October 1983 FBI report lists Michael Baratta as a Gambino Soldier under Joseph Armone. A report from the following week places him instead with the Luccheses.)

There are at least thirty-five confirmed members absent from the available pages:

- Avellino, Salvatore

- Barbara, Peter
- Borelli, Frank 'Frank the Hawk'

- Capra, Daniel 'Danny Hogan'
- Castaldi, Anthony 'Tony Higgins' (Capodecina)
- Castaldi, Samuel 'Sammy Bones'
- Cavalieri, Samuel 'Big Sam'
- Ciccone, Anthony 'Tony Moon'
- Ciccone, Salvatore 'Sal the Sailor'
- Ciraulo, Vincent 'Jimmy 92'
- Coco, Ettore 'Eddie'
- Conti, John
- Corallo, Antonio 'Tony Ducks' (Acting Boss)
- Curiale, Alfonso 'Foo'
- Curiale, Salvatore 'Don Turi'

- Defendis, Angelo
- DeSaverio, Martin 'Jinx'
- DiDonato, Thomas
- DiLapi, Anthony

- Giammona, Eustachio 'Leo the Zip'
- Grio, Anthony (Likely on final missing page as 'Anthony Vadala')

- LaRosa, Michael
- LoGiudice, Emmanuele 'Manny from Miami'

- Magistro, Frank

- Pappadio, Michael
- Pellegrino, Salvatore 'Sal the Barber'
- Perna, Michael
- Pinto, Antonio

- Sacco, Luigi
- Sacco, Rosario
- Schiavo, Joseph 'Joe Reese'

- Tuso, Charles

- Urgitano, Angelo 'Cheesecake'
- Vario, Paul (Capodecina)
- Vintaloro, James 'Jimmy the Sniff'

This brings the baseline estimate to 105.

There are several additional names that could probably be added, along with an indeterminate number of unknowns who escaped law enforcement attention.